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Pro-life Missourians rally for Midwest March for Life

march life

Hundreds of Missourians gathered in Jefferson City on Wednesday for the Midwest March for Life. Jeanne Mancini, president of the national March for Life, said it was among the group’s first marches ...

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Midwest March for Life April 14

midwest march for life

Pro-life individuals from across the state will gather in Jefferson City Wednesday for a march around the Capitol and rally. Sponsored by the Midwest March for Life, Missouri Right to Life and ...

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Kansas law banning dismemberment abortion of live babies in the womb blocked by judge

dismemberment abortion

A Shawnee County Judge has issued an opinion siding with Kansas City-area abortionists and striking down a law prohibiting the brutal practice of live dismemberment abortion. The 2015 law received overwhelming bi-partisan support in the Kansas legislature and is ...

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‘Roe v. Wade’ may be first film to accurately tell the history

The film Roe v. Wade tells the story of what many consider one of the most important cases in Supreme Court history. It’s a tale told from an insider’s dramatized perspective, that ...

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Mom’s photo of miscarried 14-week-old son has saved other babies

A 40-year-old mother has shared photos of her miscarried baby in the hope that people will see the humanity of preborn children. Sharran Sutherland says that when she miscarried her son, Miran, ...

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Pro-life amendment stalls action on Medicaid expansion in Missouri

parson house

A pro-life amendment adopted by the Missouri Senate this week is slowing action on a bill to fund Missouri’s Medicaid program. “My intent was not to deny Medicaid recipients birth control,” Senator ...

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Family Research Council warns of Rachel Levine’s radical agenda

Pro-life groups continue to decry the confirmation of Rachel Levine as assistant secretary of health. The Family Research Council is warning Levine will use the position to target and punish parents and ...

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Senate Democrats confirm controversial Levine as health secretary

The U.S. Senate on Wednesday confirmed Rachel Levine as assistant secretary of health. Levine, a pro-abortion activist, is also the first openly transgender federal official to win Senate confirmation. Pro-abortion Republicans Susan ...

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Family Research Council criticizes confirmation of ‘radical’ Becerra

The Family Research Council says the U.S. Senate’s confirmation of Xavier Becerra as Secretary of Health and Human Services makes abundantly clear the Biden administration and the Democratic Party are using health ...

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Becerra nomination as HHS head moves forward in spite of ‘radical’ views

A controversial nomination has been advanced by the U.S. Senate.  Debate was ended on Wednesday moving a vote forward on pro-abortion Xavier Becerra as Health and Human Service Secretary. The Susan B. Anthony ...

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Drury University in Springfield one of several Christian schools tied to Planned Parenthood


Drury University in Springfield is the only school in Missouri or Kansas to make the list of Christian colleges and universities with ties to Planned Parenthood. The revelation came through research by ...

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Virtual Pro-life Action Event starts today culminating in April rally

The annual Pro-Life Lobby Day will be virtual as Missouri Right to Life works to elevate the issue in the state legislature. It begins March 9 and will run through April 14th ...

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‘Evangelicals for Biden’ having buyers remorse over abortion

A group that billed itself as “Evangelicals for Biden” is having buyer’s remorse. In spite of President Biden’s long history of support for abortion, the group had supported his candidacy. They now ...

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Sen. Rand Paul forces removal of stimulus for Planned Parenthood

planned rumble parenthood stimulus

Democrats have been forced to remove funding for Planned Parenthood they had inserted into the Covid Stimulus Bill.  The funding had been inserted as just a part of the 90 percent of ...

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Joe Biden has divided Catholics over his leftist agenda

biden catholics conscience

Catholics are divided in their response to President Joe Biden touting his loyalty to the church while enacting a radical agenda on abortion, religious freedom, and other issues. Unlike President John F. ...

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New Johnson & Johnson vaccine morally compromised, say Christian bioethecists

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As the CDC and media herald the arrival of the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine, bioethics groups say it has ethical issues. The National Catholic Bioethics Center and the United States Conference ...

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Poland’s top court votes to protect babies with disabilities from ‘eugenic’ abortion

Poland’s highest court has ruled that abortions of children with disabilities is unconstitutional. The decision by the country’s Constitutional Court affects the majority abortions. Terminations will only be permissible in cases of ...

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Kansas City Archbishop calls out President Biden for abortion policies

The pro-abortion policies of President Joe Biden are in direct opposition to Christian teachings, said Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City, who also serves as chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic ...

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Actor Jim Caviezel calls out America for its great sin of abortion

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Actor Jim Caviezel, who portrayed Jesus in “The Passion of the Christ,” recently called abortion America’s great sin. “Many people are a part of this great sin in this country,” he said. ...

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Study shows preborn react to pain in facial expressions


Do preborn babies feel pain? A new study has proven that unborn babies receiving an anesthetic injection exhibit changes in facial expression similar to newborn babies experiencing pain. The case involved a ...

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Chelsea Clinton claims at age of 6 she left church over abortion

Comments made by Chelsea Clinton are being questioned after she claimed she left the Baptist church at the age of six because it opposed abortion. Controversial statements are not uncommon for Clinton, ...

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Super Bowl commercial with pro-life message features Christian Paralympic swimmer

A Toyota commercial with a strong pro-life message resonated with viewers during Sunday’s Super Bowl. The commercial featured the story of Paralympian swimmer Jessica Long, who was born in Russia with a ...

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Plastic straws or abortion? Chuck Norris questions misplaced priorities


Actor Chuck Norris has criticized the morality of people who value things above the sanctity of life. “It’s crazy sometimes what modern humans value over human life,” he wrote in a recent op-ed ...

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Democrats block vote to save babies who survive abortion

A vote to stop infanticide was blocked by Senate Democrats Feb. 4 when Republicans offered an amendment to provide medical care for babies that survive botched abortions. Republican Senator Ben Sasse of ...

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‘Bear witness to the truth,’ crowd told at Kansas City pro-life prayer vigil

prayer vigil

A prayer vigil in downtown Kansas City took on extra meaning Friday afternoon as President Joe Biden rolled back pro-life policies of the last four years. Over 75 people from both sides ...

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