Parents are indoctrinating their own children, according to a Virginia Democrat running for office.
Jessica Anderson, who seeks a seat in Virginia’s 71st district, claims that parents who are actively involved in their children’s education are the ones “indoctrinating” the kids. “I’m sorry, but I’ve seen some of the parents that live in Virginia,” Anderson said in a now viral Tik Tok video (below). “You should not be dictating what your daughter and son’s curriculums look like. If you want to do that, there’s a thing called homeschool. Indoctrinate them there, but not in my kids’ public schools.”
Jessica Anderson, a Democrat running for Delegate in District 71, recorded a TikTok trashing Virginia parents who are involved in their children’s education as “crazy.”
We need to elect Republicans who believe #ParentsMatter – just like Governor @GlennYoungkin famously said.
— ROOZ (@ROOZVA) May 4, 2023
After widespread pushback, Anderson later recanted, stating that what she meant to say is that parents should be allowed to question government schools, but not allowed to dictate exactly what is taught.
Her comments, say critics, reflect a general attitude among many Democrats and school administrators. The Biden administration’s FBI went so far as to label parents speaking out at school board meetings as threats and compared them to domestic terrorists.
Now, a new documentary film produced by United States Parents Involved in Education’s (USPIE), has been released and looks at the issue of alleged indoctrination and how parents can actively be involved in their school districts. “Truth & Lies in American Education,” delves into what it describes as “toxic propaganda being taught to America’s children” and gives concerned parents and citizens the tools necessary to impact meaningful change right at the heart of America’s schools.
Sheri Few, is founder and president of USPIE, and has been at the forefront of this battle for decades.
Few’s organization is finding support across the country. The nonprofit, nationwide coalition says it is working to restore parental authority over their children’s education by helping parents and local communities to escape federal and other national influences.
She says the vision of USPIE is to create a culture where parents, empowered with the authority to choose what and how their children learn, are the undisputed primary educators of their children, where local schools operate in support of families, and where education is unencumbered by federal mandates.
“In the face of governmental bureaucrats who want to take parental rights away, parents must remain strong and equipped to protect their children,” said Few. “The government wants to brainwash America’s children, yet calls parents raising their children in the manner they see fit ‘indoctrination?’ This is ludicrous on every front. Yet here we have people in our government telling us that they don’t think parents should have a say in what their children are learning. It is high time the parents of America rose up and defended their God-given rights to their own children.”
Featuring testimonials from educational experts such as Karen England, Alex Newman, Dr. Duke Pesta, Dr. Carol Swain, Sam Sorbo, and others, “Truth & Lies in American Education” follows Few’s own daughter-in-law April as she deals with the government educational system. The film addresses questions such as:
- Are standardized tests being used for data collection?
- Is there a federal education scheme to control the nation’s economy?
- Why is the study of history so often anti-American and anti-Christian?
- Are children being taught to become political activists?
- What is the true aim of “comprehensive” sexuality education?
- How much transgender influence is there in government schools?
- What about critical race theory and the 1619 Project?
“Government schools have been indoctrinating children for decades, yet when parents attempt to wrest back some of their own parental authority, they are called ‘domestic terrorists’ and ostracized by politicians like Anderson. Parents must take their children out of the government’s reach now before it’s too late,” warned Few.
“Truth & Lies in American Education” is available for streaming on SalemNOW, as well available on DVD. For more information about “Truth & Lies in American Education,” click here.
For more information on United States Parents Involved in Education, visit or follow USPIE on Facebook or Twitter.
–Dwight Widaman | Metro Voice