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Tag Archives: Israel

Unprecedented: Israel is headed towards a third election

israel election

Israel is on the verge of having its third election in less than nine months after Avigdor Lieberman refused to endorse a candidate for prime minister. Lieberman, who is the leader of ...

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Catholicism, commitment to Israel help define faith of Democrat Joe Biden

Although Elizabeth Warren and others are gaining momentum, former Vice President Joe Biden remains a weak frontrunner for the Democrat Party’s presidential nomination. As opposed to previous elections where most Democrat candidates ...

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Nikki Haley: Tillerson tried to recruit me to ‘resist’ Trump

Nikki Haley, the former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, has revealed that Rex Tillerson and another senior adviser were working to destroy the president’s agenda and attempted to recruit her in ...

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Lifeway polls African Americans on Israel, religion and the media

American Jews and African Americans often worked side by side during the civil rights movement. They were joined by Republicans who supported civil rights legislation while many Democrats in Congress opposed it. ...

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Iran’s Revolutionary Guard honors fallen Jewish soldiers from war with Iraq

There is no love lost between Iran and Israel but a recent ceremony highlighted a little-known fact about Iranian Jews. Members of the Iranian Jewish community along with the Revolutionary Guards and ...

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Israeli embassies worldwide shut down in strike against own government

Israeli embassies and consulates around the world shut down Wednesday until further notice due to an ongoing dispute with Israel’s Finance Ministry over funding for Israeli diplomats abroad. Israeli diplomats and other ...

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Drinking water out of thin air: technology changing poor villages around the world

Poor and neglected towns around the world now have access to clean drinking water. And, it’s appearing out of thin air. After a decade of development, a company called “Watergen” has created ...

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Jerusalem street on which Jesus walked, and built by Pontius Pilate, now open to public

Pontius Pilate has gone down in history for his role in the crucifixion of Jesus. However, archaeologists recently found that he also invested time and money in building the infrastructure of Jerusalem ...

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Facebook cracks down on anti-Israel pages based in Iran

Facebook has removed pages originating in Iran and Russia that aimed to stir up anti-Israel sentiment and hatred of Jews on the social media platform.  Nathaniel Gleichery, head of Cybersecurity Policy for ...

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After Netanyahu fails to form coalition, task falls to his bitter rival Gantz

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has announced he cannot muster the votes to form a coalition and returned the mandate to Israeli President Reuven Rivlin. Now, Blue and White party leader and ...

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Sen. Elizabeth Warren would punish Israel by withholding aid

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) has admitted she would punish America’s strongest ally in the Middle East. The presidential candidate said she would withhold aid from Israel over its support of Jewish communities ...

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‘Fulfillment of prophecy,’ say Christians in Israel celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles

Tens of thousands of Christians from around the world are in Israel this week as Jews celebrate the biblical feast of Sukkot. Many of the Christian believers have come to see prophecy ...

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Gal ‘Wonder Woman’ Gadot will star in movie about Christian Holocaust heroine


The movie Schindler’s List won critical acclaim for telling the story of Oscar Schindler, who saved the lives of more than 1,000 Jews during the Holocaust. Now, Israeli Gal Gadot, who rose ...

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Israeli Arab plumbers show act of kindness to Holocaust survivor

arab plumbers

JERUSALEM, Israel – Peace often begins with a small act of kindness. While the media tends to focus on conflict in the Middle East in general and the Jewish–Arab conflict in particular, ...

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In unprecedented gesture, Saudi Arabia sends Rosh Hashana greetings to Jews

One of the most under-reported accomplishments of the Trump administration is the exhaustive work on behalf of improving relations between Israel and its Arab neighbors. Those efforts continue to produce fruit such ...

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Dwight and Anita Widaman to talk about Israel at October 12 event


Metro Voice publishers Dwight and Anita Widaman will be the guests of Calvary Baptist Church – Independence on Saturday, Oct. 12 for a special presentation titled, “Israel–See Beyond.” The free event will ...

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Demi Lovato shares photos of baptism in Jordan River and ‘magical’ visit to Israel

Who can pass up a chance to visit the places mentioned in the Bible? When the opportunity arose for singer and actress Demi Lovato to visit Israel she said yes to what ...

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News Briefs: Pompeo subpoenaed; Hong Kong protester shot; Whistleblower form mysteriously changed;

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Here’s today’s news briefs: Pompeo to testify before Congress Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was among the officials who listened in on the July 25 phone call between President Trump and Ukraine’s ...

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Facebook refused to shut down page of Fatah even after it encouraged terrorism


A Facebook page promoting terrorism and glorifying the murder of Israeli citizens has been shut down but not by the social media giant.  Despite complaints, Facebook took no action and instead suggested ...

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Universities promoting Islam to students may lose taxpayer funds

After having been caught spreading lies and misinformation through a government-funded education program, Duke University and the University of North Carolina have run out of time to keep that program’s multi-million dollar ...

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At UN, Israeli mother pleas for return of son’s remains held by Hamas

Leah Goldin, the mother of Israeli soldier Hadar Goldin whose remains are being held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip, addressed the U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva on Monday. In her ...

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Archaeologists find evidence for ancient kingdom of Edom


Archaeology continues to confirm what was written in the Bible thousands of years ago. Researchers in Israel recently found new evidence about the ancient kingdom of Edom. “Using technological evolution as a ...

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Has Israel invented how future cars will be built?


Automotive companies are slow to change. The basic design of the automobile has not really changed in over 120 years. Now, thanks to an Israeli start-up, cars are about to look, and ...

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Time to tell Palestinian Arabs the truth

It’s time for some hard truth for Palestinians. In late August, an innocent teenager, Rina Shnerb, became the latest Israeli to die in a Palestinian terrorist attack. Her father and brother were ...

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Is this a seal from the household of King David?


Did archaeologists just identify an ancient seal from the ring used by one of the sons of King David in a pile of dirt? That’s what experts believe. A 2,600-year-old bulla, or seal, ...

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