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Tag Archives: afghan

Daring new program disciples Afghan Christians

A new program aims to reach Afghan Christians who are forced to conceal their faith. In November SAT-7’s Persian-language channel launched a new social media initiative, Church4Afghanistan, comprised of a new brand ...

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1 million Afghan children may starve to death this winter

A new initiative is asking Americans for donations this Christmas to help save Christians who risk death in Afghanistan during the brutal winter. Its goal is to provide a “safe winter” for ...

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Biden envoy to the Taliban quits after two months

The U.S. special envoy to the Taliban has quit, saying the Biden administration’s efforts to prevent Afghanistan from becoming terror haven is failing. U.S. ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad tendered his resignation on Monday ...

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Are the government and media ignoring the religious aspect of Afghanistan?

The headline on the National Catholic Register story is simple and timely: “Trapped by the Taliban, Praying for Escape from Afghanistan.” But it is not a headline you’ll find in most media. The ...

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Stealth aid agency in Israel rescues 41 women from Taliban

taliban israel

After the U.S. surrender of Afghanistan to the Taliban left millions at risk, Israel has come to the rescue of 41 women. The UK’s Telegraph is reporting that among those moved covertly out ...

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Christian mom rescues Afghan all-girl high school robotics team

Ten Afghan girls who faced a bleak future and even death under the new Taliban rulers have been rescued thanks to one Christian mom on a mission. Allison Reneau personally flew to ...

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Afghans delete social media after Taliban seizes U.S. spy equipment

afghan equipment

Afghans are deleting their social media accounts after the Taliban has seized internet spying equipment abandoned by the Biden administration. The equipment could also give the Taliban the ability to spy on ...

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Media ministry SAT-7 reaches out to Christians trapped in Afghanistan

sat-7 afghanistan

The Middle Eastern media ministry SAT-7 is providing a lifeline for isolated Christians in Afghanistan as the resurgent Taliban go door-to-door, executing believers who refuse to renounce their faith. “We’re hearing from ...

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Trump administration, Taliban sign deal to end Afghan war

afghan war

Polls show overwhelming support for ending the war in Afghanistan and today President Donald Trump made good on his campaign promise to do just that. The United States signed a peace agreement ...

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