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Tag Archives: kennedy

Daily News Briefs: Missouri tornadoes; Libertarians; Actor killed; Shipwreck

missouri tornadoes

Tornadoes hit Missouri, other states Sunday night Tornadoes swept across the region Sunday night with at least 24 dead. The Ozarks of Missouri and Arkansas were particularly hit hard. Texas, Kentucky, Oklahoma ...

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Americans on right and left agree over how quickly donations should be used

Political partisanship is a powerful dividing line, but a new survey shows widespread agreement on the need for changes in how quickly charitable foundations and donor advised funds put donations to work. ...

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Justices Thomas and Alito criticize Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage


The opening day of the new Supreme Court session had a few fireworks. Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito criticized the decision to turn down a case involving a county clerk who ...

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Forget the polls as political science professor says Trump headed for a landslide

Four years ago national polls showed Hillary Clinton 12 points ahead of then candidate Donald Trump. On election day, Trump won in an electoral college landslide. Fast forward to 2020 and polls ...

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Poll: Trump September approval shoots up to 49%


While Democrats ramp up efforts to impeach President Donald Trump, a September Gallup poll and new Harris poll may give them pause as his approval rating skyrockets. A Harris poll released today ...

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Could Billy Graham see the future in 1962?

1962 graham statue

Thanksgiving is one of the most special family times of the year. The roads are packed with travelers, and the airlines are at full capacity as grandparents and parents and children and ...

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Trump’s personal message to the Kavanaugh daughters

During the Supreme Court swearing in ceremony Monday night in front of a nationwide televised audience, President Trump delivered a special message to Brett Kavanaugh’s daughters. The two girls, who had attended ...

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Film ‘Chappaquiddick’ looks at Kennedy family and the privilege of power

While faith-based movies have been doing extremely well, a new movie slated to release this weekend tells the story of the deadly 1969 car accident with Sen. Ted Kennedy. Kennedy survived, but ...

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