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Christian revival: This season, Donald Trump brings faith in God back to the Presidency

I don’t expect Donald Trump to announce a transition into the ministry any time soon. But the man has really turned things around in the aftermath of Obama, with regard to invoking ...

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Boy Scouts of America may file bankruptcy, as alternative groups thrive

Boy Scouts of America (BSA) may soon be filing bankruptcy. According to various news sources, BSA has hired a law firm to consider their options in the wake of a wave of ...

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Baylor fraternity president will serve no time for rape


A former Baylor University fraternity president accused of raping a 19-year-old student who said she was a virgin at the time was given a plea deal by a Waco district judge Monday, ...

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Iowa inmates sue to keep prison porn

A band of Iowa inmates is suing “religious tyrants” for preventing them from accessing unfiltered, free porn. The lawsuit alleges the new law, which blocks access to porn in all the state’s ...

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Gas prices plunge thanks to historic US exports

Gas prices across the region are plunging and that’s like a Christmas bell ringing in the ears of drivers. Gas in the local area is now under $1.90 at many stations. At ...

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Black Americans benefiting from lowest unemployment in history

Black American men are experiencing the lowest unemployment on record as it drops to 6.3 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). With women included in the count, Black unemployment dropped ...

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Texas city ordinance would restrict who churches hire

Churches in Austin, Texas may soon be forced to hire staff and pastors that do not agree with central Biblical teachings on marriage and homosexuality if a city ordinance is implemented. The city says ...

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Study shows as you age marriage grows easier

Does marriage really get easier with age? Matthew 19:4-6 states, “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave ...

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Full transcript of the often funny eulogy given by George W Bush

The eulogy was filled with humor, emotion and personal observations about his family. If you were not able to watch the funeral of former President George H. W. Bush, here is the ...

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Supreme Court rejects legal challenge to border wall

The Supreme Court summarily rejected a legal challenge from activists who claim that the Trump administration’s southern border wall runs afoul of environmental laws. The ruling clears an effort by Democrat and environmental ...

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VeggieTales accused of being racist


Students at Cal State San Marcos think the Christian cartoon “VeggieTales” is racist because the villains are vegetables of color. Yes, you read that right. The College Fix reports this revelation came to ...

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Details of Bush memorials announced

The memorials for former President George H.W. Bush began yesterday as his casket arrived in Washington D.C. Bush’s body will lie in state in the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol through Dec. 5 ...

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Communist group encouraging migrants to rush California border

TIJUANA, Mexico—California-based communist group BAMN (By Any Means Necessary) has failed in its attempt to rally migrants in Tijuana to march to the U.S. border. In a tweet posted by BAMN on Nov. 29, ...

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President George H. W. Bush dead at age 94

Former President George H.W. Bush died late Friday night at his Houston home. Former presidents and other major public figures are mourning his passing. His death comes less than a year after Barbara Bush ...

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‘Ya’ll don’t do that again,’ principal told praying students

A Texas middle school has backtracked and will now allow its students to pray openly during lunch again after forcing them to hide any praying from the view of other students. Hannah ...

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MS-13 gang member crossed border with migrants

Another member of the notorious transnational gang, MS-13, has been arrested in California after traveling north with the migrant caravan and illegally entering the country, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency ...

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Most ‘sinful’ cities ranked

So what’s the most sinful city in the nation? WalletHub has released its annual “Most Sinful Cities in America” report, which ranks American cities by their bad behavior, including lust, greed, laziness, vanity, ...

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Miss. win means Republicans increase Senate majority

Republican have picked up another Senate seat after U.S. Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith won a divisive Mississippi runoff to remain in office. The incumbent, 59-year-old Hyde-Smith, defeated Democrat Mike Espy, a former U.S. ...

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Pastor dealt bad hand in media reports of gambling


Gambling or a church? News reports are having a field day after firefighters responded to a reported fire inside a Houston building that also housed a church. Headlines on the internet, television ...

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US border with Mexico may be closed

As more Central American migrants reach the border, mayhem and violence are now being reported. Television footage on Sunday showed a crowd of immigrants trying to storm the U.S. border in Tijuana, ...

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Woman proves Jesus IS the ‘Reason for the Season’

The Spirit of Christmas lives and it proves our actions speak louder than words. Two grandmothers experienced the love of Christ last week when a stranger at a Walmart went out of ...

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China is fast losing the trade war

NEWS ANALYSIS: Two years ago, Beijing was flying high. Well on its way to dominating the world. Or so it thought. Sure, the newly elected American president had talked tough on trade, ...

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Judge blocks US asylum ban

A federal judge has barred the Trump administration from refusing asylum to immigrants who cross the southern border illegally. The move comes as a Central American caravan with thousands of people has ...

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The strange death of Trump’s new drug tsar

Authorities investigating mysterious death of the nation’s first drug ‘tsar’– a high-level federal official tasked with lowering drug prices have determined he took his own life but questions remain. Daniel Best was ...

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CNN, with 50 other press passes, sues White House over one

WASHINGTON – At least 13 media outlets are backing CNN’s decision to sue the Trump administration over its suspension of CNN correspondent Jim Acosta’s White House press credentials. Among them are The Associated Press, Bloomberg, The Washington ...

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