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Middle East Christians hopeful after Trump victory

Donald Trump, the next president of the United States of America – I guess those are words few of us ever expected to hear, along with ‘Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the opposition’ ...

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Kansas pendulum swinging to the other side?

Dorothy, you may not be in (conservative) Kansas any more. Anyone who wasn’t prepared to see conservative losses in the August primary (with more perhaps to come in the general election) simply ...

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The dirty truth about this dirty political poll

Wall Street Journal/NBC Polls are manipulated by Clinton advisor You may have suspected a poll here and there for some time, but now we can accurately report it as truth: Many of those supposedly “unbiased” ...

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Don’t miss these deadlines for the Nov. 8 election

Voter registration deadlines for election loom in Kansas and Missouri By ANITA WIDAMAN Voting is a rite of passage in our home. We have taken our girls to vote with us since ...

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Why the National 9-11 Memorial and Museum matters

Fifteen years after the attacks of September 11, 2001, we visit the National 9/11 Memorial in New York to discover why it matters to every American. –By Dwight Widaman As we approached the ...

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Before flooding Louisiana with ‘help,’ read this

Thinking of jumping in your car and driving to Louisiana to help those affected by the flood? Wondering how you could mail some food or hand-me-down clothes to help? If you answered ...

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Alveda King, niece of Martin Luther King, on 2016 election

amarosa, martin

This Presidential election, many are saying they will vote for the “lesser of two evils”. Won’t it be better to vote for “what’s good for America?”  Voting on the issues trumps evil hearts ...

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ELECTION COMMENTARY: Eric Greitens must apologize and come clean

Eric Greitens, if you want to win the trust of Christian and conservative voters, “EARN IT.” In the Republican primary for Missouri governor on August 2nd, Eric Greitens won a four-way primary ...

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Eric Greitens’ Smoking Gun in “Audio”

Commentary The audio of a 10-minute phone conversation between Eric Greitens and John Brunner that happened in late November of 2015 is posted online at stltoday.com. Every voter casting a ballot in ...

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KC invited to city-wide Easter sunrise service at Power & Light

This will be the ninth year for The Easter Sunrise Extravaganza Join us from 6:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. in the Kansas City Power and Light District at 13th and Gand Boulevard. ...

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In 2016 be the leader you want to be

2016 holds an invitation for you to become the leader you want to be. Picture for a moment that you are flourishing in your work and your personal life. Can you see ...

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Is there a Christian perspective to gun control?

On Tuesday (Jan. 5), an emotional President Obama announced a series of executive actions to, in his words, “do something to try to prevent the next” mass shooting. “We can,” the President ...

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Donald Trump’s appeal to Evangelicals is real, surging

After watching Donald Trump maneuver on the presidential campaign trail during these past six enthralling months, I’ve come to the following conclusions: Trump definitely has an appeal to conservative evangelicals, and this ...

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Who are Donald Trump’s Christian supporters?

New polling shows Donald Trump continuing to surge among the Republican field and even independents and conservative democrats. His strong showing among Christians is a surprise to some and annoyance to others. ...

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January is National Respect Life Month

January 22nd is the 43rd anniversary of the worst Supreme Court decision in our nation’s history. With Roe v. Wade, seven robed men gave America some of the most permissive abortion-on-demand laws in the ...

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College is Not a Daycare

Christian university president tells students that College is not a daycare. This past week, I actually had a student come forward after a university chapel service and complain because he felt “victimized” ...

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Servanthood: A Greatness That Descends

We were in the middle of a Sunday evening service when a drunk stumbled into the church. My dad was leading worship. The man staggered all the way down the aisle until ...

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Have a Flu-Free Winter

Have you ever wondered why everyone seems to get sick more often in the winter? There is actually very good reason for that, so let’s learn why so we can prevent colds ...

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Dave Ramsey Talks Christmas Budget

christmas budget

Help in Making Your Christmas Budget.                                                      ...

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The Value of Sleep

As the days begin to get shorter heading into the second half of the year, I would like to highlight the importance and value of sleep. It’s easy to stay up late ...

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Part 1: Our Family Trip to Israel

promised land israel tour

Why a journey to Israel is right for your family! There was an air of excitement in the crowd as we scurried in to find a place to stand. Anita and I, along ...

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Successful Dad To-Do List

For nearly 22 years, I’ve had the privilege of being called Dad and just a few days ago, my third (of four) child graduated from high school. As a young dad, I ...

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Money Can’t Buy Her Love

There is one thing that is universal-we all have a mother. As I contemplated this upcoming day of honoring mothers, I knew some of the reasons we celebrate mothers. They carried us ...

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Ferguson: Getting to We

When I heard about the cowardly opportunist who shot two police officers a few days ago, I dropped my head in sadness and prayed. Convinced this was an act of evil and ...

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By Jessica S. Hosman My little boy is a snuggler. Even from his first days of life he has relished the gift of touch and being held close. As he has grown ...

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