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Tag Archives: joe biden

Democrat Joe Manchin casts deciding vote to save Hyde Amendment

The prolife Hyde Amendment has survived by a single vote. Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia joined with all Republican senators to pass an amendment prohibiting federal dollars from being used ...

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Biden administration finally describes protests in Cuba as pro-democracy

The Biden administration is being criticized after it originally described the pro-democracy protests in Cuba as just people protesting “Covid-19 cases.” “Peaceful protests are growing in #Cuba as the Cuban people exercise ...

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DeSantis tops polling for 2024 presidential nomination

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis came out on top of an early straw poll for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. Last weekend, the Western Conservative Summit took place at the Centennial Institute, a public ...

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Biden now supports death penalty for Boston Bomber

boston bomber

In a surprise turnaround, the Biden administration is asking the Supreme Court to reinstate the death sentence against the Boston Marathon bomber. The request comes while President Joe Biden promised on the ...

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Supreme Court unanimously rules against Biden warrantless gun seizures

In a surprise unanimous decision, the U.S. Supreme Court has rejected Biden administration arguments that police can conduct warrantless searches of homes to seize guns. The ruling in the case, Caniglia v. ...

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Governors ending federal unemployment bonus to get people to work

Ongoing federal unemployment benefits are discouraging many workers from returning to work. Several Republican governors are ending these benefits early to help businesses struggling to find help. A recent analysis by University ...

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Biden’s National Day of Prayer proclamation omits God

national prayer biden

President Joe Biden has issued a proclamation for the National Day of Prayer. There’s just one problem. It doesn’t mention God. The President, who says he is a committed Catholic, has been ...

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Kansas City archbishop leads debate on pro-abortion Catholic politicians

archbishop catholic

Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City is taking the lead as U.S. Catholic bishops debate their stance on Catholic politicians such as President Joe Biden who publicly support abortion. During their next ...

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Sen. Tim Scott attacked by left for speech on faith, race, election reform in response to Biden

Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina was mocked in the media and is being attacked by the left after his response to the 100-day speech by President Joe Biden. But what did ...

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Trump focused on mid-terms, looking at 2024

trump mid-terms

Former President Donald Trump is focused on taking back the House and Senate next year’s mid-terms while keeping his options open for 2024. His comments come as President Joe Biden suffers disastrous ...

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Biden to cover 80% of world with ‘Do Not Travel’ warning

The Department of State will significantly increase the number of countries on its “Do Not Travel” advisory list to include 130 nations even as more people become vaccinated and Covid rates drop. ...

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Pro-life Democrats rally to protect Hyde Amendment

Pro-life Democrats rallied on Capitol Hill on Sunday to protest other Democrats’ threats to ditch the Hyde Amendment which bans the use of tax dollars to fund overseas abortion. Democrats for Life ...

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Christian agencies respond to arson attack on Rohingya refugees

Over 75,000 Rohingya refugees are homeless after arson fires in recent weeks have swept areas around their camps in Bangladesh. Thousands have been injured and many have been found dead. The police ...

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Biden, Major League Baseball criticized for lying about Georgia voting legislation

Major League Baseball has joined the cancel culture by moving this summer’s All-Star game from Georgia to Colorado to protest the state’s new voting rights law. Democrats say the law is restrictive ...

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U.S. to lift sanctions on Iran as regime continues enriching uranium

sanctions iran

President Joe Biden has reversed course and will lift sanctions on Iran put in place by the Trump administration. The sanctions have been credited with defunding the regime, the world’s largest sponsor ...

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One million illegal migrants by summer, warns Congressman

Illegal border crossings will hit one million by summer. That’s the assessment of the Biden border crisis given by Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) to ABC News on Sunday morning. “It’s going to ...

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Just when you thought it was safe, Meghan Markle may run for president

For any Americans who are not yet tired of Meghan Markle, rumors are circulating that she may run for president in 2024. One senior Labor Party figure — a veteran of Tony Blair‘s Downing ...

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Biden inauguration priest Rev. Kevin O’Brien under investigation at university

A priest who moves in the inner circles of the Biden family is on leave after he exhibited certain “behaviors in adult settings.” Rev. Kevin O’Brien is one of Joe Biden‘s confidants ...

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Republican governors respond to Biden’s ‘Neanderthal’ insult

Republican Gov. Greg Gianforte of Montana is fine with being called Neanderthal by President Biden. “If making data-driven decisions to reopen, loving freedom and trying to get back to normal is what ...

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State AGs respond to Biden cancelling sex offender crackdown

Across the nation, state Attorneys General are attempting to persade President Biden to reverse his decision to cancel Operation Talon, a nationwide operation to remove illegal immigrants who are convicted sex offenders. ...

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Biden reverses Trump ban on Communist influence on campuses

President Joe Biden has rescinded a Trump administration order that required universities in the U.S. to reveal their ties with a Communist organization. The move has human rights activists alarmed. President Trump ...

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Biden proposes state travel ban while increasing migrant entries

President Joe Biden is being called out for hypocrisy after he floated a ban on Americans traveling to Florida and other states over Covid fears.  The suggestion comes as his administration prepares ...

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Group pleads with Biden to stop Chinese genocide against Uyghur minority


A Uyghur group protesting Chinese treatment of minority religious populations is calling on President Joe Biden to act upon the Trump administration’s “genocide” designation against China.  The East Turkistan National Awakening Movement ...

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Left wants Franklin Graham fired over Trump support

Franklin Graham is again a target of the cancel culture. More than 22,000 people have signed a petition calling for Graham to be fired from his leading roles at the Christian humanitarian ...

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News Briefs: Biden and the power grid, Fauci’s salary, and Mars rocks

Here is our daily news briefs on headlines that matter. Today we cover the nation’s power grid, Mars, transgender sports, the salary of Dr. Fauci and more. Biden stops effort to prevent ...

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