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Tag Archives: africa

With comments, Trump jumps into Democrat Party civil war

President Trump has stood firm on comments in which he suggested some liberal legislators in the Democrat Party should go back to their “broken and crime infested” home countries, saying that their ...

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Average of 10 Nigerian Christians killed each day

What’s persecution like in the rest of the world and especially for Nigerian believers? David Curry, CEO of Open Doors USA, wants American Christians to understand their Christian brothers around the globe ...

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At Asbury Seminary, Nigerian pastor warns against passivity

Pastor Samuel Odubena recently gave a sermon at Asbury Seminary Chapel in which he spoke about how Christians in the West ought to react to persecution. Odubena is an Anglican priest from ...

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Nigerian 7-year-old recounts Fulani attack on family

As a Baptist church member tried to fight off an armed Muslim Fulani herdsmen in a village in north-central Nigeria, he told his 7-year-old nephew and other relatives to run. The boy ...

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Jihadists attack Mali villages killing 100 Christians

As Metro Voice has reported, much of Africa is burning. That is, Christian communities are burning at the hands of Islamic jihadists who have instituted a campaign of genocide against them. News ...

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Hear in person, the stories of persecuted Christians

Metro Voice publishes stories almost daily of persecuted Christians around the world. For many, it is a top concern and the news is most often disheartening and discouraging. But with persecution comes ...

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‘No Christian anymore,’ as 19 killed in Burkina Faso villages

burkini faso

At least 19 Christians were killed in an attack June 9 on the village of Arbinda in Africa’s northern Burkina Faso causing a mass migration of Christians from their villages, the AFP reports. ...

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Large family target of attacks in Uganda

“Fire!” came the yells from outside the eastern Uganda home Yusuf Tulo as he and his sizeable family. Neighbors continued to shout, “Fire!” until Yusuf came to the door. When they went ...

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Mummy DNA supports Egyptian Dynasty descended from Noah’s son Ham


An amazing DNA discovery supports the Bible story that says Egypt’s first dynasty is descended from Noah’s son Ham.  The groundbreaking research is based on DNA taken from Egyptian mummies. CNN reports that ...

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A woman’s desperate mission to save kids of prostitutes


This is the remarkable story of Sarah Bowling, told in her own words. She’s the founder of Saving Moses and she’s on a very unique mission to rescue the children of prostitutes: We were ...

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Christian satellite network Daystar’s Jerusalem offices firebombed

The Jerusalem studio of Daystar, one of the largest Christian TV networks in the world, was firebombed over the weekend. The attack destroyed Daystar’s new studio which overlooks the Old City from ...

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Oral storytelling still important in spreading the Gospel

Conversation, social interaction, storytelling and repetition are all important factors in memory enhancement.  In fact, research has shown that storytelling and engaging conversations are some of the best ways of activating the ...

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Nigeria on fire: A day in the life of their Christians

Nigeria is on fire. Not that you would know that from the news coverage of the Western press, which rarely mentions the deadly killing sprees in this wealthiest nation of Africa. In ...

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Muslim Fulani herdsmen massacre Christians after baby dedication in Nigeria

Muslim Fulani herdsmen killed 17 Christians who had gathered after a baby dedication at a church in central Nigeria, including the mother of the child, sources said. Safaratu John Kabiru Ali, the ...

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Whole Christian villages wiped out, media silent

Another week. Hundreds more dead and wounded Christians lay in villages in Nigeria while the world sleeps. Brothers and sisters in Christ were the target of yet more bloody attacks in the ...

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Media reporting on New Zealand, but did you hear about that OTHER bigotry-driven massacre?

“If it bleeds, it leads” is, say critics, the morbid media standard. But it’s more accurate to say that if the right person bleeds, it leads. A good example would be the ...

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Global church effort aims to transform Rwanda

rwanda church

The 5th Annual All Africa Conference recently took place in Rwanda. Leaders from 12 American churches and 19 African nations, plus Costa Rica, and Brazil partnered to bring tools and training for ...

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Jewish couple gives $5 million to Christian missionary doctors

A Jewish businessman and philanthropist is giving millions of dollars of his wealth to help Christian missionary doctors in Africa. Mark Gerson and his wife Rabbi Erica Gerson are giving $5 million ...

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10 children in Tanzania killed for body parts

Authorities in Tanzania say that 10 children who were kidnapped in December have been found dead and were killed for their body parts. The children’s ears, teeth and “private parts” were removed, and ...

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World Toilet Day highlights sanitation crisis


Millions of lives are at risk around the world for a lack of toilets according to campaigners marking World Toilet Day. The effort urges governments and businesses to invest more in sanitation. The ...

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Refugees in Kenya run for peace

KAJIADO, Kenya—In 2002, at age 9, James Nyang was to be taken as a child soldier so he could fight for his clan in South Sudan. It was his family’s turn to ...

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GOOD NEWS: World poverty rates are dropping

Poverty rates around the world are falling dramatically, especially in the last few years but there’s still much work to be done. While the United States experiences record growth, global economic prospects ...

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Melania Trump tours former slavery outpost in Ghana on solo tour of Africa

Melania Trump visited a former slave trading fort in Ghana on Wednesday, the second day of the US first lady’s maiden solo tour of Africa promoting her children’s welfare program. Trump said she ...

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China training pilots to target U.S.

For years, foreign policy and military experts have been warning that China, not Russia, is America’s biggest threat. That theory gained weight this week after a new report was released. China is ...

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African tribe dances for joy after getting Bible in own language


The Tembo people are literally dancing for joy after finally receiving the Bible in their native tongue thanks to a 21-year effort  by Wycliffe Bible Translators. It was a dangerous undertaking. This ...

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