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Tag Archives: election

Prayer echoes through Washington as march and rally fills National Mall

Thousands of Christians from across the nation gathered for prayer and rally at the National Mall in Washington D.C. on Saturday. Estimates put the number at anywhere between 10,000 and 20,000 people. ...

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Liberal Christian group releases pro-Biden poll but ignores real news

As many as 11 percent of Evangelical and Catholic voters in swing states could switch from voting for President Trump to Joe Biden, according to a poll by Vote Common Good, a ...

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Catholics mobilize with $10 million to defeat Joe Biden

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is courting voters of faith despite policies that go against key teachings of his fellow Catholics. Now a Catholic group is launching a multimillion-dollar effort to educate ...

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Nicole Galloway accused of breaking state election laws

Missouri State Auditor Nicole Galloway misused tax dollars for her gubernatorial campaign, according to a complaint filed with the Secretary of State. The complaint was made by Liberty Alliance USA last week to Missouri ...

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Federal Court strikes down all Pennsylvania state covid restrictions

In a ruling that has far-reaching implications for the entire nation, a federal judge has ruled all state-imposed pandemic restrictions in Pennsylvania are unconstitutional. Thrown out are Democrat Gov. Tom Wolf’s closing ...

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Colorado sues to block USPS postcards informing voters to return ballots early

usps postcard

A judge granted a temporary restraining order Saturday evening in favor of Democrats in Colorado. Democrats had filed suit to prevent the US Postal Service (USPS) from mailing postcards encouraging residents to ...

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Mike Pence shares he was once a Democrat but left over pro-life issues

The upcoming presidential election is critical for the pro-life movement, Vice President Mike Pence said. He said the pro-life cause is “winning in America” and that the nation is on the cusp ...

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Pro-life ‘rock stars’ fill list of Supreme Court nominees

President Donald Trump on Sept. 9 released an expanded list of individuals he is considering for the next vacancy on the Supreme Court. Court watchers and pro-life leaders say the list includes ...

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Worldview of Americans correlates to biblical perspective, survey finds

Being a Christian has a profound impact on a person’s worldview, a new survey found. Ninety-eight percent of American adults who choose socialism over capitalism oppose a biblical worldview, according to the ...

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Communist group to hold anti-Trump rally in Kansas City, other metros on Saturday

communist kansas city

Kansas City is one of more than 20 U.S. cities targeted by communist groups for anti-Trump rallies this Saturday. The event is scheduled for noon at 47th and Main Streets at the ...

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‘I pointed him to Jesus’: Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson on meeting Trump

“Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson has revealed in a podcast interview the fascinating moment he shared the gospel with President Donald Trump.In the interview, Robertson says that he is confident the commander-in-chief ...

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Why Kenosha may matter in November

Of all the riots that have gone unchecked in the country this summer, the one in Kenosha, Wisconsin, might matter most with regard to the November presidential election. The vivid imagery in ...

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Republican voters twice as likely to conceal presidential preference from pollsters

Are Trump supporters punking the pollsters? Probably, as Presidential polls may be undercounting Republican and independent voters, who are twice as likely as Democrats to conceal their preference, a recent survey found. ...

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Don’t ‘advance abortions,’ Christian leaders tell voters

abortions voters

Protestant and Catholic leaders are unifying their message to Christian voters for the upcoming election. “Embrace the Gospel of Life,” Archbishop Samuel Aquila is urging Americans. He made the comments after the ...

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Poll shows Presidential race tightening in six swing states

swing states

Joe Biden is losing ground after the Democrat convention failed to produce a bump and the Republican convention gave President Donald Trump a big boost. In several polls, Trump is gaining ground ...

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At convention, Trump pardons Jon Ponder who founded prison ministry

Former bank robber and now Christian ministry founder Jon Ponder was pardoned by President Donald Trump on the second night of the Republican National Convention. The emotional moment came as the President ...

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White House coronavirus expert Dr. Birx says let churches meet and people vote in person


Churches in California and elsewhere that want to meet indoors have an ally in Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House Coronavirus Task Force coordinator. Birx told cable channel CBN News that she ...

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Nikki Haley, Herschel Walker wow viewers of Republican Convention

‘America, Land of Promise’: Republicans Celebrate Trump’s Achievements on First Republicans celebrated President Donald Trump’s first term achievements, and praised American ideals and freedoms on the first night of the Republican National Convention. From ...

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Mail carrier sentenced for stealing, opening mail


Another incident dealing with a US mail carrier is giving voters doubts about mail-in voting. A contract carrier of the U.S. Postal service was sentenced Wednesday for stealing mail. U.S. District Judge ...

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What you need to know about mail-in voting debate


Recent incidents of massive mail-in vote problems continue to give many Americans on both sides of aisle reason to worry. When twenty percent of all mail-in votes in New Jersey’s third largest ...

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Study of 100 British schools shows ‘very little evidence that the virus is transmitted in schools’

Imagine state governments announcing they plan to shut down schools until there is a cure for breast cancer. That is essentially the logic they are employing to shut schools because of a ...

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Graham calls on Christians to descend on Washington for prayer march

graham march

Franklin Graham is calling for hundreds of thousands of believers and their pastors and churches to join him for “Prayer March 2020” in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 26. “Our nation is in ...

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Evangelicals for Trump event warns of radical Democrat agenda

Leading evangelicals spoke about the upcoming presidential election at an event called “Evangelicals For Trump — Praise, Prayer and Patriotism,” which was held in July in Alpharetta, Ga. The event featured prominent ...

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Trump may bypass Democrats, issue unemployment order; also require preexisting conditions to be covered by insurance

President Trump said on Friday he could sign executive orders within a week that would extend unemployment benefits that expired on July 31, and that he will also sign an executive order ...

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Missouri voters pass expensive Medicaid expansion

Amendment 2, which expands Medicaid in Missouri to people who could otherwise work, was approved by Missouri voters Tuesday. The State Auditor’s Office estimated 250,000 Missourians will be added to the state-funded ...

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