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Tag Archives: likud

Netanyahu will not work with Islamist party, instead seek direct election

Israel still doesn’t have a leader a month after its fourth election in two years. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu now says he will seek a direct election for prime minister instead of ...

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Benjamin Netanyahu wins his biggest victory ever in Israel’s fourth election in two years

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has secured his largest-ever electoral victory over his rivals after the fourth attempt in two years to unseat him.  Netanyahu’s Likud party is currently leading as the largest ...

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Israel goes to the polls, will Netanyahu survive?

Israel is at the polls for a historic fourth time in just two years today capping what many hope is the end to a tumultuous political era. The Middle East’s only democracy ...

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Israel could face new election if budget deal fails

Israel is heading toward more political turmoil as lawmakers look like they’ll fail to compromise on a new budget. The collapse of the government will mean another election in the spring. If ...

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Runner-up Gantz tasked with forming government in Israel

JERUSALEM, Israel – Israeli President Reuven Rivlin has asked Blue and White Party leader Benny Gantz to form a government. The decision throws into question Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s political future ...

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Exit polls show Netanyahu with big win

Israel polling stations have closed and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Likud party are set to become the largest party in the tiny nation. Exit polls show Likud gained seats on ...

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Netanyahu expected to win Likud Party election

Likud voters streamed to polls across Israel Thursday deciding to keep Netanyahu or go with a younger and rising young leader. At 9:00 a.m., 106 polling stations opened to handle the 116,048 ...

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Israel headed toward March 2 election if no coalition formed

Is Israel headed towards another historic election – the third in less than a year? That’s the plan as Israel’s two biggest parties agreed on a March 2 election date, barring a last-minute power-sharing ...

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After Netanyahu fails to form coalition, task falls to his bitter rival Gantz

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has announced he cannot muster the votes to form a coalition and returned the mandate to Israeli President Reuven Rivlin. Now, Blue and White party leader and ...

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Netanyahu given green light to form ruling majority

As Metro Voice returned from Israel on Tuesday with 32 tour guests, Israeli President Reuven Rivlin was giving Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the opportunity to form a new government. The country has ...

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