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Church shooting survivors invited to White House prayer service

texas church shooting prayer white house

Members of the Texas church where 26 people lost their lives in November have been personally invited to visit the White House this week. President Donald Trump personally invited the survivors to the ...

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NFL Cheerleader Claims She Was Discriminated Against for Her Faith and Virginity

A former cheerleader for the Miami Dolphins has filed a legal complaint, claiming she was discriminated against by both the NFL and her team for her Christian faith and commitment to virginity until ...

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Economy booms as unemployment filings lowest since 1969

The American economy is expanding at a record rate and workers are the beneficiaries. The Commerce Department today released a report showing the number of Americans filing unemployment benefits dropped to the ...

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GOP wins in Arizona but how will Republican exodus affect the issues?

After a string of Democrat victories in early special elections across the country received wide coverage, last night’s GOP victory in Arizona is being downplayed by liberal news pundits today. Former Arizona ...

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Trump has made how much money in office?

A headline in Forbes magazine today screams that Mar-a-lago, President Trump’s resort in Florida, has increased in value $100 million. That’s a lot of money. You need to read deep into the ...

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Is growing anti-police culture fueling their murders?

police anti-police student protests

The nation’s growing subculture of hating on the police has seemingly contributed to the murder of two more officers. Two young deputies in Florida were murdered in broad daylight on Thursday afternoon.  ...

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Strong faith guides pilot who safely landed Southwest jet

More details are coming out about the faith of the pilot who safely landed the Southwest airliner this week after an engine blew up. Flight 1380 was headed from New York City ...

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IRS gives taxpayers extra day after computer glitch

Oh, what fun! Americans are getting an extra day to file their taxes after key elements of the IRS website crashed on deadline day. The IRS said that individuals or businesses with ...

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Volunteer-run church buffet now safe from labor laws

church buffet labor minimum wage

In a ruling that could be seen as good news for churches across the nation hawking caffeinated stimulants and Danish rolls in Starbuck knock-off cafes, an all-you-can eat buffet is now legal ...

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Barbara Bush not dead, CBS pulls obituary


Former First Lady Barbara Bush has joined a long list of famous people who lived to read their own obituary. CBS News erroneously published Bush’s obituary Sunday afternoon after her family announced ...

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Christian teen endures bullying by YouTube personality


In a video titled, “Crazy Girl Obsessed With Jesus,” a popular YouTube personality, Cinnamon Toast Ken, relentlessly bullies Emma Mae Jenkins, mocking her appearance and scoffing at her religious convictions. Endure the ...

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Facebook CEO Zuckerberg steers away from questions of censorship


Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is appearing on Capitol Hill this week with often awkward answers as he responds to questions about the the power of the social media giant and the privacy ...

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Women’s March organizers criticized for support of prostitution website

Just a year after organizing marches for the day after President Trump’s inauguration, the Women’s March organization is itself now being protested by its own former supporters. The far-left group this week ...

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California State Senator wants government “fact-checkers” to approve internet speech

California State Senator Richard Pan (D) has introduced legislation to crack down on free speech on the internet. Pan’s legislation would force online publishers to utilize government-sanctioned “fact checkers” to approve content before ...

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Film ‘Chappaquiddick’ looks at Kennedy family and the privilege of power

While faith-based movies have been doing extremely well, a new movie slated to release this weekend tells the story of the deadly 1969 car accident with Sen. Ted Kennedy. Kennedy survived, but ...

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President Trump issues video & proclamation on 50th anniversary of King assassination

luther niece mlk devotional unity

President Donald J. Trump on Wednesday released a video message honoring Martin Luther King Jr. on the 50th anniversary of his assassination, declaring that “the promise he fought for could never be ...

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Judge rules taxpayers must pay for illegal immigrant abortions

A federal judge has ruled that American taxpayers must pay for the abortions of illegal immigrant minors and that the Trump administration must help them obtain the procedure. The ruling applies to ...

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Puritans get scrubbed from Harvard song

Harvard University is re-writing American history and distancing itself from its religious roots. “Puritans” have been been scrubbed in favor of the cosmos at the Ivy League school. The university purged the word ...

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Could the Bible get caught up in Microsoft’s new conduct policy?

The news has been filled with the likes of Facebook, Google, Twitter and others misusing their customer’s private data, censoring speech and outright banning users with whom the company ‘gatekeepers’ disagree. As ...

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Trump is trouncing who in the polls? Just about every major world leader

The national media continues to be fascinated with the approval rating of President Trump. The most recent Pew poll finds the president’s approval at 47%. Others show it from 42–45%. The media ...

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Walmart pulls Cosmopolitan Magazine from check-out lanes

Many consider Cosmopolitan Magazine as “porn-lite.” Now the magazine has been pulled from check-out lanes at the nation’s largest retailer–Walmart. The move has been celebrated as a victory by a pro-family groups ...

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Trump’s new transgender military policy ‘likely’ to stand

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration has issued a new directive that permits transgender military service only “under certain limited circumstances.” The policy tweak could render moot legal challenges to President Trump’s previous ...

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Woman at center of landmark segregation case dies

The woman, who at age 10 stood at the center of the landmark Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education that ended school segregation laws, died Monday. Linda Brown Thompson was ...

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Bill Hybels refutes sexual misconduct accusations

Bill Hybels, founder and senior pastor of megachurch Willow Creek Community Church, has denied multiple allegations of sexual misconduct, including a consensual affair with a married woman, who retracted her claims. Investigations ...

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In era of negativity, comedian John Crist finds humor in Christian culture


Comedian John Crist loves the church and he also loves good-naturedly pointing out its funniest aspects of church culture. He’s one of the leading millennials bringing humor to the Christian community with ...

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