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Tag Archives: senate

McCaskill gives final interview as Senator to Rachel Maddow

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During the campaign for the U.S. Senate, Claire McCaskill modeled herself as a middle-of-the-road Democrat who represented a bi-partisan spirit ready to work with Donald Trump. In fact, she heaped praise on ...

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Kansas Senator leaves Republican party over transgender rights

parties, gun, confiscation

Senator Barbara Bollier, a 10-year Republican lawmaker in Kansas, has announced she is becoming a Democrat. Bollier−a physician from Mission Hills−cited disagreements with the Republican Party over LGBT issues, specifically transgender rights ...

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Trump nominates 26 more judges

While Democrats are celebrating taking control of the US House, the real power remains in the Senate as the President nominates more justices. The midterm elections saw a historic win for Republican ...

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Missouri Republican legislators keep supermajorities


Perhaps the biggest story of Tuesday’s election in Missouri politics, apart from Republican Josh Hawley’s defeat of incumbent Claire McCaskill, was the strong showing by Missouri House Republicans. Democrats expected a blue ...

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Missouri Recap: Hawley wins US Senate seat

In one of the most closely watched and expensive U.S. Senate races in the nation, first-term Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley, defeated two-term incumbent Democrat U.S. Senator, Claire McCaskill. McCaskill spent $34 ...

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Blue wave disappears as Republicans gain in Senate, oust incumbents

In what could still be considered a stunning defeat, Democrats took control of the House without the “blue wave” that was projected to sweep Republicans from power in state governorships, the Senate ...

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In undercover video McCaskill staff say showing the real Claire would ‘hurt her ability to get elected’


Project Veritas, the organization that exposed Planned Parenthood in the baby body parts scandal, has released another bombshell video. This undercover effort took on Missouri Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill and her staff ...

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Democrat intern arrested over leaks of info

A 27-year-old Democrat intern has been arrested for releasing confidential information and witness tampering according to US Capitol Police. The arrest of Jackson A. Cosko, 27, of Washington, D.C. came Wednesday and listed, ...

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If FBI can’t corroborate allegations, 60% want Kavanaugh confirmed; 69% say proceedings a “national disgrace”

A recent poll found that 60 percent of Americans want nominee Brett Kavanaugh confirmed to the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) if the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) dismisses the sexual misconduct ...

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Report of sex crimes prosecutor casts doubts on accuser’s testimony

In our continuing effort to bring you news and information unfiltered by the media, we are providing you with that report and results to Senate Republicans by Sex Crimes Prosecutor Rachel Mitchell. ...

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AP reports Kavanaugh accuser’s history of deceit and lawsuits

The Associated Press is reporting that Julie Swetnick, one of the women who has publicly accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of allowing gang rape, has an extensive history of involvement in ...

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Senate committee votes to advance Kavanaugh to full Senate

On a partisan 11-10 vote, the Senate Judiciary Committee has voted to support Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. All of the committee’s Republicans voted in favor of recommending Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination while ...

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Kavanaugh, accuser to testify today

After a third accuser came forward yesterday to accuse Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, the judge said he doesn’t know who she is, and that the new allegations are from the ‘Twilight ...

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‘I was a virgin’ Kavanaugh admission rocks allegations


Two personal admissions are rocking the allegations against Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh. The first broke Monday night as Kavanaugh, who received the highest rating ever for personal character from the American ...

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Newspaper: George Soros has ties to Kavanaugh accuser

The Washington Times newspaper says just George Soros’ fingerprints are all over what’s going on with Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation proceedings for the Supreme Court, including ties to those around the accuser. ...

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New Senator named to replace McCain


After a funeral for John McCain that many said was in bad taste for speakers who bashed the Commander-in-Chief, President Trump, Arizonans now know who their next senator will be. Arizona Gov. Doug ...

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John McCain dead of cancer at 81

Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are mourning the death of their dear friend and colleague, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) who succumbed to brain cancer at the age of 81. McCain ...

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McCaskill on defense as challenger Hawley calls for debates

Senator Claire McCaskill continues to avoid debates with her challenger, Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley. Hawley, who is tied or leading McCaskill in polls, is pressing the point in his bid to ...

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Media finally decides who is an Indian and it’s not Warren

The media has apparently, and belatedly, decided that Mass. Senator Elizabeth Warren really isn’t an American Indian. That, after the they vociferously defended her against remarks from President Trump that doubted her ...

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Missouri August 7th State Primary Preview

On Tuesday, August 7, Missouri primary voters will go to the polls to select who will be on the ballot in the general election on November 6. Missouri U.S. Senate Race The ...

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Republican Senator opposes any pro-life Supreme Court nominee


U.S. Sen. Susan Collins, a key swing vote for the next U.S. Supreme Court nominee, said she will not support a judge who opposes Roe v. Wade and abortion. Collins, a pro-abortion Republican from ...

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