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Tag Archives: synagogues

News Briefs: Supreme Court rulings; Terrorist attack on Russian churches & synagogues

supreme terrorist

Today’s news briefs include a terrorist attack on Russian churches and synagogues; Major Supreme Court rulings expected; Teamsters head to speak at GOP Convention; Foreer 21 struggles. Terrorists attack churches and synagogues ...

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Missouri may join states allowing guns in churches

churches guns

After numerous armed attacks on unarmed congregations across the nation, more states are dropping the ban on legally carrying guns in a house of worship. A Missouri House subcommittee this week began ...

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How the sound of religion has changed in the pandemic


Things sound different in a lockdown. The silence of usually bustling streets, the two-tone whirr of ambulance sirens and the sudden awareness of birdsong, all formed an aural backdrop to the coronavirus ...

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Jewish leaders criticize anti-Israel platform of Black Lives Matter

Liberal Jews who support Black Lives Matter have been surprised to learn that the organization is anti-Semitic and has an anti-Israel agenda, “The Washington Times” reported. The agenda, which is clearly laid ...

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President declares churches “essential” while questioning why liquor stores are allowed to open first

President Donald Trump sided with the nation’s houses of worship in their calls for governors and cities to allow them to freely worship. Trump called on all state governors to immediately reopen ...

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Jewish congregations adapt to new reality of online services

As most Christians transition to online services, traditional Jewish congregations also are adjusting to the new reality. Although many have livestreamed Shabbat services for years — mostly for the benefit of shut-ins ...

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U.S. government asks faith community for help

government church covid-19

The federal government is reaching out to faith communities this week, hoping that they can help to stop the physical spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus) and the accompanying fear that many are experiencing. ...

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