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Tag Archives: palestinians

Biden administration defends Israel, rejects ‘apartheid’ label


In a move that some had doubts would happen, the Biden administration this week defended Israel by rejecting a one-sided report that labeled the Middle East’s only democracy as an “apartheid state.”  ...

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Israel lifts mask mandate, leads world in vaccinations

In the latest sign of Israel’s recovery from the pandemic, the government this week lifted its nationwide mask mandate. The news comes as the tiny nation continues to lead the world in ...

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Black Lives Matter is anti-Israel says Black Solidarity With Israel leader

anti-israel black

As the Black Lives Matter movement now aligns itself with radical anti-Israel groups, the head of a leading black organization that supports Israel is having none of it. On Tuesday the group ...

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Why an attempted coup in Jordan is ‘bad news’ for neighbor Israel

The arrest in Jordan of nearly 20 people, including former Crown Prince Hamza bin Hussein, in a coup attempt has led to fears over the stability of the strategic Arab state. Jordan, ...

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Palestinian Authority caught destroying remains of Joshua’s Altar

The Palestinian Authority is under fire after it purposely began destroying the remains of Joshua’s Altar on Mount Ebal. Archaeologists discovered the destruction of the compound when visiting the site late this ...

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Rep. Rashida Tlaib retweets phrase about eliminating of Israel

Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Minnesota on Sunday retweeted a phrase that is associated with calling for the elimination of Israel. StopAntisemitism.org highlighted the tweet that Tlaib retweeted, which stated: “From the ...

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Israeli demands apology for CNN host’s Holocaust remarks

CNN host Christiane Amanpour is under fire for remarks that many people in Israel say belittle Holocaust victims. The veteran reporter has a long history of misrepresenting facts on CNN. Amanpour compared ...

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Up to 10 more nations expected to normalize relations with Israel, Trump annoucnces

As many as 10 more nations will normalize relations with Israel after the election, President Donald Trump stated this week. “We have five, but really have probably nine or ten that are ...

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IN FOCUS: Arabs discover Israel is not the enemy

A growing number of Arabs, particularly those living in the Gulf, say they finally understand that Israel is not the enemy of the Muslims and Arabs. This change of heart manifested even ...

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Israel, Bahrain, UAE set to sign peace deals in White House

History will be made today as the UAE and Bahrain appear with Israel at the White House to sign normalization agreements. The meeting will be attended by ambassadors from America’s major partners ...

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Historic: Trump announces Israel and Bahrain peace agreement

Peace is breaking out across the Middle East, or so it would seem after a major development on Friday. President Donald Trump has announced details of a peace deal between Israel and Bahrain that ...

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Palestinians deal with new reality as more Arab nations move to Israel’s side

Palestinians authorities (PA) are a no longer feeling the love from Arab nations. The PA, which was brought to the dance by a dozen Arab nations, is sitting on the side as ...

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Speculation grows as to the next Arab nation to sign Israel peace deal

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told American news outlets last week that he has been speaking with leaders from Arab countries in addition to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) following the American-mediated peace deal ...

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As Arab world begins to side with Israel, Palestinians forced towards peace

Israel and Arab Palestinians may be moving closer to solving their conflict, especially as Arab nations seem to be lining up to normalize relations and sign peace treaties with the Jewish state. ...

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Jewish leaders criticize anti-Israel platform of Black Lives Matter

Liberal Jews who support Black Lives Matter have been surprised to learn that the organization is anti-Semitic and has an anti-Israel agenda, “The Washington Times” reported. The agenda, which is clearly laid ...

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More Palestinian citizens publicly supporting Israel annexation

Palestinians are now talking openly of  accepting the peace deal being offered by Israel. Tired of years of conflict, failed promises by their own leaders and increasing frustration by Arab countries, many ...

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Israeli Sovereignty Is the Key to Lasting Peace

sovereignty ramallah

Opinion: Sovereignty declaration over the Israeli heartland of Judea and Samaria could come as early as July 1. In the coming months, Israel is expected to apply its civilian law and administration ...

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Military will help Israel go to total lockdown

As the coronavirus pandemic spreads in Israel, its military (IDF) is preparing for a potential total lockdown. It would include a mobilization of eight battalions to aid authorities in enforcing the lockdown. ...

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Islamic state of Sudan moves to normalize relations with Israel

The Arab League on Saturday voted to “officially” oppose the peace plan put forth by the Trump administration. And while media outlets call the plan a failure, an announcement by Sudan about ...

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In amazing show of support, Arab nations send ambassadors to peace plan unveiling

Peace between Israel and Palestinians living in the Biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria, known as the West Bank, has been elusive for 75 years. On Tuesday President Donald Trump released a ...

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Nikki Haley: Tillerson tried to recruit me to ‘resist’ Trump

Nikki Haley, the former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, has revealed that Rex Tillerson and another senior adviser were working to destroy the president’s agenda and attempted to recruit her in ...

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Sen. Elizabeth Warren would punish Israel by withholding aid

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) has admitted she would punish America’s strongest ally in the Middle East. The presidential candidate said she would withhold aid from Israel over its support of Jewish communities ...

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Universities promoting Islam to students may lose taxpayer funds

After having been caught spreading lies and misinformation through a government-funded education program, Duke University and the University of North Carolina have run out of time to keep that program’s multi-million dollar ...

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US to unveil major peace plan after Israeli elections

The Trump administration has announced that the Israeli-Palestinian peace plan will be released after Israeli elections on Sept. 17. Trump stated that there have been “decades of hate” between Israelis and Palestinians ...

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Kushner heads back to Jerusalem for peace talks

Senior White House advisor Jared Kushner met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in Jerusalem on Wednesday after kicking off a major Middle East tour in Jordan and Saudi Arabia. US Envoy to ...

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