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Tag Archives: iran

Germany bans Hezbollah, raids mosques across country

Germany on Thursday completely banned Lebanon’s Iran-backed Hezbollah movement from carrying out activities on its soil, as police raided mosques and venues linked to the group. The action is another foreign  policy ...

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Iran releases 85,000 prisoners with half possibly having coronavirus

Iran has released 85,000 prisoners with half of them possibly having the coronavirus. Iran is currently one of two epicenters for the virus outside of China. It’s overcrowded prisons, that hold individuals ...

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Iranian Christian faces deportation back to Iran after failing Bible quiz

iranian deportation

After missing several questions on a Bible quiz administered by a British judge, an Iranian Christian faces deportation and possible torture. The 38-year-old Christian convert’s appeal was earlier rejected because he wasn’t ...

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Clampdown on Iranian Christians grows during pro-democracy protests

Growing protests inside Iran have the Islamic regime stepping up pressure against Christians. The fear of Iranian officials, say experts, is that calls for democracy will lead to the expansion of the ...

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Former Iranian hostages pen letter of thanks to President Trump


[Editor’s note: In 1979 Kevin Hermening, Michael H. Howland, David M. Roeder and Rodney “Rocky” Sickmann were among the 52 Americans hostages held by the Revolutionary Guard after the U.S. Embassy was ...

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Technology now powering persecution of Christians around the world

technology christians

Imagine facial recognition technology to get into a house of worship and surveillance cameras inside watching every move of the Christians there. Or a “social score” system that awards points for good ...

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Israel has developed Star Wars laser technology to combat missile threat

Israel receives billions in U.S. aid each year and while some call for it to be ended, the investment is making both Israel and America safer. Now, Israel’s Defense Ministry has revealed ...

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In procedural move, Democrats block vote voicing support for Iranian protesters

House Democrats Tuesday afternoon moved to advance two resolutions that, in a procedural vote, blocked a resolution that voiced support for Iranian protests against recent actions by their government. The vote to ...

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UK, France and Germany change tune, now backing Trump on Iranian sanctions


The United Kingdom, Germany and France have announced today they’re fed-up with Iranian violations of the 2015 nuclear deal and put the blame solely on the Iranian regime. That’s contrary to American ...

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Iranian female Olympic medalist Alizadeh defects over regime’s lies about airliner

Iran’s downing of a passenger jet is having fallout in the sports world. Taekwondo fighter Kimia Alizadeh, Iran’s only female Olympic medalist, has defected. The athlete, who has rock star status in ...

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World Evangelical Alliance equates US with Iran, gets pushback from Christians

Is the US the same as the rogue regime of Iran which kills thousands of its citizens each year? That’s seems to be the message from the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA). The ...

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Rockets again fired at Iraq military base

As Iranian protests against the Ayatollah and their president spread, the Islamic regime may be trying to divert attention with more rockets fired in Iraq. On Sunday rocket rained down on the ...

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Furious Iranians protest their government over jetliner downing

As Iranians continue to pour into the streets to protest their government downing of a Ukrainian jetliner, the United States has expressed its support for them. President Donald Trump and American diplomats ...

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Iran admits shooting down jetliner

After growing world outrage, Iran announced that it shot down the Ukrainian jetliner that crashed on Wednesday, killing all 176 aboard. The crash occurred just minutes after taking off from the Iranian capital’s ...

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Overnight strike takes out missiles and Iranian terrorists in Syria

Military from an undisclosed country targeted Iranian-backed Hashed al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Forces) militia in Syria overnight. The mission killed at least eight fighters according to news reports and a local human rights ...

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Senators introduce bills to limit President’s ability to respond to threats

Democrats in Congress are pushing bills to limit the President’s ability to quickly respond to threats using the military, saying it should not be used in countering Iranian attacks. The latest Senate ...

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President Trump addresses nation about Iran and recent events

President Trump spoke to the American people today, and by default, the Iranian people, stating that the United States does not want war but will do what is necessary to protect the ...

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Reporter remembers brutality of Soleimani

While many Democrats and Hollywood stars continue to apologize for the targeted killing of Tehran’s former top terror chief Qasem Soleimani, one reporter is remembering just how brutal he was. Dan Andros ...

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While Democrats protest death of Soleimani, Pompeo shows videos of Iraqis celebrating

On Saturday thousands protested across the United States against the killing of Iranian Revolutionary Guard leader General Qassim Soleimani. Democrat Presidential Primary candidates denounced President Trump and the killing while Hollywood actors tweeted ...

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Remarks of the President on the killing of Qasim Soleimani

Here are the remarks of the president concerning the attack and killing of Iran’s top general Qasim Soleimani who was the orchestrator of terror across the Middle East and war with America’s allies. ...

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Marines arrive in Baghdad to protect US Embassy


After President Trump ordered 750 Marines to the area, Iranian-backed militiamen withdrew from the US Embassy in Baghdad. The arrival of the troops capped two days of violence by Iranians and Iraqi ...

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Church resources available to highlight world’s persecuted believers

church persecuted

A billion Christians will celebrate Christmas this year in the comfort of their homes or their local church. But for half a billion persecuted Christians around the globe, Christmas could be a ...

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Netanyahu blasts six European nations breaking US sanctions on Iran

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Donald Trump spoke Sunday night about the grave threat Iran poses to world peace, sanctions and other important issues, the White House said in a ...

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Qatar has emerged as a safe haven for jihadists

If you watch any television, you’ve probably seen the commercials. Qatar Airlines touts itself as a modern, western airline with global reach offering passengers unparalleled comfort. But the airline is owned by ...

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Iran’s Revolutionary Guard honors fallen Jewish soldiers from war with Iraq

There is no love lost between Iran and Israel but a recent ceremony highlighted a little-known fact about Iranian Jews. Members of the Iranian Jewish community along with the Revolutionary Guards and ...

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