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Tag Archives: africa

Churches in Burkina Faso abandoned as Christians flee jihadists

Churches across the North of Burkina Faso are being left deserted as Christians flee escalating violence from armed Jihadist groups, according to Open Doors UK & Ireland. The charity reports more than one ...

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One Hope has reached an amazing 1.6 billion children

According to the One Hope Ministry website, the Lord burdened founder Bob Hoskins’ heart to understand that “Satan targets children in horrible ways to destroy the potential of the next generation.” He ...

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Standing with a church under siege

For at least a decade, Christians in several African nations have endured extreme persecution and violence from militants and extremists seeking political control. Current reports note renewed attacks in Mali, Nigeria and ...

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BLM protestors confront Catholic priest who tries to protect Saint Louis statue

The namesake of the city of St. Louis is now under attack. Black Lives Matter protestors recently shouted down a Catholic priest who tried to defend a statue of French King Louis ...

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Black Lives Matter leader calls Jesus “the most famous black radical revolutionary”

black jesus

Part of the fallout from the current social unrest is an attempt by some to redefine the message of Jesus. Hawk Newsome, head of Black Lives Matter of New York, told Marth ...

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Jesus statues, paintings are new target for removal by protesters

Black Lives Matter activist and Democrat Shaun King called Monday for the removal of statues, murals and stained glass windows that depict Jesus as a “white European,” which he claimed “are a ...

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Latest Nigerian bloodshed claims pastor, pregnant wife

nigerian pastor

A Nigerian pastor and his pregnant wife were laid to rest on Friday, leaving behind eight children between the ages of one and 19 years old. It’s the latest in a barrage of ...

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Kenyan man loses all after refusing Muslim demands to renounce Jesus

After converting to Christianity, Yasin Bakari, a father of two living in coastal Kenya, fears that he will be killed. He heard the Gospel in March and was moved enough to abandon ...

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Satellite ministry SAT-7 sees Middle East audience surge from COVID-19 lockdown

Sat-7 covid-19

Millions of people across the Middle East and North Africa are finding help right in their own homes through “living television.” In the region where Christianity began but is now a minority ...

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Good news for Sudan’s Christians and their churches

Sudan’s transitional government has abolished committees formed under the Islamist regime of former President Omar al-Bashir that were used to take over hundreds of churches and other Christian property. Nasreldin Mofreh, Sudan’s Minister ...

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Swarm of locusts devouring eastern Africa in Biblical proportion

The United Nations this week warned that a growing swarm of locusts puts hundreds of millions at risk of starvation across eastern and central Africa.  The swarm  passed through the Middle East ...

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Can’t ‘hold it in’: Kenyan tribal chief brings Christ to his people, again

hold it in

Geoffrey Lekopir couldn’t “hold it in.” Already 42 years old when he came to Christ in 1999, he wanted his fellow Rendille tribe members to hear the gospel and know the love ...

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Thirteen Nigerians murdered in latest attack on Christians

Thirteen Nigerian Christians are dead after a group of Fulani Muslim terrorists targeted their Christian village. The attack took place last week and news of the atrocity is just now making it ...

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Orrick, Mo., church members lose thousands in gold purchase scam


Jesus told his followers to be as wise as serpents. Sometimes, those serpents are selling gold. A man in Orrick, Mo., which is about 30 miles from Kansas City, is charged with ...

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Wycliffe Bible translator murdered, wife’s hand cut off by Muslim attackers


Cameroon continues to see an alarming increase in attacks on Christians by the hands of muslims. Now news comes that a Wycliffe Bible translator in the nation has been murdered in a ...

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Local pastor/missionary to be recognized for lifetime achievement

Rev. Max Manning, one of the original founders of Topeka Rescue Mission, has been serving the Kingdom of God since the 1950s. The pastor and missionary is the Director of Global Missions, ...

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Last remaining Jews in Sudan move to Israel with emotional greeting

The last remaining Jews of South Sudan finally arrived in Israel this week after being separated from their relatives for more than 10 years. Suzi Makoriel and her three children made the ...

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Fulani terrorists targeting Nigerian clergy

Christian church leaders continue to be targeted in Nigeria with reports of more kidnappings and murder by Fulani terrorists. The latest is a priest who narrowly escaped a murder attempt two weeks ...

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United Nations acknowledges persecuted Christians

persecuted christians

For the first time since its inception, the United Nations is remembering persecuted Christians around the world. The commemoration is called the UN International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence ...

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Islamists attack village, cut off ears of Christian women


Christians across Africa continue to suffer while, for the most part, American media remains silent. The barbarism of Boko Haram, an Islamist militant group, has reached new heights with verified reports emerging ...

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Fulani terrorists kill priest, kidnap pentecostal pastors

A priest in Southern Nigeria was killed Thursday by suspected Fulani terrorists while five pastors from a Pentecostal denomination were abducted in a separate incident just outside of Lagos. The Catholic Diocese ...

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Migrants from 40 countries heading to US border

Lured by promises of a better life, free health care and recent talk among Democrat presidential contenders of decriminalizing illegal border crossings, tens of thousands of migrants from 40 countries are preparing ...

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Prayer network lets you personally connect with African believers under persecution

A new effort connecting American church congregations with African believers in Christ and their churches is underway. Prayer News Network was launched by Douglas Burton and Magna Faith Krimi, both advisory board ...

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How Islamic extremists use social media as a weapon against Christians

The ministry Open Doors USA reports a trend of hackers, working with Islamic extremists, taking over Christian Facebook pages and posting anti-Islamic messages. The fake posts then generate outrage against the Christians ...

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‘His cemetery was full of victims’: group helps Americans ‘adopt’ Nigerian Christians

Leaders with “Save the Persecuted Christians” are on a mission to help Americans “adopt” persecuted Christians in war-torn Nigeria – by praying for them and bringing awareness to their struggles. STPC is ...

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