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Tag Archives: united nations

UN votes to support Hamas terrorism

The United Nations General Assembly acted in a way that supports terrorism Thursday as it voted down a US-sponsored draft resolution that would have condemned the terror group Hamas for the first ...

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Seventy-one years ago, the UN partitioned Palestine

Seventy-one years ago the United Nations passed Resolution 181 which called for the partition of British-ruled Palestine into a Jewish state and an Arab state (back then Jews living in the Holy ...

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US vetoes UN’s annual condemnation of Israel

The United States for the first time voted against an annual U.N. resolution condemning Israeli control over the Golan Heights at the world body. The decision by the United States to change ...

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100 caravan migrants kidnapped by traffickers

Human rights activists reported that 100 or more people who were traveling in the migrant caravan didn’t make it to Mexico City because they were kidnapped by human traffickers. The group climbed ...

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Here’s Trump’s speech creating the buzz at the UN

The President addressed the UN Tuesday and it is being called one of the most important of his administration. In our effort to bring you information unfiltered by the national media, here ...

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US is cutting funding to UN for Palestinians

With increasing radicalism within the Palestinian government, the Trump administration will cut all US funding to the United Nation’s aid program for Palestinian refugees, according to a report from Foreign Policy. The newspaper ...

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UN rushes through friend of dictators to lead human rights

The United Nations is being criticized by the United States after the General Assembly’s quick approval – without a vote – of Chilean former government official who has been a friend and ...

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Ambassador Nikki Haley cites Jesus for support of Israel

United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley delivered the keynote address before an audience of thousands at the Christians United for Israel Summit in DC Monday night. The crowd honored Haley with a standing ...

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Hamas forced into cease fire after Israeli response to rockets

Gaza’s terrorist Hamas rulers said Saturday they had accepted a cease-fire ending a massive Israeli onslaught on militant positions after an Israeli soldier was shot dead. The concession by Hamas, which has ...

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Samaritan’s Purse VP rejected by U.N. for migration leadership


The UN migration agency that influences policies around the world has rejected the Trump administration’s candidate to lead it. It’s just the second time since the agency’s founding in 1951 that an ...

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World Refugee Week highlights difference between displaced peoples

Who’s a refugee and who’s an immigrant? With much of the media’s attention focused on 1,450 families who remain split up after the parents illegally crossed the U.S. border, there’s much a ...

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