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Tag Archives: parents

Half-day seminar on gender issues, CRT will be July 16

Do you have questions about the current debate over gender issues or critical race theory? You can attend a free afternoon conference sponsored by Concerned Women for America of Missouri. The event ...

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Michael Youssef lays out plan to equip next generation for church challenges


As deconstruction, liberal theology and “woke” doctrine continue to invade the church, Michael Youssef, pastor of the Church of the Apostles in Atlanta, Georgia, is on a mission to instill truth in ...

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Predictable, consistent parents key to brain development in children

Scientists have long known that the experiences you have during infancy and childhood play an important role in shaping how your brain matures and how you behave as an adult. But figuring out why ...

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Pizza Hut facing boycott for pushing drag queen book on kids

Pizza Hut is facing a backlash from its customer base after it included a book about a child drag queen in its reading program for children. The recommendation was made as part ...

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Police response about fear of “being shot” at Texas school angers parents, nation

Anger is growing across the nation after more details emerge about the law enforcement response to the Texas School shooting. At the center of the outrage is a statement from a Texas Department ...

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Suspects arrested in sex trafficking of girl kidnapped at Mavericks game


A teen girl kidnapped when she went to the restroom at a Dallas Mavericks game is receiving medical and psychological treatment. She was rescued by police from an Oklahoma City motel. Surveillance ...

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Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly vetoes transgender sports ban, parental bill of rights

Governor Laura Kelly continues to come under heat after she vetoed multiple bills last week, including the “Parents’ Bill of Rights” and a transgender sports ban, the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act. The Fairness ...

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Students First Initiative promotes transparency in Missouri schools

Transparency in schools has become a hotly debated topic across the nation. Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt this week announced the launch of the Students First Initiative. Its goal is to create ...

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Former Disney child star Cole Sprouse outs company’s sexualization of actors

As criticism from within and without Disney grows over its objection to Florida’s anti-sexual grooming law, former Disney child star Cole Sprouse says he saw the sexualization of children first-hand. Sprouse, now ...

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After liberal San Francisco ousts 3 liberal school board members, movement grows

san francisco board

Parents continue to show their displeasure with out-of-touch school policies, even in liberal San Francisco. After voters recently overwhelmingly recalled three school board members, expressing their frustration with the board’s strict leftist ...

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Homeschooling expands across nation as schools push restrictive Covid policies

School restrictions and closures during the Covid pandemic continue to fuel a rapid rise in the prevalence of homeschooling. In the spring of 2020, around 5.4 percent of households in the United ...

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FBI continues to be mocked after originally claiming synagogue attack not connected to religion

The FBI continues to get heat this week after it alleged the hostage situation at a synagogue in Colleyville, Texas had nothing to do with religion. In a revised statement the FBI ...

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How one young woman brought ‘black minds’ to the school debate

Why ‘Black Minds Matter’ could be a game-changer for families in struggling schools. Growing up on the east side of Jacksonville, Florida, the daughter of a teenage mother, Denisha Merriweather was failing. ...

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Missouri Senate committee debates expanding charter schools

The Missouri Senate Education Committee is considering a bill that would allow charter schools to expand beyond just Kansas City and St. Louis, Missourinet reported. The bill comes as, for the first ...

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Biden administration forms domestic terrorism taskforce

The Biden administration Justice Department came under fire last year for referring to concerned parents as domestic terrorists. Now it has announced that it is forming a specialized unit dedicated to domestic ...

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Family rifts affect millions – here’s how to move toward reconciliation

family rifts

Family relationships are on many people’s minds during the holiday season as sounds and images of happy family celebrations dominate the media. Anyone whose experiences don’t live up to the holiday hype may find ...

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Parents’ rights, education have voters fired up for 2022 midterm elections

Voters will return to the polls next November, with the midterm elections being among the most highly anticipated in recent years. Much of that enthusiasm is being driven by parents. Although midterms ...

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Help children avoid Christmas emotional breakdowns

The Christmas season is an exciting time for children – perhaps a little too exciting at times. Christi Bergin, Ph.D., a developmental psychologist at the University of Missouri, shared advice for making ...

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Supreme Court hears arguments in school choice, parental rights case

schools court

The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday heard oral arguments in an important school choice case. Carson v. Makin challenges a Maine law that prohibits parents from using a state student-aid program if ...

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Attorney general proposes Parents’ Bill of Rights in Missouri

Parents’ rights have been at the forefront of the battle over critical race theory and school closings during the pandemic. Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt is encouraging lawmakers to pass a Parents’ ...

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LGBT compliance forced on Church daycares in Build Back Better plan

Child care provisions in President Biden’s massive Build Back Better plan will shut out Christian and other faith-based facilities that affirm traditional biblical doctrine. The controversy involves language within the House-passed bill ...

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Coming home: Foster kids return as young adults for the holidays

kids home

December may not yet be here, but the signs are clear: leaves are changing colors, kids are practicing their songs, and housedad Ken Parton has already begun decorating for Christmas. Preparations are ...

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Photo albums at Thanksgiving can engage elders struggling with memory

Alzheimer’s Awareness Month comes each November when families gather together for Thanksgiving. That time together often shines a light on loved ones struggling with memory loss. Over 5 million Americans suffer from ...

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Lawsuit accuses Springfield schools of avoiding scrutiny of curriculum and training

Springfield Public Schools are avoiding the Missouri Sunshine law to prevent scrutiny of its curriculum and training materials, Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt alleges in a lawsuit filed this week. The district ...

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FBI whistleblower: Agents using counterterrorism efforts against parents

A whistleblower has outed the FBI for using counterterrorism resources to investigate parents at school board meetings. The allegations were included in letter sent by Republican members of the House Judiciary this ...

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