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Tag Archives: lockdowns

World Health Organization criticizes politicians talking of ‘new’ virus in Britain

According to news service Rueters, the World Health Organization has warned politicians and health officials about false claims there’s a new and more deadly Covid virus. The WHO stated the virus in ...

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Survey: 66% of all nursing homes at risk of closing

A new survey conducted by the American Health Care Association and National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL) has returned startling results. Nursing home providers across the U.S. state the majority are at ...

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John MacArthur: church lockdowns could usher the Antichrist

macarthur antichrist

Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, Calif., has been ground zero in the battle over COVID-19 restrictions. Pastor and author John MacArthur said today’s world, with a virus spreading through every country ...

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Where each state stands on lockdowns and restrictions

Just in time for Christmas, state governors and local authorities are re-instituting full or partial lockdowns. The actions come as several lawsuits, claiming they are unconstitutional, wind their way through the nation’s ...

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Thanksgiving gathering guidelines reveal an astonishing level of government overreach

thanksgiving overreach

When we get to the point where individuals find it “natural” for the government to tell us how to take turns eating our Thanksgiving turkey, a pandemic is the least of our ...

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Biden: no lockdown as scientists sign letter warning of their dangers

biden lockdown

As 50,000 scientists and doctors sign an open letter against lockdowns, Joe Biden said Thursday that he would not try to impose a nationwide lockdown. He went on to say that a ...

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How to NOT Have a Blue, Blue, Blue Christmas

blue christmas

Since long before Elvis Presley first crooned those famous lyrics in 1957, Thanksgiving through the New Year has been a lonely reality for many who feel that “you might be doing all ...

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Newsom, Pelosi scramble after caught breaking distancing rules

Democrat leaders Gavin Newsom and Nancy Pelosi are being called out for hypocrisy over COVID distancing restrictions they’ve put in place. On Friday, Newsom, the Governor of California, apologized for joining in ...

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Fill The Stadium outreach offers hope to children in poverty

A determined community of athletes and influencers are advocating for the needs of children living in desperate poverty around the globe. The pressing need has grown as coronavirus lockdowns around the world ...

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The Tide ministry finds long-term relationships help reach seekers during Covid-19

The needs brought on by COVID-19 restrictions have opened multiple doors for The Tide, a ministry that delivers the gospel to people in their native languages, to deepen relationships with people seeking ...

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Economy breaks all records, grows at 33 percent

The U.S. economy grew at an astounding rate this fall surpassing the previous record set in 1950.  Department of Commerce announced Oct. 29 that U.S. economic output in the third quarter grew ...

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California bans more than three families from gathering for Thanksgiving

thanksgiving california

For California, the real turkey this Thanksgiving may be restrictions put on even small family gatherings. The state’s Department of Public Health (DPH) recently released new “Guidance for Private Gatherings.” The October ...

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‘Let Us Worship’ event fills Kansas City with praise and prayer

worship kansas

Christians are still relishing the outdoor worship event held in Kansas City on Oct. 17. Sean Fuecht’s “Let Us Worship” was held at Mill Creek Park at the eastern entrance to The ...

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Study: Third of Covid-19 deaths cannot be attributed to the disease

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The Washington Examiner is reporting on a new study that has discovered that a third of U.S. COVID-19 deaths could not be directly attributed to the coronavirus. The data was obtained through ...

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Several Christian colleges lowering tuition in response to Covid-19

Ongoing Covid-19 restrictions on businesses and fear of the pandemic is putting a financial squeeze on many families. Several Christian colleges are helping out by rolling back tuition costs as enrollment takes ...

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WHO urges halt to lockdowns worldwide

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Stop using lockdowns to control the pandemic. That’s what the World Health Organization is now urging political leaders around the globe “We in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as ...

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Sen. Josh Hawley wants government to tackle mental health aspects of lockdowns

hawley health obama party statesman

The ongoing pandemic and accompanying lockdowns is taking a toll on the health of many Americans, U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri said. “This time has been extraordinarily hard on people from ...

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Study finds pets more important than ever during covid lockdowns

Lockdowns, depression and other consequences of the Covid pandemic are helping people to realize the special place their pets hold.  A new survey finds most pet owners say they’ve helped them get ...

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Republicans announce details of HEALS Act stimulus effort

As Democrats revive Congressional hearings over the now debunked Russian collusion theory, Senate Republicans have finished a second stimulus plan to nurture the economic expansion. The proposal aims to stimulate the economy ...

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Lockdowns may be permanently damaging mental health of children

As lockdowns ease, many parents are still wondering if they will be able to send their children to church camp or if they’ll continue to spend time in lockdown. With children already ...

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Heart attacks up 800% as 600 physicians warn lockdown worse than Covid-19

Statistics are now revealing in many communities, the rise in death from heart attacks now outpaces the number of Covid-19 deaths. That alarming news is the topic of a new grassroots organization ...

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