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Tag Archives: pastors

John MacArthur urges pastors to preach on sexuality in response to new Canadian law

A new Canadian law effectively bans pastors from teaching that homosexuality and transgenderism are sins according to the Bible. C-4 unanimously passed both the House of Commons and the Senate before receiving ...

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Lifeway releases Telugu Bible developed, translated, printed and distributed by local Indian pastors


Tears fell and prayers rose as members of the “Telugu Study Bible” team saw their completed project for the first time on December 9, 2021. The “Telugu Study Bible” is a resource ...

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Leading pastors say churches need to teach Bible prophecy

Many Christians are turning to Bible prophecy to make sense of a fast-changing world. Pastors who choose not to preach on Bible prophecy are failing to teach 20 to 40 percent of ...

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Pastors question if they’ll unplug from online services after pandemic

Pastors Daniel Ying and Brad Bissell doubled as online TV preachers on YouTube during the coronavirus pandemic, preaching to video cameras and livestreaming into homes for months during the covid pandemic. And ...

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Pastors feeling overwhelmed, survey finds

More than six in 10 pastors of evangelical and historically black Protestant churches agree that “the role of being a pastor is frequently overwhelming,” with 21 percent strongly agreeing, a new Lifeway ...

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Did the purity movement miss the mark?


There is no doubt that many Christians were injured by the so-called Purity Culture movement, however well-intentioned it may have been. Some were under the misimpression that if they stayed pure before ...

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Younger pastors optimistic about denominations, older pastors not so much

A new survey finds that most pastors believe it is vital for their church to be part of a denomination but doubt the importance of those types of ties lasting another decade. ...

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Rick Warren to step down from church position

Influential Pastor Rick Warren is stepping down as lead pastor at Saddleback Church in California. “For 42 years, Kay and I have known this day would eventually arrive and we’ve been waiting ...

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Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church ordains first women pastors

saddleback women

Saddleback Church, the California-based megachurch founded by Pastor Rick Warren, continues to get criticism and praise for ordaining their first three women pastors. The church, affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention, announced ...

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Advice for churches to address cancel culture

Churches need to be prepared to handle the onslaught of cancel culture, a leading Christian media expert said. “As the controversial idea of becoming `woke’ pervades our culture, I’ve been getting more ...

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Sen. Warnock deletes Easter tweet that dowplayed death of Jesus

Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock has deleted an Easter tweet that downplayed the significance of the crucifixion of Jesus, saying we can “save ourselves.” The lawmaker’s tweet was immediately flooded with responses from ...

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Church boom? U.S. churchgoers say they’ll return after COVID


Churchgoers aren’t attending yet at pre-pandemic levels, but most say they value gathering with their congregation and are anxious to do so when the threat of COVID ends. A study of 1,000 Protestant ...

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Nearly half of protestant pastors hear conspiracy theories, church survey finds

Conspiracy theories are not new, nor is their spread in the church. A new study from Lifeway Research found that 49 percent of U.S. protestant pastors say they frequently hear members of ...

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Pastors now more skittish to preach on race

Pastors seem more reluctant to address issues of race in their congregations today than four years ago. According to a LifeWay Research study, 74% of pastors agree their congregation would welcome a sermon ...

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Pastors say pandemic economy still hurting congregations

After a few years of economic optimism, pastors say the pandemic economy is still hurting their congregation. The news comes as many cities across the U.S. still have restrictions in place for ...

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Arrests are an occupational hazard for pastors in India

india pastors

Arrests of pastors in India are an everyday  occurrence  and come on the back of growing religious nationalism, warns  Christian charity  Open Doors. Mahesh, a pastor in his early 50s, is troubled with constant false ...

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How should pastors be involved with elections and voting?

Pastor and church leader, do you anticipate encouraging your congregation in voting in the general election on November 3rd?  I hope every pastor and church leader will help make the Christian vote ...

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Israel Allies Foundation recognizes top 50 Christian allies


Franklin Graham, Michelle Bachman and John Hagee are among “Israel’s Top 50 Christian Allies” as selected by the Israel Allies Foundation. The list highlights pastors, business leaders and politicians who have “conveyed ...

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Poll: Pastors worried election will impact congregations

A poll of protestant pastors has found they’re worried that the 2020 election will have a negative impact on their church congregations. The news comes as faith is being used as a ...

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National Association of Evangelicals kicks off Bless Your Pastor campaign

bless your pastor

Being a pastor is challenging at any time but especially so during the current pandemic. Nine of 10 pastors in the United States are under financial pressure, and six of 10 churches ...

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Adultery: Pastors disagree over how long fellow pastors should stay out of the pulpit

pastors adultery

When a pastor commits adultery, most of their fellow pastors believe they should withdraw from public ministry for at least some time. A new survey of U.S. Protestant pastors by Nashville-based LifeWay Research finds ...

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Churchgoers concerned about impact of fallen leaders, survey finds

Several high-profile Christian leaders have abandoned or fallen away from their faith recently. Churchgoers are concerned about not only them but other people they may influence, according to a recent LifeWay research ...

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Inner city pastors seek solutions as murders spike

Pastors in the inner city continue to pray against violence as the murder toll climbs in Kansas City. Two more people were shot and killed over the July 4 weekend as the ...

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Minneapolis residents see “a spiritual war”

Racial injustice and unrest are a spiritual battle that must be fought with spiritual weapons, according to African-American leaders in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Earlier this month I visited Greater Friendship Missionary Baptist Church, ...

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Most churchgoers prefer shorter sermons, research finds

Pastors and their congregations have different options about the length of their sermons. Thirty-one percent of Protestant pastors say their sermons are less than 20 minutes, according to a new LifeWay Research ...

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