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Tag Archives: death

Mystery of guard at time of Epstein death brings more questions

A mystery is unfolding around one of the two guards on duty at Jeffrey Epstein’s cell on the night of his death. The guard was not a regular correctional officer, according to reports. ...

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Severe burns after generic phone charger touches necklace

A young woman suffered severe neck burns after her necklace came in contact with her generic cell phone charger, prompting experts to warn about the potential dangers of using these products. The ...

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After tragic death, college honors student with scholarship


A  beloved Christian college student killed in an auto accident is being remembered with a new scholarship at his former school. Nineteen-year-old Jace Smothers, who was studying to be a youth pastor ...

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New study links sugary beverages with increased risk of early death

Drinking sugary beverages increases your chances of dying – especially from heart disease, according to a long-term study of men and women in the US. The recent finding from Harvard researchers was ...

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‘The Farewell’ explores the fibs one family tells in love


Is there ever such a thing as a good lie? Even when it’s told as part of a farewell? Billi, a struggling young artist in Brooklyn, isn’t so sure. I mean, yes, ...

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Who were the first settlers of Jamestown?


Ever wonder who the first settlers were? They were a cross section of English society. On May 13, 1607 three English ships the Susan Constant, Godspeed and Discovery with approximately 144 settlers ...

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Kansans urged to help protect children from heatstroke

On average, every 10 days a child dies from heatstroke in a vehicle. In more than half of these deaths, the caregiver forgot the child was in the car. TFI Family Services, ...

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‘It was like Hell’: Migrants stepping over dead bodies on journey

PANAMA – What started out as caravans of migrants winding their way north from Latin America has become an unbroken pipeline of people seeking to move to the United States. The vast ...

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Toddler electrocuted putting phone charger in mouth

Most people absentmindedly keep phone chargers plugged in, even when they are not charging a phone. That danger is now more apparent after a 2-year-old child was electrocuted after she put a phone ...

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Asia Bibi faces death threats in Canada


After facing mobs of thousands who hunted her like an animal, Asia Bibi, the Pakistani Christian who sought asylum in Canada, is facing a new threat. According to the British Pakistani Christian ...

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Selfie on electric transformer kills woman

A woman in Russia who allegedly climbed onto an electricity transformer to take a selfie ended up electrocuted and burned to death. Witnesses cited in a report by The Sun said local police near the village of Kuznetsy were still ...

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Couple dies holding hands after 56 years of marriage


A Michigan couple whose family described as inseparable in life died hours apart while holding hands earlier this month. The daughters of the storybook couple, Will and Judy Webb, who died on March ...

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The big debate: is cremation Christian?

Preference for cremation in the United States has risen dramatically in recent decades but the historical trend is even more startling. Just over 150 years ago there were less than 45 cremations ...

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The “smell of death,” the shock of recognition, and the legacy of William Wilberforce

William Wilberforce was born in 1759 in Yorkshire, England. Unfortunately, Wilberforce is not known today nearly as well as he should be. In a small but powerful way, in 2006 the film Amazing ...

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Dreams by dying patients should be respected says doctor

The dreams of patients at Hospice Buffalo in New York are providing insight into what people see and experience in the weeks and days before they pass away. Pittsburg’s KDKA-TV reports that ...

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Charges dismissed in decapitation of boy at Schlitterbahn

water slide

Criminal charges have been dismissed against a construction company and the owners of a Schlitterbahn water park in Kansas City, Kansas, over the decapitation of  a 10-year-old boy while riding a 17-story waterslide ...

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Billy Graham still leading others to Christ

Rev. Billy Graham is still leading people to Christ almost a year after his death. February 21 marks one year since Graham died at age 99. It was the most high profile ...

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Childhood football and irreversible brain damage

Football has long been a tradition of the college campus. Then came its widespread move into the nation’s high schools in the 1930s and 40s. And then middle schools in the 70s ...

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Kansas teen killed in church van crash inspires Bible reading

church van

The memory of a Kansas teen who was killed in a horrible church van crash last year continues to live on as a result of her unshakeable trust in Christ and love of ...

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Shirley Boone dies, Pat says ‘change of address’

Shirley Boone, the longtime wife of singer Pat Boone, dedicated Christian as well as a philanthropist, has died. She was 84. She passed away on Jan. 11, surrounded by her four daughters, ...

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President George H. W. Bush dead at age 94

Former President George H.W. Bush died late Friday night at his Houston home. Former presidents and other major public figures are mourning his passing. His death comes less than a year after Barbara Bush ...

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The strange death of Trump’s new drug tsar

Authorities investigating mysterious death of the nation’s first drug ‘tsar’– a high-level federal official tasked with lowering drug prices have determined he took his own life but questions remain. Daniel Best was ...

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Kansas review committee begins work to address pregnancy-associated deaths

Pregnancy is often a positive experience filled with joy and anticipation. For some families, this exciting time turns tragic. Miscarriage and still births are one form of tragedy, but also there is ...

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“JUST A MINUTE – The finality of death“ with the Country Parson

Howdy partner.  There is a saying that goes, “Life is hard and then you die.”  Each of us will face the finality of death.  But the real question is how are you ...

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Interview with God movie: What would you ask?

ask weekend movies

Suppose you could interview God and ask any questions you wanted. What would you ask? Maybe… Can you get my boss (parents, kids, spouse, in-laws, friends…) to be more understanding? Got any ...

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