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Tag Archives: senate

Senate investigation: Hunter Biden connected to illegal Burisma dealings and prostitution ring

Hunter Biden, son of Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden, was involved in a number of illegal business dealings with foreign governments and Burisma, according to a report form a Senate Committee. The ...

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Tulsi Gabbard latest politician to join bi-partisan outcry over Netflix’s ‘Cuties’


Democrat Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard is joining the bipartisan movement of politicians condemning the controversial film “Cuties,” which debuted on Netflix last week. In a tweet posted Friday, Gabbard called the French movie ...

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Sen. Josh Hawley as Supreme Court nominee creates buzz

Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley appearing on a list of potential Supreme Court nominees continues to cause buzz across the country. President Donald Trump released the names as health concerns grow over Justice ...

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Mike Huckabee praises launch of National Association of Christian Legislators

A new association of Christian elected officials has gained the support of Mike Huckabee, former Arkansas governor and presidential candidate. The National Association of Christian Lawmakers (NACL), which was founded by Arkansas ...

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Ted Cruz asks US military to stop attacks on faith

Concerns about a culture of discrimination and hostility toward faith in the US Military have led Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) to demand an explanation from Defense Secretary Mark Esper. He sent the ...

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Trump may bypass Democrats, issue unemployment order; also require preexisting conditions to be covered by insurance

President Trump said on Friday he could sign executive orders within a week that would extend unemployment benefits that expired on July 31, and that he will also sign an executive order ...

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Kansas primary results prove to be a shocker

Tuesday’s Kansas primary election results have provided some surprises with one Republican Congressman being sent home. First term Congressman Steve Watkins lost the Republican primary in the 2nd District to Kansas State ...

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Republicans announce details of HEALS Act stimulus effort

As Democrats revive Congressional hearings over the now debunked Russian collusion theory, Senate Republicans have finished a second stimulus plan to nurture the economic expansion. The proposal aims to stimulate the economy ...

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Reaping billions for his company, Hunter Biden also got Secret Service protection

In another bombshell dealing with the Obama administration and Hunter Biden, newly released records detail it was given an official stamp. Judicial Watch announced Tuesday it received records from the U.S. Secret Service ...

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‘Getting away with murder’ Pelosi says of reform bill written by African-American GOP Senator

Senate Democrats blocked a police reform bill Wednesday, calling on the African-American Senator who wrote it to start over. Democrat House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi has refused to apologize for stating “So ...

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Ted Cruz aims to stop Communist Chinese propaganda from Mexican radio station

cruz communist propaganda

US citizens are hearing Communist propaganda beamed from a radio station in Mexico that the Chinese Communist Party bought in 2018. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) plans to introduce a measure that would plug ...

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‘Better call Bob’ Hamilton running as a conservative for U.S. Senate, but tweets show something else


“Better call Bob” is a familiar phrase to people living in the Kansas City metro. The line is from commercials promoting Bob Hamilton – a plumbing, heating and air-conditioning repair company. Now ...

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Deal reached on Senate coronavirus bill

U.S. Senate leaders and the White House reached an agreement on a $2 trillion relief bill amid the COVID-19 pandemic, White House official Eric Ueland said shortly after midnight on Wednesday. “Ladies ...

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Missouri lawmakers argue over funding for coronavirus response

missouri coronavirus schools, red zone, missouri

Missouri lawmakers are sparring over an emergency spending plan passed by the House. The plan includes $33 million in federal funds and also frees up another $7 million in state funding that ...

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Communist China controls 80% of American drugs

china drugs

China this week implied it could hold the United States hostage over its control of drugs that millions of Americans depend on. The startling threat was met with anger by both Republicans ...

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Missouri bill to give private and public schools same minimum wage exemption

The Missouri House this week passed a bill that would exempt religious and private schools from the state’s minimum-wage law. In 2018, Missouri voters approved incrementally raising the state’s minimum wage to ...

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Mitch McConnell on reshaping the courts and pro-life legislation: ‘Leave no vacancy behind’


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is speaking out about the courts after two major pro-life bills failed to break through filibusters on the Senate floor this week. Even though neither the ...

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Senate Democrats vote down born alive protections for babies that survive abortion

This week the US Senate voted on two major pieces of pro-life legislation: The Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act and the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protections Act. In both instances Democrats moved ...

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Kobach opens huge lead over nearest rivals for U.S. Senate in Kansas

kobach kansas ix

A new poll shows Kris Kobach has opened a wide lead in the Kansas Republican primary for U.S. Senate. The November election will replace retiring Senator Pat Roberts. Kobach, who is the ...

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Coronavirus expected to surge in U.S. in coming weeks

coronavirus US

Just days after the U.S. government announced it has designated 10 quarantine centers across the country, leading health experts warned on Feb. 12 that the United States will likely soon see thousands ...

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Acquitted: Two-year impeachment saga over

President Trump today spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast just 14 hours after he scored a victory in the drawn out impeachment battle. The Senate voted largely among party lines Wednesday to ...

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House & Senate committees recommend state constitutional amendment

constitutional amendment

Interest was high at the Legislative hearing discussing the “Value Them Both” pro-life constitutional amendment to the Kansas State Constitution.  A recent Kansas House and Senate Federal and State Affairs Joint Committee ...

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Harvard law professor Dershowitz says Democrats failed to make their case


Respected Democrat and Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz, a liberal, said Sunday that he believes Democrat House managers failed the standard needed to convict President Donald Trump in the Senate’s impeachment trial. “Even ...

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University of Missouri ends relationship with Confucius Institute


The University of Missouri is cutting ties with the controversial Confucius Institute. Republican Sen. Josh Hawley has been critical of the relationship, the Columbia Daily Tribune reported. “These Confucius Institutes are, in ...

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Senators introduce bills to limit President’s ability to respond to threats

Democrats in Congress are pushing bills to limit the President’s ability to quickly respond to threats using the military, saying it should not be used in countering Iranian attacks. The latest Senate ...

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