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Tag Archives: service

Taco Bell employee fired for refusing deaf customer


One employee has been fired and the rest are scheduled for retraining after a worker at an Ohio Taco Bell refused to serve a hearing-impaired customer. Brandon Washburn, who is hearing impaired, ...

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Understanding our unique love language

My husband and I are on very different pages when it comes to how we share and receive love. Whether we are recovering from a fight, experiencing grief, or just want to ...

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Church is hard work, not a private jet

We don’t like inconvenience, do we? Let’s face it–if you had a choice of an easy path or a rocky one, which would you take? Many would choose the path of least ...

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Looking for a way to serve in your second season of life?


If you’ve come to the point in your life, where you are ready to do something in the “eternal” sense and have developed a sense of longing to please God, there’s a ...

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What you can do to make Memorial day meaningful

Today marks the 150th anniversary of that first “Memorial Day” remembrance, when Congressman James Garfield—who would later become president—addressed a crowd of more than 5,000 at Arlington Cemetery. The tradition continues to ...

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City-wide Easter celebration April 1

The area’s city-wide Easter service will be celebrated Sunday, April 1, from 6:30am to 8am at 1st and Grand Boulevard under the bridge (near the River Market Area) in Kansas City. It ...

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