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Tag Archives: kenya

News Briefs: Denmark taxes cow farts; Squad member defeated; Kenyan police in Haiti

cow farts

Today’s news briefs include Denmark taxing cow and other livestock farts; Squad member and antisemite Jamaal Bowman defeated; International police force arrives in Haiti. Denmark to tax livestock farts Denmark will become ...

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News Briefs: McDonalds AI flops; MU student’s death: Kenyan tax riots

mu student

Today’s News Briefs: McDonalds scraps AI; Conservative Hungary to lead EU; Kenya bread riots; MU student’s coroner’s report revealed. McDonalds removes AI ordering from drive-thrus McDonald’s is removing artificial intelligence (AI) powered ...

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Biden LGBTQ policies could be alienating other nations

lgbtq nations

The Biden administration’s policy of coercing other nations to adopt its LGBTQ policies may be posing a threat to national security, Christian leaders warn. “Under the previous administration, religious freedom was a ...

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Christian agencies: Starvation at doorstep of seven million in East Africa

Seven million people across six countries in East Africa are on the brink of starvation. The disturbing news comes from numerous Christian agencies on the ground, including World Vision. This figure is ...

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Kenyan man loses all after refusing Muslim demands to renounce Jesus

After converting to Christianity, Yasin Bakari, a father of two living in coastal Kenya, fears that he will be killed. He heard the Gospel in March and was moved enough to abandon ...

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Can’t ‘hold it in’: Kenyan tribal chief brings Christ to his people, again

hold it in

Geoffrey Lekopir couldn’t “hold it in.” Already 42 years old when he came to Christ in 1999, he wanted his fellow Rendille tribe members to hear the gospel and know the love ...

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Muslim bus driver saves Christians from terrorist ambush

Eight Christians owe their lives to a muslim bus driver who sped away from Islamic extremist group who were demanding he stop so they could execute his passengers. The amazing example of ...

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Christian construction workers in Kenya saved by Muslim neighbors

A recent incident where Muslims helped Christians avoid being murdered by a jihadist group is finally being told. The Christians, who were working at a government hospital construction site in Kutulo, Kenya, escaped ...

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Illegal immigrant arrested in murder of 12 elderly women while police look at 750 other deaths

Dallas police have arrested an illegal immigrant from Kenya in connection with the serial murders of at least 12 elderly women while investigators look at 720 additional deaths. He had previously been ...

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Refugees in Kenya run for peace

KAJIADO, Kenya—In 2002, at age 9, James Nyang was to be taken as a child soldier so he could fight for his clan in South Sudan. It was his family’s turn to ...

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Kenyan bus passengers killed over Islamic statement of faith


Some horrific news is emerging out of Kenya after two Christian bus passengers were murdered in cold blood by militants belonging to Islamic terror group Al-Shabaab. According to International Christian Concern, last weekend a ...

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Christians working to save disabled Kenyan children left outside to be eaten by animals

With disabled children being abandoned and left to be eaten by wild animals by their own parents in Kenya, a Christian ministry has taken them under its care and is stressing that everyone is ...

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Severe drought leads starving Kenyans to church

MATUU, Kenya — When her pantry runs dry, Agnes Mwikali walks down a dusty road to a local church mission. There, beyond the metal gate and the church garden where the crops ...

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Muslims Shield Christians in Bus Attack

NAIROBI, Kenya — Christian leaders have hailed as an act of bravery and selflessness the shielding of some Christians by Muslims after suspected al-Shabab gunmen in Mandera County ambushed a passenger bus. ...

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