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Tag Archives: jewish

Seventy-one years ago, the UN partitioned Palestine

Seventy-one years ago the United Nations passed Resolution 181 which called for the partition of British-ruled Palestine into a Jewish state and an Arab state (back then Jews living in the Holy ...

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This muslim nation lives in peace with Jewish, Christian minorities

Is it possible for Muslims, Christians and Jews to live peaceably together? Most would say no but one Central Asian nation is proving them wrong. Rev. Johnnie Moore, founder of the interdenominational ...

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Airbnb enters West Bank dispute, removes Jewish listings

The popular hospitality service Airbnb has picked sides when the company announced it would not allow listings in Judea and Samaria, both of which are nestled in a disputed swath of land ...

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When people hate Jews, they hate who Jesus is

On the Jewish Sabbath last week, an anti-Semitic terrorist filled with hate murdered eleven worshippers within Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life Synagogue. It is being called the deadliest attack on Jewish people in ...

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Memorial to Jewish victims brings communities together but includes politics


The Jewish community was joined by a contingent of Christians Monday night at a memorial service for the victims of the Pittsburgh synagogue attack. The vigil, held at Kihilath Israel Synagogue in ...

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Israeli leaders offer prayers after synagogue attack

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned the attack on Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue Saturday. “I was heartbroken and appalled by the murderous attack on a Pittsburgh synagogue today,” Netanyahu said in ...

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Observing Biblical ‘time’ thru the High Holy Days

We live in a highly frenzied world where order has been gobbled up by “the tyranny of the urgent”. The possibility of personal peace endlessly eludes us? We ask, “How can I ...

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Jewish Community Center and Kansas City Christian will share baseball field

It will be Opening Day at the Jewish Community Center of Greater Kansas City, known as The J, when it officially opens its new expanded baseball field. A formal dedication and ribbon-cutting ...

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Busy year for improved U.S., Israel relations

U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley is proving to be a powerhouse on the diplomatic front. She has emerged as the most vociferous supporter of Israel in the last 50 years. 2017 saw many ...

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Is Hanukkah the Jewish Christmas?

I grew up a nice Jewish boy in Brooklyn, New York. When late December arrived it brought some interesting challenges. Why? My family owned a toy store! I knew little about Christmas, ...

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Local Jewish writer on why she remembers the Holocaust

Last spring, in anticipation of the first annual March of Remembrance, I was given the honor of interviewing Sonia Warshawski, a Polish Holocaust survivor. Below is an abbreviated version of the interview ...

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