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Judge rules 9/11 watch list violates rights of potential terrorists


A federal judge has ruled in favor of potential American terrorists saying the terrorism watch list violates their constitutional rights. The system to track those who concern law enforcement agencies was created ...

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Black unemployment hits historic low even with trade war

The unemployment rate among black Americans reached 5.5 percent in August—a historic low. That’s even down from 6 percent the month before and a substantial 0.4 percentage point below the previous record in May ...

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City backs down from forcing citizens to support opposing political beliefs

After facing a lawsuit, the city of Ann Arbor, Mich., has determined that a political consulting firm will not be subject to a public accommodations law that would have forced the firm ...

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Man convicted in Muslim honor killing of Texas woman

honor killing

A Muslim man in Texas will serve 40 years in prison for a murder that prosecutors called the “honor killing” of an Iranian rights activist who was his sister’s friend. Nasim Irsan, ...

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Presidential candidate finds ‘so help me God’ in oaths is absurd


A Democrat presidential candidate says he finds it absurd that witnesses continue to be instructed to say, “So help me God” in their oaths while testifying before Congress. “Unfortunately, it’s been kind of ...

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Pentagon agrees to fund $3.6 billion of border security wall

Mile by mile, dollar by dollar, the security wall on the nation’s southern border is being built in defiance of Democrats in Congress. By the end of the year, 400 miles will ...

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First Lady sends ‘back-to-school’ welcome message to students

First Lady Melania Trump wishes everyone a successful upcoming school year as schools reopen and children head back to the classrooms. “As students across the country head back to classes, I want to wish everyone ...

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Smuggled from China: ‘Enough Fentanyl to kill over 14 million people’

Law enforcement seized a huge shipment of narcotics in Virginia, North Carolina, and Texas and arrested 39 defendants for an alleged conspiracy to distribute large amounts of heroin, fentanyl, and cocaine in Hampton Roads, according ...

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Police kill gunman involved in Texas murder spree that killed 5


Police in Odessa, Texas have shot and killed an armed gunman who stole a mail truck and shot at dozens of people. The Associated Press reports five people were killed and 21 were ...

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Bells rang this week to mark 400 years since enslaved Africans arrived

August marked 400 years since the first enslaved Africans reached American shores at Point Comfort, known today as Fort Monroe in Hampton, VA. In a ceremony to mark the occasion, President Trump ...

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ANALYSIS: James Comey roasted in devastating Justice report

Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz has released a report detailing how former FBI Director James Comey leaked personal memos to his attorneys, a personal friend, and the media. Comey had told the IG that he ...

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US officially launches new Space Force

President Donald Trump officially opened the U.S. Space Command, the first stage of the new branch of the military, the Space Force, that Trump announced last year. “SpaceCom will ensure that American ...

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Move on to expel Omar from Congress

In response to Minnesota Congresswoman Rep. Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitic and often anti-American rhetoric, state Republican organizations are urging action. Alabama’s Republican Party is requesting the state’s congressional delegation launch a process to expel ...

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Biden’s connections flaunted by brother to defraud startups, lawsuit alleges

James Biden, the brother of presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden, told potential business partners that their health care startups could get more business through Joe Biden’s government and union connections, ...

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America’s poor consume more than world’s wealthiest countries

food stamps

Americans in the bottom 20 percent of income-earners consume goods and services than the national averages for people living in most of the wealthiest countries of the world, including those in Europe. ...

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Trump judge rules in favor of Christian videographers


A Christian couple who refused to video a same-sex wedding have won their court case, possibly setting another precedent for the nation. With the ruling the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals halted ...

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Convicted sex offenders holding “drag queen story time” at Texas libraries

Over the past year, the Austin Public Library in Texas has allowed sex offenders to read to children during “Drag Queen Story Time,” a pro-family organization has learned. This is the latest development in a series ...

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Justice Ginsburg treated for malignant cancer

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg underwent radiation therapy after a cancerous tumor was found on her pancreas, the court announced on Aug. 23. Ginsburg had a routine blood test in early July, which uncovered ...

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FBI: 64 percent of all federal arrests are noncitizens

President Trump was criticized for comments about high crime numbers associated with those entering the country illegally. The comments drew national criticism from immigration rights groups, Democrats and many Republicans. Now, the ...

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Trump looks at ending birthright citizenship

It’s a policy in which the United States stands virtually alone in the world – allowing individuals to come to the country solely to have a child who is then automatically a ...

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US to unveil major peace plan after Israeli elections

The Trump administration has announced that the Israeli-Palestinian peace plan will be released after Israeli elections on Sept. 17. Trump stated that there have been “decades of hate” between Israelis and Palestinians ...

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Details about ‘red flag’ laws slow rush for more legislation

As Americans learn more about the much talked about federal “red flag” gun confiscation bill, support for it among Republicans, gun-owning Democrats and President Donald Trump is dropping. Trump initially offered his ...

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Planned Parenthood withdraws from Title X after Trump policy wins in court

The Planned Parenthood abortion business announced late Monday it will officially withdraw from the Title X program — costing it $60 million in taxpayer funds. Media outlets are wrongly reporting that the ...

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Pro-life college group wins equal funding lawsuit


A college pro-life group that was discriminated against by their California university has won a major lawsuit. A district court judge has ruled that mandatory student fees at California State University-San Marcos must ...

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News Briefs: Disney star supports Communists, Rice cooker suspect nabbed, Media changes strategy on Trump

news briefs electric car israel july dems biden

Here’s today’s news briefs: Man placing rice cooker around New York apprehended A West Virginia man caught on security footage placing rice cookers around New York City, sparking fears during rush hour Aug. 16, ...

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