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Dems now vow to impeach Kavanaugh if confirmed

Christine Blasey Ford, the woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, has rejected Friday’s deadline and asked for one extra day to decide if she will testify in the Senate. The ...

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University ready as President rallies supporters today

President Trump does not seem to have a problem in drawing huge crowds. His rallies for Republican candidates across the nation have all been standing room only and often draw tens of ...

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School district: banning short shorts is sexist

A school district near San Francisco has become the latest to adopt a dress code allowing midriff-baring shirts like tube tops and short shorts to meet an “anti-body shaming” agenda. Students and ...

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Peace Valley Ministries Invite the Weary


Kenneth and Vickie Campbell searched for 30 years for a peaceful place on the river. Nothing felt right until Kenneth picked us a local ad sheet and saw an ad for acreage ...

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Do you need a retreat? Here’s how to plan

Planning a retreat? Here is your chance to be a hero! The more you plan in advance, the more organized you will be, and the overall outcome will be higher quality. Most ...

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Top 5 uncommon phone apps every Christian needs

Are you looking for the best Christian apps for your smartphone or tablet? If yes, then you came to the right place. I personally use different applications that help me with my ...

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Claire’s choice: ‘No’ on Judge Kavanaugh

Missouri’s incumbent Democrat Sen. Claire McCaskill announced Wednesday she will vote against Judge Brett Kavanaugh for the U.S. Supreme Court. She is citing his positions on “dark money” issues. McCaskill said in ...

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Sick kids suffer most in socialist Venezuela

Sick kids are the first victims of Venezuela’s socialist economy shattering the nation’s health care system and the situation in the nation’s hospitals is heartbreaking. Families of patients dig through neighborhood garbage ...

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Native tribes to get more funding to address public safety


The Trump administration is doubling the funding the U.S. Justice Department gives tribes for public safety programs and crime victims. The effort will to tackle head-0n, the high rates of violence against ...

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Newspaper: George Soros has ties to Kavanaugh accuser

The Washington Times newspaper says just George Soros’ fingerprints are all over what’s going on with Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation proceedings for the Supreme Court, including ties to those around the accuser. ...

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Sheriff: Wounded officer saved witnesses before dying


A Kansas sheriff says a wounded deputy managed to kill his attacker and save two witnesses before collapsing and dying. The Wichita Eagle reports that Sedgwick County Sheriff Jeff Easter said that ...

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Homecoming Queen ditched to create ‘safe’ space for students

In an effort that some see as politically correct and silly, a Michigan high school says it is doing away with one of the most cherished traditions of homecoming–the crowning of a ...

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Historic church moved across town to preserve history


A church believed to be the first African Methodist Episcopal Church located north of the Missouri River post-Civil War moved across the northern Missouri town of Chillicothe on Tuesday. The Bethel AME ...

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Gas tax for roads will cost families just $1.25 per month

A November ballot measure to increase Missouri’s gasoline tax by ten cents a gallon has the backing of Lieutenant Governor Mike Kehoe (R). The Jefferson City Republican spoke to hundreds of local ...

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Kenyan bus passengers killed over Islamic statement of faith


Some horrific news is emerging out of Kenya after two Christian bus passengers were murdered in cold blood by militants belonging to Islamic terror group Al-Shabaab. According to International Christian Concern, last weekend a ...

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Palestinian terrorist gets paid for killing American-Israeli


The family of the teenage murderer of American-Israeli Ari Fuld is set to receive about $400 a month for the next three years from the Palestinian Authority, the Jerusalem Postreported this week. It’s ...

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Underwater discovery of ancient church amazes archaeologists

Archaeologists exploring a lake in Turkey have discovered a 1,700-year-old Christian church that could have been the site where a core tenet of Christian belief was established. The location, they believe, is ...

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The strange tale of the Kavanaugh accuser

What appeared to be the likely confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court now rests on the believability of almost 40-year-old allegations of an accuser about his time as a high ...

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Josh McDowell to lead ‘The God Who Is’ conference


Few Christians would deny that at some point in their life, they felt under attack for their faith. Many don’t have the tools necessary to counter those attacks, and therefore they shy ...

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Missouri electric crews return from hurricane duty

Electric crews from Kansas City and across the state traveled to South Carolina to help restore  power to the state. Now, one hundred line workers are heading back leaving about 65 workers ...

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Input sought on new KC international airport

airport-kci-kansas-city air travel

As the finishing touches are put to the design for Kanas City’s International Airport, officials want to hear from area residents beginning today and running for the next week. You’ll have the ...

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Refugees admitted to US to drop to near 2002 levels

The United States will reduce the number of refugees admitted into the country to 30,000 for next year. “We proposed resettling up to 30,000 refugees under the new refugee ceiling as well ...

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Church invites ‘entrepreneurs’ and gets pot brownie sellers


What church doesn’t like a good ole bake sale? Sellers offered assorted baked goods a Georgia church last week — and at least some were intended to leave buyers baked themselves, according ...

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Secret donor replaces church’s stolen van


An anonymous good Samaritan has answered the prayers of a Grandview church after its van was stolen recently. In July, Southview Christian Church was planning to help with tables and chairs at ...

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Maxine Waters honored with leadership award by editors

The nation’s newspapers say partisanship has run amok in Washington. “We need bridge builders,” they say. “The president’s comments are inflammatory,” they opine. So, you would think, in choosing someone to honor ...

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