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HUD Secretary Ben Carson discusses fair housing at Governor’s Prayer Breakfast

Ben Carson, an outspoken Christian and secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, was the keynote speaker at the Governor’s Prayer Breakfast on Thursday in Jefferson City. He had ...

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Omar claims PTSD as video shows her laughing as 4,000 American military deaths discussed

Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, is facing backlash after claiming the killing of Iran’s top terrorist has given her PTSD. The Democrat from Minnesota made the stunning remarks during a news conference with other Democrats on ...

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Senators introduce bills to limit President’s ability to respond to threats

Democrats in Congress are pushing bills to limit the President’s ability to quickly respond to threats using the military, saying it should not be used in countering Iranian attacks. The latest Senate ...

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President Trump addresses nation about Iran and recent events

President Trump spoke to the American people today, and by default, the Iranian people, stating that the United States does not want war but will do what is necessary to protect the ...

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CNN settles in $275 million lawsuit brought by defamed student

A high school student, defamed by CNN on national television, has forced the cable company into a settlement after suing for $275 million. CNN chose to settle  the defamation lawsuit brought against it ...

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Oakland City councilwoman: house homeless on cruise ships

Should cruise ships now host the homeless? From New York to Los Angeles to San Francisco, streets are filled with human excrement, drug needles, trash and stench as homelessness increases. Many are ...

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While Democrats protest death of Soleimani, Pompeo shows videos of Iraqis celebrating

On Saturday thousands protested across the United States against the killing of Iranian Revolutionary Guard leader General Qassim Soleimani. Democrat Presidential Primary candidates denounced President Trump and the killing while Hollywood actors tweeted ...

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Remarks of the President on the killing of Qasim Soleimani

Here are the remarks of the president concerning the attack and killing of Iran’s top general Qasim Soleimani who was the orchestrator of terror across the Middle East and war with America’s allies. ...

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Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley seeks to dismiss articles of impeachment

Republican Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri, a former law professor at the University of Missouri, is not impressed with the way the Democrat House has handled partisan impeachment proceedings against President Trump. ...

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President repeals church ‘parking lot tax’

President Trump has signed the repeal of a tax law Congress passed that penalized churches and non-profits that had parking lots. The “parking lot tax” was an unintended aspect of the 2017 ...

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Learn how to code, Biden tells coal workers

Democrat presidential contender Joe Biden said that coal miners can learn how to code, drawing scorn and laughter from coal workers. On the campaign trail in Derry, New Hampshire, on Dec. 30, Biden said: “Anybody who can ...

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U.S. Senate confirms record number of conservative judges in 2019

The most lasting legacy of any president is the opportunity to reshape the nation’s courts. Federal judges are appointed for life and their impact lives on for generations. As the media reviews ...

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Church members credited for stopping further carnage of church shooting

church shooting

Authorities,  state officials and church leaders are praising the volunteer church security team who helped stop a mass shooting and noted that a state law passed earlier this year made clear that gun ...

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Hobby Lobby continues to share gospel through newspaper ads linked to website

Although daily newspaper readership is dwindling, Hobby Lobby continues to share the gospel effectively through print and online media. The retailer’s full-page Christmas message is appearing this week in newspapers across the ...

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Stock market continues historic surge to 29,000

The stock markets opened to another round of all-time highs on Friday morning as the Nasdaq Composite was on track for its 11th straight record close. Under President Trump’s re-ordering of world trade ...

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Actor Gary Sinise takes family members of fallen soldiers to Disney World


Actor Gary Sinise is making the holidays season brighter for the families of fallen soldiers. Sinise, known for his role as Lt. Dan in “Forrest Gump”, recently took family members on a ...

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Strong economy ends 2019 with the labor market leading the way

There’s not a record that the economy has not broken in 2019. From low black unemployment to rising wages within the labor market, the economy is finishing the year in stronger shape ...

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FISA Court rips FBI over lies that led to investigation, spying on Trump


Less than a week after Department of Justice Inspector General (IG) Michael Horowitz released his investigation detailing FBI misconduct in obtaining a FISA spy warrant on a Trump 2016 presidential campaign aide, the ...

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Post Office bans customized religious stamps

The post office doesn’t want your religious stamps. A graphic designer has filed a lawsuit against the United States Postal Service (USPS) alleging that the federal agency had violated the First Amendment when it barred ...

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Video surveillance footage in Epstein death now missing

Adding weight, some say, to theories that Jeffrey Epstein was murdered, prosecutors have revealed that crucial video evidence is now missing. The video footage from a surveillance camera outside the cell at ...

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Democrats impeach President but lose several members

In the first totally partisan impeachment vote in history, Democrats in the House of Representatives voted on Dec. 18 to impeach President Donald Trump. All of the Republicans voted against the resolution, marking ...

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Religious Freedom Commission member indicted for fraud and illegal contributions to Clinton campaign

A Democrat appointment to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) has been indicted for campaign fraud over his political donations. Andy Khajawa is accused of concealing $3.5 million in illegal ...

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So when does the new decade really begin?

As the world rings in 2020, the debate begins if we’re actually entering a new decade. Some say this decade ends on Dec. 31, 2019, and the start of the new one ...

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How exactly did the vote on articles of impeachment go down?

Judiciary impeachment

In a move meant to maximize the camera’s and public attention, Democrats on Thursday night gaveled the committee haring to a close without a vote on impeachment.  Democrat chairman Jerry Nadler of ...

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These House Democrats expected to defect in impeachment vote

democrats defect

As the House Judiciary Committee holds its impeachment vote on Thursday, Democrats are are counting how many of their members are expected to defect. Reports this week have listed those Democrat caucus members ...

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