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Tag Archives: pro-life

Baby born without skin struggles for life in Texas

without skin

A Texas couple is desperate for answers as doctors struggle to put together a care plan for a baby boy who has spent the first three months of his life in hospitals ...

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Google lists ‘Unplanned’ film as ‘propaganda’ in searches


Google continues to solidify the suspicions of the public of bias against pro-lifers. This week the online search engine giant labeled the “Unplanned” film “propaganda.” “Unplanned” is based on the true story ...

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Social media companies don’t like pro-life message

Multiple pro-life supporters have seen their posts removed in another round of censorship from popular social media sites Instagram and Facebook. Recently, Christian satire site founder Adam Ford and pro-life filmmakers Nick ...

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‘Unplanned’ still in Top 10, surprising media critics


Much to the surprise of the media critics who wanted to deter moviegoers from seeing it, the pro-life movie “Unplanned” finished in the top 10 at the box office for the second ...

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Ohio legislature passes ‘fetal heartbeat’ bill

fetal heartbeat

On Wednesday, April 10, the Ohio General Assembly passed a bill banning abortions when a baby’s heartbeat is detected and sent the bill to the governor’s desk for approval. The state will ...

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University disinvites black Christian pro-life speaker over her belief in biblical marriage

A black Christian speaker was recently disinvited from an on-campus debate due to her biblical beliefs about sexuality and marriage. It’s just the latest example of American universities blocking Christian views from ...

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Dobson defeats Obamacare ‘assault on religious freedom’

Dr. James Dobson’s Family Institute has won a big legal victory, securing the right to follow their pro-life Christian beliefs under Obamacare. The five-year legal fight was all about the Obamacare abortion ...

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Trump shifting Planned Parenthood funds to pro-life clinics

The Trump administration has announced it is awarding a $1.7 million family planning grant to a chain of pro-life crisis pregnancy clinics in California. At the same time, the administration is cutting ...

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‘Unplanned’ sees weekend success, beats Captain Marvel in per-screen revenue


The pro-life move Unplanned had unplanned success at the box office over the weekend. The results come even after the best efforts of some to keep movie goers from learning about it. ...

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‘We are executing children in cold blood’: Activist mommy plans ‘Day of Mourning’ April 6

Richmond, Virginia will be ground-zero for a nationwide event called “Day of Mourning,” which is planned for Saturday, April 6. The grassroots movement is being called a solemn act of repentance for ...

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Video released of vicious attack on elderly man praying outside abortion clinic


Video has been released of a vicious attack on a 85-year-old pro-life man simply praying outside a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in San Francisco. The assault happened last Thursday. The San Francisco ...

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“Unplanned’ is an R-rated movie everyone should see


Unplanned, out in theaters this week, is the R-rated movie everyone needs to see, including teenagers. I know, I know. R-rated is bad. Really bad. So why do I think everyone should ...

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Christian singer Matthew West drops music video for new ‘Unplanned’ song

On Friday, Christian singer Matthew West debuted the music video for his brand-new song, “Unplanned” releasing the track a few days before the premiere of the movie by the same name. West ...

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Kansans for Life to hold annual oratorical contest

Kansans for Life will hold its 2019 David Gittrich Memorial Oratorical Contest in Salina on April 27 at 1:00 PM at the Salina Public Library. The Oratorical Contest is for juniors and ...

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Abortion ties and business conflicts could cost Gov. Kelly her commerce chief

Grievances generated by policy and personality clashes in a southeast Kansas community have spilled onto the statewide stage in the battle over Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly’s nominee to head the state Department ...

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Down Syndrome Day gets special day at White House


World Down Syndrome Day doesn’t get a lot of mention in the media. Friday’s official commemoration and weekend activities, however, were elevated to a special place by President Trump and Vice President ...

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K-Love bans ‘Unplanned’ movie promotion


The popular behemoth Christian music network K-Love isn’t feeling the love from fans. Abby Johnson, the former Planned Parenthood clinic director whose life is the basis of the new movie “Unplanned,” is ...

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‘Unplanned’ movie directors share conviction for the unborn

Abby Johnson

Following on the success of the God’s Not Dead series, these two film producers hope Unplanned will also start a discussion on a contemporary topic. Filmmakers Cary Solomon and Chuck Konzelman are no ...

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The “smell of death,” the shock of recognition, and the legacy of William Wilberforce

William Wilberforce was born in 1759 in Yorkshire, England. Unfortunately, Wilberforce is not known today nearly as well as he should be. In a small but powerful way, in 2006 the film Amazing ...

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91 babies saved from abortion during 40 Days for Life prayer campaign, so far; Video

Today we know of 91 babies saved from abortion by the 40 Days for Life prayer campaign since March 6…and the fate of one of those children was left to chance. “One ...

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Abby Johnson desires ‘wave of conviction’ with ‘Unplanned’ abortion film

Abby Johnson was “vulnerable.” Raised in a Christian pro-life home and a church that never really talked about abortion, she believed her employer Planned Parenthood was “a woman’s empowerment organization.” Then she ...

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“Choose LIFE” Kansas license plates now available

choose life plates

After a 16-year battle, Kansans can finally pre-order the new “Choose LIFE” Kansas license plates. In 2002, the Kansas legislature approved the Choose Life license plate. However, the governor at the time, ...

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Pro-Life Action Day at State Capitol Tuesday

Individuals who value the life of the unborn, adoption and foster care, the elderly, and special needs individuals, will gather in the Missouri State Capitol Tuesday, March 12. It’s the “Show Me ...

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Christian university bans black pro-life speaker Star Parker

university pro-life

The University of Northwestern at St. Paul has banned pro-life speaker and Christian activist Star Parker from lecturing on its campus. Students at the university’s Young Americans for Freedom chapter (UNW YAF) ...

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House Democrats block bill to stop infanticide for 12th time

Late Wednesday, House Democrats blocked a request by Republicans to vote on a similar bill to require medical care and treatment for babies who survive abortions. This was one week after Senate Democrats voted ...

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