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Tag Archives: america

Economists blown away: Manufacturing expands at fastest rate since 2018

Economist expectations were blown away in August with U.S. manufacturing levels accelerating at close to a two-year high. The encouraging data was released by the Institute for Supply Management (ISM) and coincided ...

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Schools looking for space could turn to churches – doing so has a rich history

churches schools

Could places of worship ease the burden of schools looking to reopen while giving students space to social distance? Working with churches might not be such an outlandish suggestion. With space at ...

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Graham calls on Christians to descend on Washington for prayer march

graham march

Franklin Graham is calling for hundreds of thousands of believers and their pastors and churches to join him for “Prayer March 2020” in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 26. “Our nation is in ...

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Riots and Protests: What America can learn from Israel: Q&A with David Rubin

Israeli David Rubin knows something about the personal cost of terrorism. It touched his family in a horrific way. Rubin is the former Mayor of Shiloh, Israel and was with his then ...

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5 reasons Muslims accept Christ as savior

muslims christ

A survey of 750 Muslims who converted to Christianity shows five predominant reasons they chose to follow Christ. The lifestyle of Christians. Former Muslims cited the love that Christians exhibited in their ...

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Learning about race from other voices in Black America

What can we learn about race from other voices? Many generations ago the Jewish King Hezekiah was in the midst of a successful reign when he was threatened with invasion by King ...

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Henry Louis Gates: “Tiny fraction” of slaves actually ended up in U.S.

When it comes to the history of slaves in the New World, there is perhaps no one more versed on the subject than Dr. Henry Louis Gates. The Harvard professor, who is ...

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“God, Trump and COVID-19” takes timely look at today’s critical issues

“God, Trump and COVID-19: How the Pandemic Is Affecting Christians, the World and America’s 2020 Election,” a new book by Stephen Strang, brings clarity to the world-changing events of 2020. The book ...

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Will Jewish and Christian Schools Teach the Truth About America and Racism?

When I went to yeshiva day schools, America was celebrated. America was regarded, in the description of Menachem Schneerson (the Lubavitcher rebbe), the most influential rabbi of the 20th century, as a ...

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Americans maintain faith in God throughout pandemic, study finds

faith in God

Although Americans have not been able to meet in churches for several months, their faith in God remains strong. That is one of the key findings of a recent survey by UChicago ...

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What you need to know about China’s cyber war with the U.S.

China’s Cyber War on America has been ceaseless, comprehensive and longstanding. In the past 15 years, China has hacked official government departments, defense contractors, utility companies, and U.S. and alliedintelligence agencies. The ...

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Chaplain shares her story serving front lines of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

In the small Eastern Ukrainian suburb of Avdeevka it’s common to hear bombs exploding or nearby gunfire.  Seven years after Russia’s invasion began, the casualties still mount. Residents who fled and those ...

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Family Research Council documents erosion of religious freedom as pandemic continues

religious freedom pandemic

Several Christian organizations are expressing concern about how government health policies are encroaching on religious freedom guaranteed in the Constitution. In a newly released issue brief, “Restrictions on Religious Freedom During the ...

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President Trump to suspend immigration to slow spread of COVID-19

President Donald Trump has announced he’ll sign an executive order temporarily suspending immigration into the United States in an effort to slow COVID-19. The administration is working out details on the suspension ...

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Trump more like Churchill than critics want to admit

British leader Winston Churchill, like President Donald Trump, had his critics and his foibles. It’s ironic and hypocritical that many on the left have been so desperate to criticize the President in ...

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Is it time to end our dependence on generic drugs from China?

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed a number of things about the US and China’s relationship. One most notable thing is how America depends on China for generic prescription drugs in a major ...

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Seeking Comfort in the storm

The USNS Comfort arrived March 30 at the front lines of the coronavirus outbreak in the United States, bringing a message of hope and comfort to New Yorkers and all Americans in the midst of ...

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China wages massive Twitter propaganda war

Communist China continues to use Twitter and other social media to spread conspiracy theories amid its aggressive disinformation and propaganda campaign about its responsibility for the deadly coronavirus. The Chinese regime is ...

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A view from Israel: Trump leadership leads to high approval ratings

President Trump has been accused of almost everything – from colluding with the Russians, to withholding money from Ukraine in a quid pro quo, and, most recently, downplaying the coronavirus threat in ...

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Chart of current coronavirus cases and deaths in U.S.

cases deaths

Here’s the current number of coronavirus cases and deaths across the United States. As of March 28. USA State Total Cases New Cases Total Deaths New Deaths Active Cases Source New York ...

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Communist China controls 80% of American drugs

china drugs

China this week implied it could hold the United States hostage over its control of drugs that millions of Americans depend on. The startling threat was met with anger by both Republicans ...

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Woman fled communist country, now fears socialist talk in America

Monalisa Foster didn’t know bananas were supposed to be yellow. The bananas she ate were green. It wasn’t her fault. She grew up in Nicolae Ceaușescu’s communist Romania, where food was scarce ...

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Coronavirus is a U.S, Jewish plot says Iraqi political analyst

iraq coronavirus

An Iraqi political analyst is spreading a conspiracy theory that the coronavirus is a plot by the United States and Jews aimed at population control. And he’s basing it on a 40-year-old ...

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India welcomes President Trump with historic crowds

Indians were glued to their televisions and phone screens today as President Donald Trump was joined by India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi to speak before 125,000 cheering guests. The event was the ...

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American life expectancy is on the rise for first time since 2014

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently announced that Americans’ life expectancy rose for the first time since 2014. Two of the main reasons were declines in the number of ...

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