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Large majority of donors expect no impact from COVID-19 this year

In good news for churches and faith-based organizations, the vast majority of donors don’t the expect the covid-19 pandemic to reduce their giving for the rest of 2020. However, experts warn nonprofit ...

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Majority of churchgoers say they have trouble understanding Bible on their own

More than half of all churchgoers say they have trouble understanding the Bible on their own, a new LifeWay Research study found. “Churchgoers are ready to defend the Bible as true and ...

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Kansas organization ranked among best Christian workplaces in 2020

union rescue

Union Rescue Mission in Wichita, Kansas, is among the best Christian workplaces for 2020 as selected by the Best Christian Workplaces Institute. Seventy-six organizations met the certification standard determined by exemplary ratings ...

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Kansas City churches among most likely to reopen, survey finds

Area churches are among the most likely to reopen during the coronavirus pandemic, according to a new survey by Lifeway Research, which is the research arm of the Southern Baptist Convention.. Evangelical ...

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Most churchgoers prefer shorter sermons, research finds

Pastors and their congregations have different options about the length of their sermons. Thirty-one percent of Protestant pastors say their sermons are less than 20 minutes, according to a new LifeWay Research ...

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Covid-19 cases vary widely between red and blue states

covid-19 states

An analysis of red and blue states, and red and blue counties, indicates liberal areas were more affected by the Covid-19 virus than conservatives ones. The survey is an interesting insight into ...

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Survey finds many parents to continue homeschooling after pandemic

Many parents who are homeschooling out of necessity during the pandemic are finding that they actually prefer it. Forty percent of families surveyed are more likely to homeschool or virtual school after ...

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Pandemic causing outbreak of prayer

More than half (55 percent) of American adults say they have prayed for an end to the coronavirus pandemic, according to a new prayer survey by the Pew Research Center. Large majorities ...

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Number of practicing Christians continues decline in U.S.

U.S. churches will have to adjust to new data that show that the number of practicing Christians continues to decline. Practicing Christians are now a much smaller segment of the entire population, ...

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Increase in ‘church hopping’ among trends found in State of the Church survey

The days of joining a church and staying in it for life are long gone. New research by the Barna Group shows that practicing Christians and churched adults believe in the value ...

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Support of same-sex marriage surges among mainline pastors

Almost one-half of pastors of mainline Protestant churches say they support same-sex marriage, according to a new survey from LifeWay Research. However, support remains low among evangelical pastors. The poll of 1,000 ...

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Survey determines 30 most recognizable logos in America

The venerable logo remains the most important way companies communicate their brand to consumers. There are certain logos that have become synonymous with Americana over the decades, such as the classic McDonald’s golden ...

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Poll: Young liberals OK with America losing its top dog status

Are young liberals digging a grave for the future of America? That’s what some are asking after a new poll shockingly found that a majority of Democrats under the age of 30 ...

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It’s possible to celebrate the season without debt

Nearly one in 10 Americans is still paying off debt from Christmas shopping – in 2018. Even with the strongest economy in 50 years, many consumer still purchase more than they can ...

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‘Horror story’ of violence against women ‘must end’

women violence

The World Bank, a source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries, estimates that one in every three women around the world will suffer violence in their lifetime. Globally, as many ...

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Several local communities rank high in survey of family-friendly Missouri cities


Missouri boasts a number of great places to raise a family, but its two largest cities are not among them. Kansas City ranked 71st in a recent WalletHub survey, while St. Louis ...

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Lifeway polls African Americans on Israel, religion and the media

American Jews and African Americans often worked side by side during the civil rights movement. They were joined by Republicans who supported civil rights legislation while many Democrats in Congress opposed it. ...

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Survey finds success for graduates of Adult and Teen Challenge addiction program

teen challenge

A landmark survey confirms the success of the faith-based Adult and Teen Challenge USA addiction recovery program.  The survey coordinated a measured the effectiveness of the Adult and Teen Challenge program by assessing the well-being ...

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Consumer confidence at 15-year high

U.S. consumers are the most confident about the economy at any time since the early 200s. Positive views on wages, purchasing and job outlook by Americans  jumped to a 15-year high in early May ...

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Half of pastors are worried about offending someone if they speak out on social issues

Pastors are pressured from all sides to speak out on hot button issues, but struggle with just how to address those topics, such as LGBT issues and same-sex marriage. In a new ...

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Poll finds ‘free time’ a rare commodity for most people

Busy, busy, busy. That’s how most people would describe their life. But have they really figured out how much free time they get? Most people might even over-estimate it, thinking they’re catching ...

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