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Tag Archives: pharmaceuticals

Anxiety screening recommended for all U.S. adults 19 to 64


Controversial recommendations say all adults between 19 and 64 years of age should be screened for anxiety disorders. The proposal, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), is the first ...

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Communist China controls 80% of American drugs

china drugs

China this week implied it could hold the United States hostage over its control of drugs that millions of Americans depend on. The startling threat was met with anger by both Republicans ...

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The truth about the search for new drugs and the FDA

The FDA just greenlit a new treatment for osteoporosis, a therapy for advanced bladder cancer, and a pill that can cure smallpox. All of these discoveries were hard-won. Research for the osteoporosis ...

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Americans Fund Most of the World’s Drug Research. Here’s How Trump Can End That

President Trump recently released an ambitious, 44-page plan to drive down prescription drug prices. The blueprint relies, in part, on negotiating and enforcing trade deals to prevent other countries from freeloading off ...

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