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Tag Archives: canada

Canada may strip charity status of all groups that oppose abortion

Canada may ban the charitable status of groups the liberal government of Justin Trudeau deems “anti-abortion”. The move is being condemned as an “attack” on constitutional freedoms and a misuse of the ...

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No, Bernie, July was not the hottest month “in the history of the planet”

Major media outlets are repeating a claim by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) that last month was the hottest “in the history of the planet.” It comes during a worldwide push by Western ...

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New documentary says Canadian church crackdown similar to China

canadian china

A new documentary claims that the crackdown on churches by the Canadian government resembles communist China. “The Government War on Worship,” which was released by the Calgary-based Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, ...

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Canadian pastors say continuing church closures are ‘soft totalitarianism”

As Canadian churches remain closed or under severe Covid restrictions many pastors see Christianity crumbling. While Covid regulations are the current reason, the country’s government has become increasingly hostile to faith in ...

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We ‘went too far’ says Canadian premier as lockdown measures enrage public

After Canadians responded with outrage in response to recent draconian lockdown measures, a top Canadian official is apologizing and admitting to government overreach. We ‘went too far,” admitted Ontario Premier Doug Ford ...

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Anti-lockdown protesters tear down barricade police erected around church

Protesters have torn down part of the barricade that Canadian police erected around a church to prevent worshippers from gathering in person. The incident took place in Alberta, Canada on April 11 in ...

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Pastor jailed for in-person services is released to applause from other inmates

pastor in-person

Canadian Pastor James Coates, held in prison for holding in-person church services, is speaking out after his release. Coates, a pastor at GraceLife Church in Edmonton, Alberta, left the jail to thunderous ...

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Billy Graham crisis chaplains deploy to three more storm-hit areas

graham crisis

The Billy Graham Rapid Response Team (BG-RRT) is deploying more crisis-trained chaplains to three additional locations hit hard by southern tornados. Already on the ground in two locations in Alabama after last ...

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Man arrested for calling his biological female child his ‘daughter’

female daughter

Canadian father Scott Hoogland was arrested and jailed this week for the crime of referring to his 14-year-old daughter as his “daughter.” That’s right. Because this concerned father referred to his daughter ...

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Canadian pastor will remain imprisoned for holding church service

Christians around the world are speaking out on behalf of a Canadian pastor imprisoned since Feb. 16 for holding in-person worship services. Pastor James Coates with GraceLife Church of Edmonton was arrested ...

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Poll: Pandemic strengthened faith, family ties of many

Amid the negative news, is there a family silver lining to the ongoing pandemic? Yes, according to a new poll from the Pew Research Center. The poll found that 28 percent of ...

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Canadian physicians sign petition against ‘dying’ bill

Canadian doctors are organizing to oppose a new medically assisted suicide bill. As of this week, over 1,100 physicians have signed a petition opposing the “dying” bill, saying the proposed legislation changes the ...

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Elderly woman chooses suicide rather than lockdown

A Canadian news service is reporting that a 90-year-old woman chose assisted suicide rather than living through another lockdown at her nursing home. The disturbing development, reported by CTV News Medical Correspondent, ...

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China’s crackdown on religion worst since millions murdered in Cultural Revolution of 60s

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is cracking down on Christians and other religious minorities at a rate not seen since the cultural revolution. That was the assessment of a panel hosted by ...

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Canadians now oppose assisted suicide expansion

Canadians have raised concerns over their Government’s plan to expand assisted suicide to the non-terminally ill. A Bill has been introduced which would allow those suffering from non-terminal conditions, such as cerebral ...

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China concedes as it ends tariffs on almost 700 US products

China is following through on concessions it made to demands by the Trump administration to lower tariffs on American-made goods. China will grant exemptions on tariffs imposed against 696 U.S. goods, the ...

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While US candidates push ‘Medicare for all,’ Canadians want private insurance

About 56% of people in the United States favor “Medicare for all,” according to polling from the Kaiser Family Foundation out last week. That’s an increase of 3 percentage points from last ...

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Dad banned from coaching hockey after questioning gender identity course

hockey gender

After questioning a required gender identity training course, a Canadian dad has been has been banned from coaching his son’s hockey team. The mandatory gender identity training course had been imposed on ...

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‘Cancel culture’ forces church to stop screening of Jordan Peterson documentary

The “Cancel Culture” is beginning to come after churches. The latest example is a documentary about Jordan Peterson, Ph.D., a Canadian professor who has become well known for his stances against political ...

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Canadian Orthodox priest fired after prayers for Israel


A popular orthodox priest in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia says he was forced to resign after giving a sermon about the importance of honoring the Jewish roots of Christianity and ...

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Media hypes Amazon fires as Brazil turns down help

As wildfires spread across a small corner of the Amazon, the media may be misrepresenting their impact and size compared to other large fires. The government of Brazil, while struggling to contain ...

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Canadian healthcare denies home health care, pays for assisted suicide

Many Democrat politicians and other critics of the private American healthcare system point to Canadian healthcare as a model the U.S. should emulate. But one Canadian family is fighting the Canadian healthcare ...

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What Canada’s crackdown on religious liberty means to Americans

Religious liberty has been under attack in Canada for some time. This has led to many in the United States wondering if their own religious freedoms may be under assault, as well. ...

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How liberalism destroyed education and how to fix it

In 1953, historian and educator Hilda Neatby ignited controversy by publishing “So Little for the Mind: An Indictment of Canadian Education.” She wanted to know why otherwise bright high school students entering ...

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Asia Bibi faces death threats in Canada


After facing mobs of thousands who hunted her like an animal, Asia Bibi, the Pakistani Christian who sought asylum in Canada, is facing a new threat. According to the British Pakistani Christian ...

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