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Tag Archives: immigration

Dr. James Dobson visits border, blames media, Dems for crisis


While the Trump administration continues to ask Congress for funds to deal with overcrowded migrant camps along the southern border, one Christian leader says media reports aren’t telling the whole story. Focus ...

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New Zealand gov’t website replaces Israel with ‘Palestine’

An official New Zealand government webpage about immigration has come under fire for displaying an inaccurate and distorted fact sheet that eliminated Israel. The site’s map of the Middle East showed the ...

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‘It was like Hell’: Migrants stepping over dead bodies on journey

PANAMA – What started out as caravans of migrants winding their way north from Latin America has become an unbroken pipeline of people seeking to move to the United States. The vast ...

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Pelosi ‘deeply disappointed’ migrants will stay in Mexico

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) responded to the June 8 announcement that the United States and Mexico had reached an agreement on immigration, saying, “We are deeply disappointed by the administration’s expansion of its failed ...

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ISIS plot to cross southern border discovered

WASHINGTON – Mexican officials are back at the State Department trying to stave off President Trump’s threat of tariffs. This comes as America’s border agents face a historic influx of migrants and ...

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Pope donates $500,000 to help migrant caravans

Migrants making their way towards the US are getting help from the Vatican. Pope Francis has donated $500,000  to help migrant caravans as they make their way towards the US border. The ...

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Has Cher had an awakening on illegals? “State can’t take care of it’s own…how can it take care of more?”

Recent comments by legendary singer Cher have many wondering if she has had an awakening of some sort. Cher took to Twitter on Sunday to make this point: “I Understand Helping struggling ...

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Kobach to Trump: You do not need Congress to immediately solve immigration crisis

Former Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach says that despite claims by Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, President Trump does not need Congress to stem the tide of booming ...

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Sarah Palin says McCain family gave her ‘gut punch’ in wake of senator’s death

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin revealed Monday that not being invited to the funeral of Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona was like a “gut punch.” Palin, who was McCain’s running mate in the ...

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Police Chief refuses to aid ICE: ‘I don’t care if you have papers or don’t have papers’

A proposed state law that would require Florida police to cooperate with immigration officials was trashed Friday by Miami’s police chief. “The truth is I’d prefer not to have this job if ...

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God’s position on immigration and borders? Go to the Bible

As the country continues debating the issues of immigration and borders, the head of a network of pastors says the subjects also need to be addressed from the pulpit. Sam Rohrer, president ...

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Trump gets 92% negative media coverage but his approval rating is clobbering Obama’s

In spite of overt animosity by the media toward President Donald Trump, the president still draws support from a significant portion of the American people, in greater numbers than former President Barack ...

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National emergency declared on nation’s southern border

President Donald Trump declared a national emergency on Feb. 15 to address the humanitarian crisis on the southwest border and secure funds for border-wall construction. The emergency declaration, combined with a spending ...

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Judge rules citizenship question may remain on Census

A federal judge has rejected an activist group’s request to prevent the Trump administration from asking 2020 Census respondents about their citizenship status. In recent decades, Democrats and Republicans have fought bitterly ...

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New border wall in Israel has cut illegal immigration to zero

Eight years ago, Israel faced its own border security crisis when thousands of Africans from nations such as Sudan, Ethiopia and Eritrea came across its southern border.  By 2012, more than 50,000 ...

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Muslim woman flees domestic abuse, finds Christ and new calling

No one would have thought a Muslim woman in Iran who was simply trying to stay alive in an abusive marriage would one day lead two churches in Sweden, bring more than ...

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Thousands turn out in Poland for murdered mayor

After the Christian mayor of a famous city in Poland died last week, the Jewish community around the world is mourning his loss.  Paweł Adamowicz died after an attacker stabbed him at ...

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Transcript of the President’s Saturday address

Most Americans were unaware that President Trump spoke to the nation Saturday afternoon. Metro Voice was provided a copy of the address by the White House. In our effort to bring you ...

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Undocumented immigrants cost U.S. $113 Billion annually, averaging over 2 billion per state

The cost of illegal immigrants on the U.S. is severe, according to a new report which finds that illegal aliens cost us all $113 billion a year. The Federation for American Immigration ...

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Poll: Majority of voters agree with Trump, call porous border a ‘crisis’

The establishment media and elected Democrats have failed to convince the American public that mass illegal immigration, human trafficking and drug trafficking at the United States-Mexico border is a “manufactured crisis,” a ...

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Evangelical leader sends letter to President on immigration and border

immigration and border

Many in the faith community strongly support President Trump’s immigration and border efforts to stem the deadly flow of addictive and poisonous drugs into the nation, and to curtail the infiltration of ...

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NPR: The case for expanded “Border Barrier”

NPR has issued a report on what the experts at the Border Patrol are requesting for the border. The request made through the President for border security includes more than just additional physical barriers: ...

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National emergency may soon be declared by President

President Trump is expected to soon declare a national emergency over the humanitarian crisis at the nation’s border with Mexico. In 2018, 400,000 individuals illegally entered the country. A number, say experts, ...

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The unedited border wall address by President Trump


As part of our continuing effort to bring you information unfiltered by the national media, below is the transcript of President Trump’s address on the border wall and the immigration crisis.  For ...

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Unedited Democrat response to Trump Oval Office address

In our continuing effort to bring you news that is unfiltered by the national media, below is the transcript of the Democrat response to President Trump by Senator Chuck Schumer and Congresswoman ...

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