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Jordan Peterson learns this at the Museum of the Bible

peterson bible

Influential psychologist Jordan Peterson continues to explore God and his word. “If categories just dissolve, especially fundamental ones, the culture is dissolving, because the culture is a structure of category,” he said.” ...

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Good Bible engagement makes good neighbors

People who are rooted in Scripture tend to make better neighbors. That’s the assessment of a study released by the American Bible Society. The State of the Bible USA 2021 report “Good ...

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Trust issues. Responding to our cultural authority crisis

In his book The Last Word, atheist philosopher Thomas Nagel, talked about an authority crisis – a “the fear of religion”: “… I don’t mean to refer to the entirely reasonable hostility toward certain ...

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Ethical issues with technology to watch this year

The ethical concerns over the effects of technology on humans have given way to larger issues about pervasive surveillance and the threat of digital authoritarianism For all of the good uses of ...

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Survey: More people support religious freedom after divisive year

Religious organizations are finding it more difficult to serve their communities because of new policies initiated by the federal government.  It comes as a new survey finds that Americans’ support for religious ...

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Students offering hope on campus during Bring Your Bible to School Day

Christian students across the nation are sharing their faith on Thursday as part of the annual Bring Your Bible to School Day. The student-led initiative is sponsored by Focus on the Family and has ...

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Millennial nuns offer social media advice to peers

A new book of autobiographical stories from young, Catholic nuns aims to inspire readers how to live a faith-filled life in the era of social media. “Millennial Nuns: Reflections on Living a ...

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Life in a revolving door: connecting with others

I met a man in Nashville while passing through a revolving door at an entrance to a downtown hotel.  I smiled and greeted him as he was exiting. Immediately the man turned ...

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Lebanese society on verge of collapse, says its prime minister


Lebanese Prime Minister Hassan Diab warned on Tuesday that the country is in dire crisis and set to explode, and called on the international community to help. “Lebanon is a few days ...

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“Wake up!” Ted Cruz challenges churches to fight for culture

It’s time for the church to wake up and defend the culture, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, said at the Faith & Freedom Coalition‘s recent “Road to Majority.” A revival is coming, he ...

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Poll: Nearly 70% believe moral values getting worse

moral poll

The country is sliding down a slippery slope of moral values according to a new poll. The Gallup polling finds that 67 percent of Americans believe the state of moral values is ...

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Filmmakers target wisdom of lockdowns in ‘Follow the Science’ Documentary

filmmakers lockdowns

For the arts industry, 2020 was an unprecedented year. Musicians saw incomes instantly wiped out when live venues were forced to close due to lockdowns. The filmmakers and the industry came to ...

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Poll: most believe religious freedom necessary to healthy American society

Contrary to media narratives that say faith is becoming less important in America, a new poll finds a majority say religious freedom is “very” important to a healthy American society. In a ...

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Should we dismantle the family?

Last fall, the Black Lives Matter organization quietly deleted a section of its website in which it professed an intention to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement.” The statement was removed after ...

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Max Lucado presented with Pinnacle Award for writing

Bestselling author and pastor Max Lucado was awarded the 2021 Evangelical Christian Publishers Association Pinnacle Award for the outstanding contribution of his writing, both to the publishing industry and to society at ...

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Republicans blast critical race theory as ‘divisive’ in letter to education secretary

Republican Reps. Doug Lamborn of Colorado and Jeff Duncan of South Carolina have expressed their concern about teaching critical race theory in a letter to Education Secretary Miguel Cardona. “Civics and history ...

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The Chauvin-Floyd trial and the pursuit of justice

chauvin floyd

Guilty on all three counts. That was the sentence heard across America, as former police officer Derek Chauvin was found guilty of second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter of George ...

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‘Turn Your Season Around’: Baseball legend Darryl Strawberry on winning the game of life

Few people understand the highs and lows of baseball – and of life itself – better than Darryl Strawberry. His storied career with the New York Mets, Los Angeles Dodgers and New ...

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Polls find record low church attendance, majority of Republicans support same-sex marriage

For the first time, religious service attendance has fallen below 50 percent while a majority of Republican voters say they support same-sex marriage. According to a Public Religion Research Institute polls, less ...

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Why Christianity put away its dancing shoes – only to discover them centuries later

In the PBS documentary series “The Black Church: This Is Our Story, This Is Our Song,” scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. shows how African Americans introduced new rhythms, music and dancing to ...

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Here’s what the church may look like when pandemic ends

From virtual services to community outreaches, the pandemic has led to major changes for most churches. Media consultant Phil Cooke looks ahead to what the church might look like after the pandemic. ...

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How the cancel culture stifles creativity

culture creativity

We saw it during the Super Bowl on Sunday, as many of the commercials fell flat. We saw it with the cancelling of the Washington Redskins name, only to replace it with ...

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200 evangelical leaders sign letter calling for peace following elections

As Americans await the outcome of the presidential election, more than 200 evangelical leaders are encouraging communities to rise above political partisanship and societal divisions to live out the gospel by pursuing ...

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‘God working in their hearts’: Zimbabwean Sophie Lancaster has cure for racial ills


As the daughter of businessman Sphinx Tsikirayi and diplomat Eve Tsikirayi, native Zimbabwean Sophie M. Lancaster has traveled the world, including living for years in Australia and Japan while growing up. But ...

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Ultra-Orthodox Jews and Israel’s future survival

For Israel, a clash of cultures involving ultra-Orthodox Jews and the less religious threatens society. Following the signing of agreements at the White House normalizing relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates ...

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