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Tag Archives: gender

‘Commitment to America’ outlines Republican goals after election

Republicans are hoping a new agenda, to be enacted should they take control of Congress in November, will motivate the party faithful and independents to actually vote. “Commitment to America,” a multi-point ...

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Virginia passes new guidelines reining in school districts over controversial gender policies

Virginia is pushing back against school districts with what supporters say is a common sense approach to gender. The state released new transgender student guidelines on Sept. 16 in response to growing ...

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Wife of country star Jason Aldean stands firm on criticizing  gender transition for kids


Brittany Aldean, the wife of country music singer Jason Aldean, is not backing down from comments she made opposing gender transitions for children. “I’d really like to thank my parents for not ...

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Chileans vote to reject new left wing constitution

Chileans have voted overwhelmingly to reject a new constitution that would have lurched the country to the left on gender, climate change and other social issues. More than 13 million citizens of ...

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Black Conservative Summit to address family breakdown

Ben Carson, the famed neurosurgeon and former secretary of Housing and Urban Development, will headline the upcoming Black Conservative Summit. The summit’s theme, “How to Fix Black America,”  will serve as “a ...

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Florida Christian school remains true to biblical values despite death threats

school threats

Despite death threats against its leaders, a private Christian school in Florida remains committed to biblical sexual values. “If I backed down from something like this, I’m abandoning what God has said ...

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Facebook reverses censorship of post that men can’t get pregnant

facebook pregnant

Facebook has reversed its decision to censor an independent think tank group that posted men can’t get pregnant. The social media giant claimed it was an “error” following public backlash despite initially ...

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House Democrats plan series of votes on variety of social issues this week

Democratic leaders in the U.S. House plan to hold several votes this week to put members on the record about controversial issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage. They are even voting ...

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War on science: Anthropologists pressured to stop labeling remains ‘male’ or ‘female’


Anthropologists are being pressured to stop identifying human remains as “male” or “female.” LGBT activists say scientists can not know how ancient individuals “identified” themselves. Emma Palladino used her Twitter account earlier ...

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G-7 creates $600 billion global plan to counter China’s ‘debt trap’


The Group of Seven (G-7) nations are confronting China head-on with $600 billion for a global infrastructure program.  The new initiative, spread out over 5 years, will serve as a “positive alternative” ...

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School district drops investigation of kids ‘mispronouning’

A month-long investigation of three eighth-graders who used biologically correct pronouns has ended. They were accused of “mispronouning.” The boys had been charged by a Wisconsin school district of harassment for not ...

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Biden to overturn Trump conscience clause on abortions

Bowing to pressure from pro-abortion groups, the Biden administration is ending the Trump administration’s religious conscience rule over the abortion issue. The rule, which had been heralded by religious liberty advocates and ...

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Americans less likely to support Disney after its opposition to Florida parental rights law

Disney may pay a steep price for opposing Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Act. Nearly seven in 10 likely American voters said they are less likely to do business with Disney as ...

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Florida governor sets record straight on bill regarding gender issue in schools

The media and opponents continue to misconstrue the new Florida bill regarding gender issues. “Critics call it the Don’t Say Gay bill,” said a reporter to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. “Does it say ...

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Kansas teacher sues district after punishment for not using student’s preferred pronouns

kansas pronouns

A Kansas school district is accused of suspending and reprimanding a teacher for “discrimination and harassment” after she refused to use a student’s preferred first name and gender pronouns. The teacher also ...

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Twitter restores Vicky Hartzler’s Twitter account after her suspension for supporting women’s sports

sports twitter

Twitter has restored access Missouri Congresswoman and Senate candidate Vicky Hartzler. She had been suspended after her tweet defending women’s sports (below). The social media giant said the tweet constituted “hateful conduct” ...

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Kansas City speaker cancelled by Christian college for sharing biblical truths about sexuality

kansas city christian

A Christian college in Massachusetts cancelled three planned talks by a Kansas City speaker after students called his remarks misogynist and transphobic. Marvin Daniels, executive director of The Hope Center, spoke on ...

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Black Lives Matter puts “disrupting nuclear families” in school curriculum

The Black Lives Matter organization remains busy as it has lost all of the support it gained in 2020. Now it’s going after kindergarteners. Students across the country as young as kindergarten-age ...

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U.S. pastors fear Canadian law that jails pastors, counselors over Bible teaching

Pastors across North America are concerned about a new Canadian law that could effectively make it a crime to affirm biblical teaching about sexual morality. The controversial legislation went into effect January ...

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Blue Springs School District must pay $4 million in lawsuit by transgender student

springs transgender

The Blue Springs School District must pay more than $4 million in damages to a transgender student after it did not allow the biologically female student to use the boys’ restrooms and ...

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Religious discrimination lawsuits cost University of Iowa nearly $2 million

The University of Iowa will pay nearly $2 million to settle religious discrimination lawsuits field by InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and Business Leaders in Christ. The settlement is another example of Christians standing ...

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College of the Ozarks resumes battle over Biden campus dorm, shower policy

ozarks showers

The College of the Ozarks near Branson was back in court last week seeking to preserve the school’s longstanding belief that men and women should be housed separately on campus and use ...

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College of the Ozarks fighting policy that mandates coed housing

dorm rooms supreme ozarks

The College of the Ozarks near Branson is leading a fight over government policy prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. The Biden policy forces colleges, including private Christian colleges, ...

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Are sex and gender the same thing?

It has become a common assumption today that sex and gender are two different things. The new gender orthodoxy simplistically asserts, “Sex is what’s between your legs. Gender is what’s between your ...

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VA Supreme Court: Public School wrongly suspended teacher who criticized gender rules

virginia teacher

The Virginia Supreme Court issued an order reaffirming that a school teacher was wrongly suspended for objecting to new gender pronoun policies in his school district. The ruling supports a lower court’s ...

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