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Tag Archives: political

Are liberal or conservative Christians more politically engaged?

Forget what you’ve heard about conservative Christians taking over the country. This study turns conventional wisdom on its head about who is really politically engaged. I like tweets like the one below ...

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Political agenda robs liberal comedy of its humor, Babylon Bee founder says

political comedy

Comedy that comes from the political left is no longer funny, according to CEO Seth Dillon of Babylon Bee. “I think one of the ways that they lost their sting was because ...

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John Piper cautions against “political flag waving” in election year

Liberty piper east political relationships

As the election season heats up, author and pastor John Piper cautions Christians against what he calls “political flag waving.” In a recent episode of the “Ask Pastor John” podcast, Piper, who ...

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Tucker Carlson leaves Fox; Don Lemon fired at CNN

Two longtime mainstays in cable news are leaving this week. Tucker Carlson’s departure was announced by Fox News, and Don Lemon announced Monday he was fired from CNN. Carlson’s last episode was ...

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PayPal stocks plunge after saying it will fine ‘misinformation’

paypal misinformation

Share prices for PayPal dropped more than 5% on Monday morning after a report from The Daily Wire highlighted the firm’s attempt to fine users $2,500 for spreading “misinformation” through the platform. The financial services ...

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CDC quietly cuts 25% of deaths from official data on children

Nearly 25% of all deaths of children attributed to Covid have now been removed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The new numbers for children were in addition to ...

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Navy SEALs sue President Biden after religious exemption denied

The Biden administration is being sued for denying religious vaccine exemptions to Navy SEALs. The vaccine mandate deadline is approaching for all service members and thousands are speaking out about their denial ...

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Study reveals Census undercount affects blue, red states differently

The 2020 Census may have missed more than a million people, according to a new study by the Urban Institute. While the report (pdf) revealed the undercount was “not as severe as ...

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‘The Iron Lady’ looks at public and personal struggles of Margaret Thatcher


The Soviet Union gave Margaret Thatcher her colorful nickname “almost lovingly,” we hear in The Iron Lady. And, as anyone who knew the woman—or even knew of her—it was apt. The daughter of ...

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Ted Cruz slams Twitter CEO: “Who the hell elected you” to censor news?

cruz twitter

Polls show that Americans are alarmed by bias and censorship from social media companies like Facebook and Twitter. Senator Ted Cruz led leaders in the Senate in grilling the CEOs of Facebook, ...

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Political conservatives and moderates more likely than liberals to pray

More than 160 million adult Americans pray each week, according to a new survey by the non-partisan Presidential Prayer team. In the general public, nearly half of all adults claims to pray ...

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Christian activists plan protest over NBA policies on China religious & political persecution

The Christian Defense Coalition plans to protest the relationship between the NBA and China on Friday afternoon at the security checkpoint to Disney’s ESPN Wide World of Sports in Orlando, where the ...

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Iran releases 85,000 prisoners with half possibly having coronavirus

Iran has released 85,000 prisoners with half of them possibly having the coronavirus. Iran is currently one of two epicenters for the virus outside of China. It’s overcrowded prisons, that hold individuals ...

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Pete Buttigieg rewrites Christmas story: Jesus now a refugee

Just weeks after attempting to woo black voters in a South Carolina church, Democrat primary candidate Pete Buttigieg is drawing scorn from Christians and others for suggesting Jesus was a refugee. “Today ...

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Can the church participate in political debate?

A public debate has started concerning the Kansas Supreme Court, who recently found the right to an abortion in the Kansas State Constitution. Is the church legally restricted from participating in the ...

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Planned Parenthood fires leader, wants more aggressive stance


Planned Parenthood CEO Leanna Wen has been fired just 10 months into her new job. The corporation, which is the nation’s largest abortion provider, wants a more aggressive activist as its leader ...

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Google inserting political agenda to impact election

Google is surreptitiously pushing its political agenda onto its users through its products in an effort that one employee described as “preventing the next Trump situation.” The company has cloaked its political agenda ...

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‘Risk of abuse’: DOJ slaps down Democrat efforts to obtain Trump’s tax returns

The U.S. Department of Justice asserted in a legal opinion released June 14 that Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s refusal to hand over President Donald Trump’s tax returns to Congress was not in violation of the law. The ...

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Christians across U.S. praying for the President today

Franklin Graham is calling on Christians nationwide to pray for President Trump today.  During a cable news appearance, the son of the late Billy Graham said it’s not a political endorsement, but simply ...

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Will political correctness kill classic films?

political correctness

The rise of political correctness can be seen across movie screens this weekend. “The Hustle,” a gender-swap remake of 1988’s “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels,” rails against the patriarchy between sight gags. “Avengers: Endgame” ...

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Constitution under siege: The Electoral College battle

“Every vote should count.” To many that sounds fair. It sounds right. But is it? “The Electoral College is wrong. The person who gets the most votes should be president.” Does that ...

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Dolly Parton not happy with Elizabeth Warren using her song

Dolly Parton is following the advice of millions of Americans when it comes to entertainment and politics: Just shut up and sing. The veteran singer’s management has criticized Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., ...

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Memorial to Jewish victims brings communities together but includes politics


The Jewish community was joined by a contingent of Christians Monday night at a memorial service for the victims of the Pittsburgh synagogue attack. The vigil, held at Kihilath Israel Synagogue in ...

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Rapper Kanye West meets with Trump, condemns ‘welfare mentality,’ says he was ‘programmed’

Rap megastar Kanye West doesn’t always have the most clear and concise political message, but one of the biggest takeaways from his recent political comments is that he is tired of liberals telling ...

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Taylor Swift rant causes record low award show viewers

Americans, fed-up with entertainers politicizing seemingly everything including the American Music Association Awards, have responded to Taylor Swift’s political rant on Twitter this week. Americans are shaking it off. They just didn’t ...

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