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Tony Evans’s son says church will go on offense as father continues restoration

tony son

Jonathan Evans, son of Pastor Tony Evans, supported his father in a recent message at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas. Tony Evans, who founded the church, stepped down from ministry because of an ...

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Tony Evans admits sin, steps away from ministry

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Popular pastor Tony Evans announced that he is stepping away from his ministry because of a sin he committed years ago. Metro Voice reported the news earlier this week in a breaking ...

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News briefs: Southwest takeover; Pastor Tony Evans’ “sin”; Apple AI concerns

apple ai sin

Today’s news briefs include Apple AI security, Southwest Airlines rebellion; Pastor Tony Evans steps down over sin. Apple announces AI partnership to cheers, jeers Some Apple iPhone users are worried after the ...

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Newsboys’ Michael Tait on lows and highs faith journey


Michael Tait of the Christian group Newsboys has remained faithful to God for decades despite the many twists and turns of life. His most recent project is “I Believe In Christmas,” a ...

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IHOP University president resigns over Bickle allegations


The fallout continues from allegations concerning leaders of the International House of Prayer as more resignations are announced. The organization announced on social media that David Sliker is stepping down as president ...

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Why “Barbie” director is wrong choice to direct “Narnia” reboot

barbie narnia

Many people are excited by the news that “Barbie” director Greta Gerwig will be directing the first two “Narnia” movies for Netflix, but a look at her filmography shows she is the wrong ...

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Christian author challenges churches to address porn addiction

churches porn

Many churches avoid discussing pornography although more than half of Americans admit they watch it. An estimated 91 percent of men and 60 percent of women nationwide consume porn at varying degrees ...

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Former lesbian professor repents for using transgender pronouns

lesbian pronouns

A former lesbian and self-proclaimed “tenured radical” professor is encouraging Christians not to use incorrect transgender pronouns. “I have publicly sinned on the issue of transgender pronouns, which I have carelessly used ...

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Is It a Sin for a Christian to Use Transgender Pronouns?

It’s one thing for us to recognize that it is impossible for a man to become a woman or vice versa. But is it ever right to call a trans-identified person by ...

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Does Jesus support student loan forgiveness as some say?

jesus loans

Two authors of a recent Time magazine commentary want you to believe that Jesus Christ supports the Biden administration’s plan to cancel $500 billion in student loans. According to William J. Barber II and Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, ...

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Government prosecutor said use of word ‘sin’ could be harmful


It’s still legal to utter the word “sin” in Finland. At least for now. A Finnish court has upheld the right to free speech by dismissing all charges against Finnish MP Päivi ...

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Large Methodist Church in Oklahoma disaffiliates from denomination over doctrinal issues

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The controversy dividing the United Methodist Church continues as a large congregation in Tulsa changed its name. Asbury United Methodist Church is now officially called Asbury Church, the megachurch said in a statement on ...

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80-year-old nun sentenced for stealing from school to pay for gambling

nun gambling

An 80-year-old nun said she has seen the error of her ways after being sentenced to federal prison for stealing $835,000 from the school where she worked to support her gambling habits. ...

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Wisdom and God’s illuminated truths: John Martin’s ‘The Creation of Light’

wisdom light

An illustration by the 19th-century artist John Martin, called “The Creation of Light” might give us insight into the nature of wisdom. Sometimes things happen in life, and we just don’t know ...

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John MacArthur urges pastors to preach on sexuality in response to new Canadian law

A new Canadian law effectively bans pastors from teaching that homosexuality and transgenderism are sins according to the Bible. C-4 unanimously passed both the House of Commons and the Senate before receiving ...

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Scientists reveal physical evidence of destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah


The Bible recounts how God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for their sin, sending fire from the sky to obliterate them. Now, scientists say they have found physical evidence that exploding space rock ...

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Life in a revolving door: connecting with others

I met a man in Nashville while passing through a revolving door at an entrance to a downtown hotel.  I smiled and greeted him as he was exiting. Immediately the man turned ...

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What does God think of your name?

“A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, and favor is better than silver or gold” (Proverbs 22:1).  What do you think of that statement from the Bible?  It ...

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Vatican: Church cannot bless same-sex unions

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The Catholic Church is affirming that it doesn’t have the power to bless same-sex unions. “Does the church have the power to give the blessing to unions of persons of the same ...

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Can baptism forgive your sins?


Can baptism forgive your sins?  I walked in the hospital room and Terry was lying on her bed.  Her physical condition was deteriorating, and she was not ready to face her Creator.  I got ...

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‘We ask for continued prayers’: Liberty University begins Falwell investigation

liberty falwell jr retirement

Liberty University announced that it is conducting a full investigation after the resignation of former President Jerry Falwell Jr. “This past week challenged all of us to the core,” the university’s executive ...

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Half of American adults believe Jesus was only a great teacher

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Fifty-two percent of American adults believe that Jesus was a great teacher and nothing more. Ligonier Ministries’ biennial State of Theology survey provides key findings on what Americans think about God, truth, ...

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God. Our only answer to the coronavirus

Sunday, March 14, is when the coronavirus pandemic flipped upside down the religious world. Tens of thousands of churches suddenly closed their doors to worship services and moved to online platforms. For the first ...

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Missouri 23rd, Kansas 37th in rankings of most “sinful” states

Let the state that is without sin cast the first stone. Missouri is the 23rd most sinful state in the nation, according to a WalletHub survey, while Kansas comes in at No. ...

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What was so significant about the virgin birth?

virgin birth

The centerpiece of the Christmas season is the birth of Jesus.  Popular Christmas songs, various figurine displays and holiday sermons all make it prominent.  But what is it about Jesus’ birth specifically, ...

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