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Supreme Court justice announces retirement giving President Trump his second pick

WASHINGTON — Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement Wednesday, giving President Donald Trump and Senate Republicans yet another opportunity to pick a conservative to sit on the high court for a ...

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Pro-life pregnancy centers win big at Supreme Court

WASHINGTON – Pro-life Californians scored a big win in the Supreme Court Tuesday. In a 5-4 ruling, justices decided a California law that forces pro-life pregnancy centers to advertise information about abortion ...

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Supreme Court upholds Trump travel ban on Islamic countries

WASHINGTON – In a stunning ruling that silenced many of his immigration opponents, the Supreme Court today ruled that President Trump has the legal authority to restrict travel for citizens of countries ...

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Teacher makes final request for backpacks full of school supplies at funeral


A Georgia teacher loved students so much she wanted to continue to serve them — even after her death. Tammy Waddell, an elementary school teacher for three decades in Forsyth County, Georgia, ...

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Even with misleading media images, public blames immigrant parents for crisis

Results of a new Rasmussen poll may leave the media a bit surprised. The extensive poll found a majority of Americans blame illegal immigrant parents for the child crisis on the border ...

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Supreme Court rules taxes can be required of online purchases


Shoppers could now pay sales tax when they make online purchases under a Supreme Court decision Thursday. The fact that many states could not charge sales tax on online purchases has long ...

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Trump ends Obama-era law of separating families at border

President Donald Trump has signed an executive order to bring an end to the Obama-era policy of separating families at the border. Trump signed the order flanked by Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and ...

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Patent becomes America’s 10 millionth invention


The United States issued its 10 millionth patent today. In a statement, the White House announced, “The inventor is Joseph Marron, a Raytheon employee who resides in Manhattan Beach, Calif.  The patent ...

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Star Trek is here: Space Force will become 6th branch of U.S. Military


With China and other nations rushing to bring their military power to space, President Donald Trump said on June 18 that he would be directing government departments to create a “Space Force” ...

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Pastor packing heat shoots and kills Walmart gunman

One of the armed citizens credited with taking out a carjacking suspect who went on a rampage in a Washington state Walmart parking lot Sunday reportedly is a pastor in the area. The 47-year-old ...

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‘America is a Christian Nation’ Billboards Removed; Cited as ‘Hateful’ and ‘Divisive’

First Baptist Church of Dallas was forced to take down two billboards advertising his upcoming sermon, “America is a Christian Nation.” Pastor Robert Jeffress says the day after the billboards went up, the Dallas ...

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Despite negative media, satisfaction with country reaches 12-year high

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Satisfaction of Americans with the direction of the nation is now back to the historical average of 37%, which was first measured in 1979. Thirty-eight percent of Americans are ...

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DOJ Watchdog report exposes FBI texts to interfere in 2016 election

WASHINGTON – A new 500-page report from the inspector general’s office concludes that former FBI Director James Comey and senior leaders were negligent in following Justice Department protocol during the investigation into ...

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Banning child sex robots finds unanimity in Congress

Democrats and Republicans may not agree on much these days but they did find 100 percent unanimity on one issue. The United States House has unanimously passed the CREEPER Act, a bill ...

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Pence speech at Baptist convention draws fire

As attention in and outside the Southern Baptist Convention has turned to the treatment of women and allegations of sexual harassment, last night’s speech by Vice President Mike Pence’s may have come as ...

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Supreme Court rules against Democrats as states move against voter fraud

fraud, mail-in

The Supreme Court ruled this week that states can clean up their voting rolls by removing voters who haven’t cast ballots in six years. The justices rejected, by a 5-4 vote Monday, ...

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Housing tax credits for ministers under attack


Between 61 and 81 percent of congregations—230,000 to 310,000 congregations—rely on housing allowances as a component of clergy compensation and thus face harm were the provision invalidated. A case that threatens to affect ...

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Porn acceptance at all-time high, growing among young

A new survey shows that acceptance of porn is increasing–especially among young men. In the survey, “More Americans Say Pornography Is Morally Acceptable,” Gallup reported that 43% of Americans “now believe pornography ...

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Motto ‘In God We Trust’ on currency upheld in court

The national motto, “In God We Trust,” is safe for now. A federal appeals court has rejected an atheist’s continued attempts to have the motto removed from American currency, concluding that the printed ...

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Admitted pedophile and white supremacist running against Republican congresswoman


Nathan Larson, a confessed pedophile and prospective congressional candidate in Virginia who once spent 16 months in prison for threatening to kill former President Barack Obama, says he now wants to legalize incest so ...

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Tuesday’s primaries show democrat “blue wave” not happening

The results in Tuesday’s primaries in eight states are an early indication that President Trump’s “America First” agenda and accomplishments are winning the support of the American people. This is good news ...

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500 days in, what has America gained under Trump?

President Donald Trump marked his 500th day in office this week with a celebratory message on Twitter pointing to a long list of achievements accomplished since he was inaugurated in January last ...

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American Bible Society asks staff to affirm Bible causing some to quit

The American Bible Society, which has been engaging people with God’s Word for over 200 years, has implemented a new employee policy that has prompted some of their staff to quit. The policy requires ...

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Google banning Jesus from church ads?


More evidence of Google restricting religious speech came to light today as the head of a Lutheran publishing house claimed Google will no longer accept advertisements related to the organization’s website “because ...

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Conservatives and liberals urge pardon of man you’ve never heard about

The president has a soft spot for those he deems have been treated unfairly, regardless of party lines. This week he issued a pardon to several people and is expected to pardon ...

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