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Tag Archives: new york

Names of hundreds of ‘Covid snitches’ released to public under sunshine law

Across the nation, local and state governments have been encouraging the public to turn in their neighbors and family for not following social-distancing and other coronavirus rules. The practice is particularly widespread ...

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And stay out! Councilman says Samaritan’s Purse must leave New York City

leave new york

In his farewell address to the city at his Flushing Meadows crusade in 2005, the Rev. Billy Graham said, “I will be praying for New York every day when I leave here ...

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President Trump redirects part of WHO funding to Samaritan’s Purse

Samaritan’s Purse will receive part of the money originally earmarked for the World Health Organization. President Donald Trump halted funding to the WHO earlier this month after arguing that the U.N. body ...

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Attorney General William Barr opposes Mayor de Blasio plan to shutter churches

Easter weekend underscored the tensions between the authority of the government to quarantine citizens and constitutional rights of freedom of worship and assembly. U.S. Attorney General William Barr supports religious organizations and ...

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Seeking Comfort in the storm

The USNS Comfort arrived March 30 at the front lines of the coronavirus outbreak in the United States, bringing a message of hope and comfort to New Yorkers and all Americans in the midst of ...

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Trump campaign donates meals to hardest-hit areas

trump meals

President Trump’s election campaign is anonymously donating meals to hospitals in areas that are the hardest hit by the coronavirus outbreak. It has been placing orders with local restaurants in New York, ...

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Chart of current coronavirus cases and deaths in U.S.

cases deaths

Here’s the current number of coronavirus cases and deaths across the United States. As of March 28. USA State Total Cases New Cases Total Deaths New Deaths Active Cases Source New York ...

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US Military deploys 200 troops to New York

President Donald Trump is deploying more than 200 military troops to New York. Medical personnel from the 531st Hospital Center at Ft. Campbell, Kentucky, will arrive in the city Thursday to assist ...

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Here’s some good news: God still cares

good news pandemic

It’s easy to focus on what is wrong right now. Yet, God is not sitting on the sidelines. He is at work, as He always is, showing mercy and granting help. So, ...

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Navy will deploy hospital ships to New York, Los Angeles

The U.S. Navy is deploying two hospital ships on the orders of President Trump. During the remainder of the coronavirus crisis, the ships will be moored off Los Angeles and New York ...

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Mayor Bloomberg banned churches from using public buildings

Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg helped evict churches from meeting in public places when he was mayor of New York City, according to a former Barack Obama staff member. The controversy involved dozens of ...

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New York sued over policy requiring pro-abortion hires at pro-life clinics

A pro-life crisis pregnancy center in New York has filed religious discrimination lawsuits in federal court. Their goal is to block two laws that force nonprofit groups and religious organizations in New ...

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New Yorkers banned from future Global Entry passport participation

New Yorkers applying for the Global Entry program and other trusted traveler programs have a new reality. They’re no longer considered “trusted.” That’s because the Department of Homeland Security is suspending enrollment ...

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Thousands of Jews and Christians rally in New York to protest rising anti-Semitism

More than 25,000 people rallied in New York City on Sunday to support the Jewish community and speak out against rising anti-Semitism. The solidarity march included people from all backgrounds. The rally ...

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Oakland City councilwoman: house homeless on cruise ships

Should cruise ships now host the homeless? From New York to Los Angeles to San Francisco, streets are filled with human excrement, drug needles, trash and stench as homelessness increases. Many are ...

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Trump becomes first president to attend Veterans Day Parade

You probably missed any mention of it in the news media this week. History was made during Veterans Day celebrations the nation’s largest city. Donald Trump became the first president to ever ...

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Pentecostal pastor in New York challenging Ocasio-Cortez for House seat

Although the 2020 presidential race dominates the headlines, it’s not the only race being contested next year. Every House seat in the 435 member chamber is being contested. A Hispanic pastor and ...

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Citizen Donald Trump joins 1 million fleeing New York region

U.S. President Donald Trump has officially changed his official residence and is leaving the high-tax state of New York. Trump confirmed news reports in a series of tweets, saying he has decided ...

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Orrick, Mo., church members lose thousands in gold purchase scam


Jesus told his followers to be as wise as serpents. Sometimes, those serpents are selling gold. A man in Orrick, Mo., which is about 30 miles from Kansas City, is charged with ...

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NYC will fine you $250G for saying ‘illegal alien’

The propaganda, surveillance, and censorship of Big Brother in George Orwell’s novel “1984” has now arrived in New York. The city’s Commission on Human Rights recently released new legal enforcement guidelines that ban the ...

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President Trump to focus on religious freedom at UN

President Donald Trump is set to make the protection of religious freedom a key focus at next week’s United Nations meetings in New York. “The President will highlight American values and underscore that America is a positive ...

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New York Times makes bombshell retraction, corrects Kavanaugh story

The nation’s leading newspaper has been forced to make a major retraction and correction after publishing a story that misled readers about Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. The New York Times’ article ...

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Son of Osama Bin Laden is dead

The son of infamous terrorist Osama bin Laden is dead, President Donald Trump confirmed on Sept. 14. Reports that Hamza bin Laden was killed emerged on July 31 but had gone uncorroborated ...

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America remembers 9/11 attacks

Americans commemorated 9/11 with solemn ceremonies and vows on September 11 to “never forget” 18 years after the deadliest terror attacks on American soil. A crowd of victims’ relatives assembled at ground ...

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21 prison inmates give lives to Christ during Hillsong, Prison Fellowship event


In early July, Hillsong NYC and Prison Fellowship combined efforts to lead a “night of hope” at Riker’s Island prison, in which they evangelized to the inmates at the prison. The evening, ...

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