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Tag Archives: joe biden

Group pleads with Biden to stop Chinese genocide against Uyghur minority


A Uyghur group protesting Chinese treatment of minority religious populations is calling on President Joe Biden to act upon the Trump administration’s “genocide” designation against China.  The East Turkistan National Awakening Movement ...

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Left wants Franklin Graham fired over Trump support

Franklin Graham is again a target of the cancel culture. More than 22,000 people have signed a petition calling for Graham to be fired from his leading roles at the Christian humanitarian ...

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News Briefs: Biden and the power grid, Fauci’s salary, and Mars rocks

Here is our daily news briefs on headlines that matter. Today we cover the nation’s power grid, Mars, transgender sports, the salary of Dr. Fauci and more. Biden stops effort to prevent ...

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Legislators move to safeguard Second Amendment rights in Missouri

Legislators from rural Missouri, concerned about potential impact of a Democrat administration on gun rights, introduced a Second Amendment Preservation Act. “Gun bans directly, magazine bans, attacks on private gun manufacturers, red ...

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Biden signs executive orders reversing Trump administration policies

Immediately after being inaugurated, President Joe Biden went to work signing dozens of executive orders reversing Trump administration policy. Biden wore a mask while seated behind the desk President Donald Trump had ...

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Cancel culture asks Rockhurst High School to condemn alumnus Josh Hawley

Rockhurst High School in Kansas City is being pressured to join the cancel culture over an alumnus. Critics of Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley are harassing the school, calling on it to speak ...

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Hawley will object to Electoral College vote for Biden, citing fraud and big tech

Missouri Senator Josh Hawley has announced he will object to the Electoral College vote for Joe Biden on Jan. 6.  Hawley made the announcement Wednesday in a tweet, noting the evidence he ...

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Biden makes ‘sweeping promises’ to fulfill LGBT agenda

Joe Biden has made “sweeping promises” to LGBT activists, the Associated Press is reporting. Biden plans to “carry out virtually every proposal” that LGBT activists have pushed for in recent years, Biden’s ...

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Fact-checker Politifact admits Biden NOT president-elect

politifact president-elect

A fact-checking website has admitted that Joe Biden is not president-elect. Politifact, a left-leaning site that media outlets, including Twitter and Facebook, rely on for “fact-checking,” had originally issued a “false” label ...

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KU Sorority student placed on probation due to political retweet gets national attention

Katherine Lauer

Recently, University of Kansas sophomore Katherine Lauer re-tweeted a political tweet posted by a conservative political pundit. The response to the retweet was being placed on probation from the Kappa Alpha Theta ...

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Ted Cruz slams Twitter CEO: “Who the hell elected you” to censor news?

cruz twitter

Polls show that Americans are alarmed by bias and censorship from social media companies like Facebook and Twitter. Senator Ted Cruz led leaders in the Senate in grilling the CEOs of Facebook, ...

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Jewish groups demand Biden apologize for comparing Trump to infamous Nazi

biden goebbels

Jewish groups are demanding Joe Biden apologize for comparing President Donald Trump to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels. “The rule in debate is that if your only argument is to call your opponent a ...

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Catholics mobilize with $10 million to defeat Joe Biden

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is courting voters of faith despite policies that go against key teachings of his fellow Catholics. Now a Catholic group is launching a multimillion-dollar effort to educate ...

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Mike Pence shares he was once a Democrat but left over pro-life issues

The upcoming presidential election is critical for the pro-life movement, Vice President Mike Pence said. He said the pro-life cause is “winning in America” and that the nation is on the cusp ...

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Condoleezza Rice calls out liberals for racial assumptions about black Americans

Liberals are wrong to assume they know how African Americans will think and act, said Condoleezza Rice, former secretary of state. Rice, the first black American to serve in that position, talked ...

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‘Do more than vote,’ Kansans for Life tells pro-life voters as it endorses Trump

Kansans for Life (KFL) has given President Donald Trump the most enthusiastic endorsement one can get.  But the organization says those who have pro-life views need to up their game this year ...

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Is President Trump a white supremacist and racist?

This past Saturday, after President Trump’s Tulsa rally did not draw the expected capacity crowd,  (it broke cable broadcast records) Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, of New York’s 14th congressional district in NYC, tweeted, ...

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The 1st VP of color was elected over 90 years ago; he was a Kansas Republican

Kansas Republican

There has been a lot of talk this year about people of color running for President or Vice President. But a Kansas Republican was first to have that honor. A recent Washington Examiner article ...

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Family honors memory of George Floyd at ‘homegoing’

George Floyd’s was remembered as a “Superman” by family members at a homegoing service punctuated by spirited praise and worship and a good dose of politics inside Fountain of Praise Church in ...

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Rising optimism about economy bad news for Democrats in November

Americans are famous for their optimism. What does that foretell for the economy and the 2020 election as the nation opens back up? The New York Times recently ran a piece declaring ...

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Most Americans don’t see Democratic candidates as very religious


Religion has been a topic of conversation during the Democratic presidential primary, and some candidates have pointed out how their religious beliefs have shaped their political positions. But Americans don’t consider the Democratic candidates ...

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Josh Hawley agrees with Marco Rubio that Bernie Sanders is a Marxist

Many political observers and pundits are calling Tuesday night’s Democrat debate a train wreck. From Joe Biden claiming 150 million Americans have been murdered, Bernie Sanders defending a Marxist regime to Michael ...

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South Carolina church denies communion to Joe Biden because of support for abortion

biden communion

“’I’m personally opposed to abortion but would never impose my views on someone else” has been a popular position among many politicians concerned about upsetting potential supporters. Straddling the fence is not ...

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Kansas politicians weigh in on impeachment inquiry

The Democrats’ impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump is moving pretty quickly. How is it affecting politics in Kansas, and how are Kansas politicians responding? Sen. Pat Roberts dismissed the impeachment inquiry as ...

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Biden campaign demands news networks ignore Rudi Giuliani and his focus on Hunter Biden

Former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign is demanding media networks not invite President Donald Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani on their news programs. Biden’s 2020 campaign sent the letter Sept. 29 to networks ...

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