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Respect Life

Kansas Senate approves ‘Value Them Both’ pro-life ballot measure

Kansas voters will have a chance to add a pro-life amendment to the state Constitution. The Value Them Both Amendment passed by a vote of 28-11 – a two-thirds majority – on ...

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Missouri legislation supports adoption and foster care

Republicans in the Missouri House of Representatives are working on two bills to provide financial assistance for adoption and foster care. The effort is winning praise from Democrats and provides a rare ...

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Dina and Jerry: learning from their darkest hour


After Dina Russell had an abortion, her boyfriend Jerry Davenport didn’t forsake the relationship. That was unusual for a young unmarried couple involved in a crisis pregnancy. In fact, couples like them ...

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U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops concerned with Biden and ‘liberty of the church’

biden church

Although President Joe Biden continues to tout his Catholic faith, U.S. bishops question his commitment to central church teachings. José H. Gomez, archbishop of Los Angeles and the president of the U.S. ...

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KVC Kansas celebrates 100+ children’s adoptions in 2020

During National Adoption Month in November, KVC Kansas helped facilitate 20+ children’s adoptions throughout the state. On November 21, National Adoption Day, which is the Saturday before Thanksgiving, courthouses across the country ...

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Orders still being taken for Choose Life plates

choose life plates

Kansans can still pre-order the new “Choose LIFE” Kansas license plates, though the printing of the plates must wait for a sufficient number of orders to be received. The campaign currently has ...

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As Biden rolls back pro-life laws, Trump made today Sanctity of Human Life Day

Friday, Jan. 22 is National Sanctity of Human Life Day. The proclamation was made by Donald Trump as one of his last actions as president of the United States. It is also ...

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Those inaugural flags on the National Mall? They funded abortion

The inauguration of Joe Biden on Wednesday prominently featured almost 200,000 American flags on the National Mall. Meant to represent members of the public who could not attend due to COVID-19, the ...

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Pro-life hero Joe Scheidler leaves lasting legacy


An icon in the pro-life movement passed away Monday, Jan. 18. Joe Scheidler, founder of the Pro-Life Action League, was 93. Scheidler was considered a hero to the pro-life movement for his ...

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Topeka Rally and March For Life postponed

March for Life

Due to COVID-19 and security concerns, the previously scheduled Rally and March for Life at the Kansas Capitol on January 21 has been postponed until later in the spring, according to Kansans ...

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National March for Life in DC canceled, will now be virtual

The National Right to Life March in Washington DC has been canceled, citing Covid-19 and security burdens. In a press statement the organization stated, “The protection of all of those who participate ...

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President Trump declares National Sanctity of Human Life Day

President Donald Trump continues to make the sanctity of life a priority even as he leaves office. The president on Sunday evening signed a presidential declaration making January 22 National Sanctity of ...

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Join Alliance for Life in recognizing Sanctity of Human Life Month

January is National Sanctity of Human Life Month, with the focus on Sunday, January 17 as Sanctity of Human Life Day. We have heard it said, “The death of one is a ...

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Missouri is first state to have no active abortion facility

Missouri has marked a milestone that sets it apart from all other states. It now appears to be the first state without an active abortion facility. Recently, Operation Rescue confirmed that the Planned ...

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Pro-life group looks at fetal tissue origins of COVID-19 vaccines

As the approval of three COVID-19 vaccines draws closer, many Christians are asking questions about pro-life implications. Many say that a vaccine that was developed and tested using fetal tissue derived from ...

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Mom told to abort baby with terminal illness is shocked after it’s born perfectly healthy

An Australian mom told by doctors to abort her baby due to a rare terminal illness was in disbelief after her miracle girl was born completely healthy. The family has just celebrated her first ...

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Democrats take one Georgia seat, pro-life policies threatened

Democrat Raphael Warnock has defeated pro-life Senator Kelly Loeffler in one of the two Georgia runoff Senate races. Warnock was ahead with just over 50 percent of the vote. Pro-life Republican U.S. ...

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Missouri Right to Life-Western Region working towards a ‘new day’

new day

According to the song “It’s a new dawn,” Michael Bublé is feeling good. He croons, “It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life for me.” I’m very happy ...

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Advice & Aid helps women reverse abortion pill

abortion pill

Reversing the effects of the abortion pill. It sounded too good to be true. But when the opportunity arose for us to learn more about this process, Advice & Aid jumped at ...

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Largest pro-life groups in Kansas merge into powerhouse

life merge agenda kansans

The two largest pro-life organizations in Kansas are merging. Wichita-based Kansans for Life (KFL), the state’s largest pro-life group, will officially merge with its Kansas City Regional Affiliate, KCKFL. Kansans for Life ...

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Amazing 45 pro-life new members of the House sworn in

Understandably, almost the entirety of the news coming out of yesterday’s swearing in of the new members of the House of Representatives was the very narrow margin by which Nancy Pelosi kept ...

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Georgia will decide fate of current pro-life US Senate

georgia pro-life

Pro-life attention is on Georgia today as voters decide a runoff election for two US Senate seats. Republican Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler face challengers from radical pro-abortion Democrats Raphael Warnock ...

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Democrats plan to ditch Hyde Amendment that bans federally funded abortion

The Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal funding of abortion, is at risk of being repealed in the next Congress. “This is the last year,” said Rep. Rosa DeLauro, a Connecticut Democrat who ...

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Obamacare plans will cover elective abortions in most states next year

obamacare abortions

More than two-thirds of health plans on Obamacare exchanges will cover elective abortions in 2021, according to the pro-life Charlotte Lozier Institute, “Due to the former Obama administration’s severe lack of transparency ...

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Pro-life Operation Rescue recognizes President Trump as its person of the year

Although “Time” magazine selected Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as its persons of the year, Operation Rescue honored President Trump with its 2020 Person of the Year Malachi Award. The organization gives ...

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