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Former Miss Iraq may lose citizenship after defending Israel


Standing up for Israel at the UN may lose former Miss Iraq Sarah Idan her citizenship. Idan, who has faced opposition and death threats in the past, spoke in defense of Israel ...

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An afternoon of hate for Israel

Jeff, are you a masochist? Why would you choose to spend a precious Sunday afternoon at a program featuring Jewish Voice for Peace, an anti-Israel group, that was sponsored by the public library ...

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Ancient Jerusalem road to Second Temple to be open underground


For the first time in 2,000 years, worshipers will be able to make their way to the steps leading to the Second Temple via a road which has been excavated underground. In ...

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Nikki Haley returns to Israel, prays at Western Wall

Former United States Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley prayed at the Western Wall in Jerusalem this week. Haley is in the country as a special guest of honor at a ...

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Israelis plan Family March day before LGBT parade


Two competing parades are showing that Israel is a land of contrast. Home to the world’s three monotheistic religions, it also provides personal freedom that is unparalleled in the Middle East, including ...

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New Zealand gov’t website replaces Israel with ‘Palestine’

An official New Zealand government webpage about immigration has come under fire for displaying an inaccurate and distorted fact sheet that eliminated Israel. The site’s map of the Middle East showed the ...

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Exhibit features Jewish jewelry in Arab lands

The Museum for Islamic Art in Jerusalem, with a mission of promoting interfaith dialogue, has opened a “past and present” jewelry exhibit featuring a section that highlights the Jewish amuletic jewelry in the communities of the Islamic world. ...

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Rainy winter and spring is saving the Sea of Galilee

For years, the Sea of Galilee has been shrinking. Then, this past winter delivered a pleasant surprise to the biblical lake. While this ancient body of water isn’t out of danger, a ...

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Palestinians can’t handle the truth as peace summit nears

As the US prepares to announce its peace plan for Israel and Arabs living in the “West Bank,” calls from Palestinian leaders to boycott the summit where it will be announced are ...

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Sobibor death camp’s last survivor has died at age 96

The last survivor of the Sobibor Nazi death camp has died after rebuilding his life and raising children in Israel. Semyon Rosenfeld was 96-years-old when he passed away in a hospital in ...

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Israeli scientists destroy cancer by freezing

JERUSALEM, Israel – An Israeli company is helping doctors treat cancer by freezing tumors with liquid nitrogen. IceCure Medical, a company based in Israel’s northern coastal city of Caesarea, claim their non-invasive ...

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Palestinian Uber driver kicks Jewish women out of car

A Palestinian Uber driver has been banned from the ride-sharing app after kicking two Jewish women out of his car for attending a pro-Israel event in Los Angeles. The Jewish Journal reports ...

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Israel to have election redux after coalition fails over military service

Israel will hold an unprecedented national election September 17 after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was unable to put together a coalition government. The snag came over military service for ultra-orthodox citizens. The ...

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Israel makes 5,000 year-old beer from ancient yeast

We all know the story of how Jesus turned water into wine. Now, a team of Israeli scientists have made beer using 5,000-year-old yeast. Beer is mentioned several times in the Bible ...

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Jordanian media calls for third intifada to stop peace plan

Jordanian officials and state-run newspapers there are calling for a violent third “intifada” against Israel. Jordan is considered an ally of both Israel and the United States. In fact, the Hashemite Kingdom, ...

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Fires ravage Israel as it asks neighbors for help

Israel is on fire today and is asking neighboring countries for help. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu directed the Foreign Ministry to contact nearby nations for “immediate” assistance in putting out the hundreds ...

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Christian satellite network Daystar’s Jerusalem offices firebombed

The Jerusalem studio of Daystar, one of the largest Christian TV networks in the world, was firebombed over the weekend. The attack destroyed Daystar’s new studio which overlooks the Old City from ...

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‘Peace to Prosperity’ plan for Israel, Palestinians to be announced

Attempting to succeed where others have failed, the Trump administration will unveil its peace plan for Israel and the Palestinian people during an international conference in Bahrain in June, the White House ...

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New Congresswomen defends terrorists for rocket attack on Israel

While terrorists in Gaza rained down hundreds of rockets on Israeli civilians over the weekend, freshmen congresswomen Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) spoke out in defense of Hamas and Palestinian ...

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Sirens wail, millions of Israelis stop to honor Holocaust victims

Millions of Israelis stopped what they were doing at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday as sirens wailed for 2 minutes across the country for Holocaust Remembrance Day. The commemoration honors of the six ...

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VIDEO: Israeli UN ambassador stuns Security Council with Bible

In an amazing display that stunned members of the United Nations Security Council, Israel’s UN ambassador Danny Danon used the Bible to defend the Jewish people’s claim to the land. The history ...

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Gaza threatens Israel ahead of Eurovision singing event in Tel Aviv

Gaza’s Hamas terrorist regime has threatened to ramp up attacks on Israel. The threat comes as Israel will host the huge Eurovision singing competition in two weeks. Palestinian factions in Gaza have ...

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Hamas attempts to unite factions ahead of peace plan

The terrorist organization Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, held a national meeting Saturday with political leaders from various factions and other terrorist organizations. Their goal was to strategize a response the ...

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Highway competes with excavated town from Isaiah’s time

A major archaeological discovery in Israel raised the question of how to preserve the past without stopping progress towards the future when a modern highway and an ancient town came to a ...

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Israel’s newest planned city to be named after Trump

After a historic win in recent elections, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will make a nod to Donald Trump’s rock stars status in Israel. Netanyahu says he will name Israel’s newest ultra-modern ...

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