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Tag Archives: babies

Elizabeth Warren mocks men, people of faith at CNN town hall

Sen. Elizabeth Warren may be surging in the Democrat presidential primary polls, but she is doing little to court the support of Christians. Warren participated last week in a town hall sponsored ...

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Planned Parenthood opens Illinois abortion clinic to attract women from St. Louis

Missouri has a pro-life governor and legislature, while Illinois has one of the most liberal climates for abortion in the nation. As abortion options dwindle in the Show-Me state, Planned Parenthood has ...

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Locations announced for Oct. 6 annual Life Chain event

chain, life chain

The 32nd Annual Life Chain across the nation will take place Sunday afternoon, Oct. 6. It will include 70 cities and towns across Kansas plus 84 in Missouri. Some of the largest ...

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Teen Vogue using Snapchat to show kids how to get abortions

Teen Vogue, known for providing kids with explicit articles on sex, is now using the social media platform Snapchat to advise them on how to get an abortion. The new social media ...

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‘Miracle’ 13-ounce premature baby born in Iowa


Premature babies are not expected to thrive like this. Weighing less than one pound, an Iowa baby born at just 23 weeks is being hailed as “miracle baby.” Fewer than one in ...

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Judge shuts down Kansas’ telemedicine abortions

A Kansas judge has reversed an earlier court ruling and now says that a clinic cannot provide telemedicine abortions.  The process takes place when a doctor guides a patient via video conference ...

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Young woman changes mind, saves twins


“Oh—twins.” That’s what Alexis heard as the ultrasound technician non-chalantly uttered the words while she received her ultrasound. In that instant life changed for Alexis (her name has been changed for privacy). ...

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Bridges across nation will sport pro-life signs June 28


Over 50 communities across the nation will make a pro-life statement for National Pro-Life Bridges Day make a Friday, June 28. Missouri cities participating include Jefferson City, St. Charles and Springfield. In ...

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Joe Biden moves to left, flip-flops on gov’t funded abortions

In what many political observers see as an attempt to shore up his sagging poll numbers, U.S. Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden said on June 6 that he no longer supports a long-standing ...

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Missouri Secretary of State says abortion referendum effort is unlawful

Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft has denied two pro-abortion referendum petitions today aimed at blocking sweeping pro-life legislation from becoming law. Ashcroft says the efforts are unconstitutional because part of the ...

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NPR: Unborn babies are not ‘babies’

A supervising editor at National Public Radio has advised NPR staff that it is incorrect to use the word “baby” to refer to a child in the womb and warned against using ...

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Studies show most rape survivors choose life for their babies

Many people assume that pregnant rape victims want abortions, and that if they aren’t able to get them, their lives are ruined, and their babies become a constant reminder of the rape. ...

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Rape, Incest and Abortion: searching beyond the myths 


“How can you deny an abortion to a twelve-year-old girl who is the victim of incest?” complains an indignant supporter of abortion. “And how can you call yourself a loving Christian if ...

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I was conceived in rape; I’m the 1% they exploit to justify 100% of abortions


Missouri. Iowa. Kentucky. Mississippi. Ohio. Georgia. Alabama. What do these states have in common? Courage and compassion. They’ve passed Heartbeat bills (Missouri and Louisiana are on their way), banning the brutal act ...

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Missouri House passes fetal heartbeat bill

Missouri’s pro-life Heartbeat Bill is headed to the Governor’s desk after it was approved in the Missouri House today. The House vote was 110-44, and happened after about two hours of emotional ...

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Thousands fill Times Square for live ultrasound

The live ultrasound was seen by thousands as Focus on the Family presented what had been billed as the largest pro-life event ever held in New York City’s Times Square. As Metro Voice reported, earlier ...

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Companies blocking pro-life billboard in Times Square

New York City and their billboard companies are apparently frightened by pictures of babies. That’s the assumption by pro-life leaders after Focus on the Family failed with three companies who have denied ...

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ADHD 7 times higher in preschoolers who get over 2 hours screentime

Preschoolers who spend more than two hours per day with screentime on smartphones and tablets are seven times more likely to develop the symptoms of ADHD, according to shocking new research. The ...

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Ohio legislature passes ‘fetal heartbeat’ bill

fetal heartbeat

On Wednesday, April 10, the Ohio General Assembly passed a bill banning abortions when a baby’s heartbeat is detected and sent the bill to the governor’s desk for approval. The state will ...

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“Unplanned’ is an R-rated movie everyone should see


Unplanned, out in theaters this week, is the R-rated movie everyone needs to see, including teenagers. I know, I know. R-rated is bad. Really bad. So why do I think everyone should ...

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Country singer puts newborn daughter to sleep by sitting her on guitar and playing

Parents of little ones will try almost anything to get their babies to sleep. You’ve probably driven around the block more than a few times late at night when it was absolutely necessary. ...

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The “smell of death,” the shock of recognition, and the legacy of William Wilberforce

William Wilberforce was born in 1759 in Yorkshire, England. Unfortunately, Wilberforce is not known today nearly as well as he should be. In a small but powerful way, in 2006 the film Amazing ...

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91 babies saved from abortion during 40 Days for Life prayer campaign, so far; Video

Today we know of 91 babies saved from abortion by the 40 Days for Life prayer campaign since March 6…and the fate of one of those children was left to chance. “One ...

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What happened to the babies of Auschwitz?


Until recently, it wasn’t fully understood what happened to the more than 3,000 babies born in the Auschwitz concentration camp. New research sheds light on a Polish midwife who, ordered to watch ...

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KS Rep. Roger Marshall: NY abortion law is a danger to mothers – I know, as a doctor who’s delivered 5,000 babies

In his State of the Union address, President Trump called on Congress to prohibit late-term abortions. What has happened to our nation when the president of the United States has to ask legislators ...

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