Senator Cramer defends election lawsuits as ‘appropriate,’ constitutional

U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND) is defending the Trump campaign’s election litigation saying it is appropriate and following a constitutional process. Several lawsuits are making their way through the courts on the ...

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U.S. Supreme Court hears case that may have significant impact on religious liberty

Although it was largely overshadowed by the election, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments on Wednesday in a case regarding a Catholic foster care agency that refuses to compromise its religious ...

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Satanic Temple asks Supreme Court to disqualify Amy Coney Barret in case

barrett satanic

The Satanic Temple has filed a motion asking the Supreme Court to disqualify Justice Amy Coney Barrett from ruling on its lawsuit challenging Missouri’s abortion laws. The satanists claim the state discriminates ...

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Girl Scouts delete post congratulating Amy Coney Barrett

scouts barrett

The Girls Scouts quickly deleted a social media post that congratulated Justice Amy Coney Barrett for becoming one of only five women in U.S. history to be appointed to the Supreme Court. ...

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Court rules Pennsylvania ballot signatures don’t need to match records

Voter integrity groups and Republicans are crying foul after the Democrat-controlled Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that counties cannot reject ballots in which signatures do not match the registration form.  The signatures rule ...

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Biden says he’ll create commission to ‘reform’ Supreme Court

biden court

Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden finally announced his plans for the future of the court system on Thursday morning. “If elected, what I will do is I’ll put together a national commission ...

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Democrats to boycott today’s vote on Amy Coney Barrett

opening statement

Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee have announced they will boycott Thursday’s committee vote on Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett. In an attempt to block the process, Democrat Senators will instead ...

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Iowa Supreme Court blocks Democrats from altering absentee ballot applications

The Iowa Supreme Court has upheld a law that protected the integrity of absentee voting applications after Democrats sued to overturn it. Democrat county election auditors in the state wanted one thing ...

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Roe not a ‘super precedent’ that can’t be overturned, Coney Barrett says

opening statement

The Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion is not a “super precedent” that’ can’t be overturned, Amy Coney Barrett said during Senate confirmation hearings. Barrett made the comments to Democrat Sen. Amy ...

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Amy Coney Barrett attacked for using ‘sexual preference’ as dictionary changes definition

barrett preference

Political correctness is changing the language faster than most people can keep up with it. Amy Coney Barrett found this out during her confirmation hearings when she used the word “preference” instead ...

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Voter Guide: Kansas Judges

For many Kansas voters, the most difficult offices to vote for are “the judges.” From the State Supreme Court to your local District Court, there is little information to assist the voter, unless you ...

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Bus tour supporting Amy Coney Barrett has Kansas City, Springfield stops next week

barrett tour

A nationwide-wide bus tour in support of Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett will stop in Kansas City Oct. 20 and 21. The Women for Amy tour is sponsored by Concerned Women ...

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Amy Coney Barrett’s opening statement

opening statement

WASHINGTON – Before Judge Amy Coney Barrett‘s confirmation hearing in the US Senate, she released a copy of her opening statement. Statement: Chairman Graham, Ranking Member Feinstein, and Members of the Committee: ...

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Associated Press adopts Democrat talking points on ‘court packing’

court packing

Newspapers and other media outlets are being criticized for using the talking points of Democrats in their reporting of the hearings for Amy Coney Barrett. They’re being led by the Associated Press, ...

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Democrats fearful about attacking Barrett’s faith during confirmation

Democrats courting Christian voters are now wary of using faith as a weapon against Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett, whose confirmation hearings are taking place this week, according to ABC News. ...

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Judges on Missouri’s ballot for the Nov. 3 election

Ask any voter what the most frustrating item on a ballot is and they almost always say “the judges.” From the State Supreme Court to your local Circuit Court, there is little ...

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Supreme Court unanimously strikes down efforts to ditch witnesses on absentee ballots

mail-in integrity court

The U.S. Supreme Court this week blocked attempts in South Carolina to do away with witnesses for absentee ballots. The nation’s highest court blocked a lower federal judge’s injunction that eliminated South Carolina’s ...

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Biden says he would make abortion ‘law of the land’

biden abortion

Democrat candidate Joe Biden is now pledging to pass a nationwide law to make abortion a permanent legal right. He says that would be his response if the Supreme Court were to ...

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Justices Thomas and Alito criticize Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage


The opening day of the new Supreme Court session had a few fireworks. Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito criticized the decision to turn down a case involving a county clerk who ...

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Several cases of interest to Christians on agenda as new Supreme Court term begins

The U.S. Supreme Court by tradition starts its new term on the first Monday in October. While awaiting the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett, several religious rights cases are on this year’s ...

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Michigan Supreme Court strikes down Governor’s ‘unconstitutional’ lockdown


In a ruling that could set a precedent for other states, the Supreme Court in Michigan has dealt a blow to the states Democrat governor and “emergency powers” law restricting businesses, churches ...

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Here’s how evangelical and other voters faith are lining up this year

President Trump’s lead among evangelical voters is larger than it was in 2016, according to a recent survey from LifeWay Research. The news comes as some pundits say the Democrat effort to ...

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Sen. Blackburn calls on all women to support Supreme Court nominee

Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) joined other female senators on Wednesday calling on American women to support Amy Coney Barrett. If confirmed to the Supreme Court, Amy Coney Barrett will become the fifth woman ...

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‘Exhausting’: Trump and Biden debate covid, economy and Hunter Biden

biden debate

For many who watched last night’s Trump-Biden Presidential debate, they left the television feeling exhausted. President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden confronted each other on a wide range of topics with Fox ...

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Here’s what Christian leaders are saying about the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett

Christian leaders overwhelmingly support President Trump’s decision to appoint Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court. This is what several of them had to say. “This is a great day for ...

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