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Eagles quarterbacks gather for prayer after big win

Hall of Fame coach Tony Dungy has revealed a private and prayerful gathering immediately following Monday night’s Super Bowl. According to a Twitter post made by Dungy, Philadelphia Eagles quarterbacks Nick Foles, ...

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Olympic games get special Bible app for free download

Museum of the Bible is inviting Olympic fans to learn about how the Bible — the best-selling, most influential book in history — has impacted the Olympic games and the athletes who ...

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My thoughts on Pat Robertson’s stroke this weekend

It was with sadness that I learned Dr. “Pat” Robertson, founder of the CBN television network suffered an embolic stroke on Friday.  A family member recognized the onset of symptoms and Dr. ...

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Publishing lessons of the past pave way for promising future


The Widamans reflect on 29 years of publishing. In the early 1990s, Dwight Widaman had never run a business, sold an ad or even owned a computer. He had something far more ...

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Volunteers bring Super Bowl celebration to homeless


  This Sunday, homeless guests in City Union Mission’s men’s emergency shelter, along with participants of the Citiy Union Mission’s long-term programs, will enjoy an evening of fun and fellowship during the ...

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Artifacts tell story of Jews fleeing to Shanghai


As the world prepares to mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day on Jan. 27, a recently unveiled exhibit at a Holocaust museum in Brooklyn tells the largely untold story of Eastern European religious ...

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Oprah’s ‘gospel’ | Entertainment mogul preaches ‘many paths’ to God

Oprah Winfrey is such a big star that we know her by one name, like Elvis, Madonna or Bono. She rules an entertainment empire worth nearly $1 billion. And she has a ...

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Bleeding Kansas Series Returns

Dramatic interpretations and talks about the violent territorial and civil war history of Kansas, from 1854-1865, will highlight the 2018 annual Bleeding Kansas series, which begins January 28. The programs are held ...

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Student wins first round in free speech fight

Federal judge rejects community college bid to dismiss challenge to campus speech restrictions. A Southern California community college student won the first round in his fight against Pierce College last week when ...

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Heritage Foundation says Trump’s first year better than Reagan

Some of his most ardent admirers compare President Donald Trump to Ronald Reagan. Others compare him to Richard Nixon. But where do the two presidents compare in action? The New York Times is reporting ...

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In video, Trump takes hard stance against funding Palestinians

President Trump, speaking in Davos, Switzerland this week at a world economic forum, met with Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and outlined changes for future Palestinian funding.

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Brownback approved to fight for religious rights

After a close vote, the Senate approved the nomination of Governor Sam Brownback (R-Kansas) to be the Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom, a job then-Senator Brownback was pivotal in creating ...

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Justice of the Missouri Supreme Court delivers address

Editor’s Note: Missouri  Chief Justice Zel M. Fischer delivered his state of the Judiciary address this week. Such speeches do not normally make for breathes reading. Metro Voice is printing the bulk ...

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God will carry us through the hard times

What the short life, and death, of our daughter taught us about God and ourselves. Allie Rose would have been 4 this year. She would be learning her letters, colors and Sunday ...

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Embassy move to Jerusalem set for 2019

Following through on a campaign promise that has eluded several presidents, Vice President Mike Pence announced that the U.S. embassy in Israel will move from Tel Aviv to Israel’s capitol of Jerusalem ...

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Dead Sea Scroll translation sheds light on festivals Jesus celebrated

Researchers at the world-renowned University of Haifa, Israel have completed the translation of one of the last two parts of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Dr. Eshbal Ratson and Prof. Jonathan Ben-Dov of ...

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USA Hockey player to take her faith to Olympics

USA Hockey’s Gigi Marvin Taking Faith and Strength of Jesus to 2018 Olympics. ‘It’s About Sharing Christ and Leading Others to Him’. KANSAS CITY, Mo.—For the U.S. athletes gearing up for the Olympic ...

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Forum offers $1 million to U.N. agency to change policies on refugees

The Middle East Forum announces a donation of one million dollars to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). After the U.S. Government partially ...

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Trump Holds Media Accountable with “awards”

Below are the winners of the 2017 Fake News Awards. For more read below.     1. The New York Times’ Paul Krugman claimed on the day of President Trump’s historic, landslide ...

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City Union Mission Issues Final Plea for Help


As they enter the homestretch of their largest annual fundraiser, City Union Mission officials are asking the community to help close the gap on their $6 million campaign goal through generous support. ...

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CWA of Kansas is on the move!

CWA of Kansas is part of Concerned Women for America (CWA).  CWA is the largest public policy women’s organization in the nation.  As an organization they are committed to conservative issues such ...

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The Dirty Dog moves to larger space

Added services will make it the premier dog care facility in the area After five years of long days building her own business – The Dirty Dog – Mandi Biester is moving ...

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Muslim militants kill man for cross tattoo

Militants belonging to the ‘State of Sinai’ group in Egypt have promised to “kill more Copts” after murdering a 27-year-old Coptic man because of the tattoo of a cross on his wrist. ...

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How Cheap Rotisserie Chickens Make Billions for Grocers

Eater.com reports that, while extremely inexpensive, rotisserie chickens you find at Costco and Walmart are priced to rake in billions in other sales at their stores. It’s hard to believe, but before ...

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How to cut the cable cord and save money this year

I’m all about saving money. I was raised by parents who never paid full price for anything and valued the “deal” more than the actual item being purchased. When people ask me ...

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