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Persecuted Church

Print On Demand is revolutionizing Wycliffe and Bible distribution

print on demand

In many parts of the world, giving out Bibles will get you tortured – or worse. That’s also true for Wycliffe Bible translators working to give people a Bible in their own ...

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Every day, at least 4 Nigerian Christians die for following Christ

“It has been so difficult. I am suffering with my children … you can’t stop remembering and feeling the pain,” states Victoria, a Nigerian Christian. For Victoria, that pain began the day ...

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Good news for Sudan’s Christians and their churches

Sudan’s transitional government has abolished committees formed under the Islamist regime of former President Omar al-Bashir that were used to take over hundreds of churches and other Christian property. Nasreldin Mofreh, Sudan’s Minister ...

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Nigerians mourn 350 Christians killed since January 1

Christian Nigerians have buried 350 of their fellow church-goers just in the first two months of 2020. The Nigerian Civil Society Organization reports that’s how many Christian believers have been murdered across ...

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Iranian Christian faces deportation back to Iran after failing Bible quiz

iranian deportation

After missing several questions on a Bible quiz administered by a British judge, an Iranian Christian faces deportation and possible torture. The 38-year-old Christian convert’s appeal was earlier rejected because he wasn’t ...

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Muslim Judge on kidnapped Christian girl: ‘Unable to treat Christians as Pakistani Citizens’

A Pakistan high court has handed down a ruling based on Islamic “sharia” law that says men in Pakistan can marry underage girls as long as they have had their first menstrual ...

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Chinese communists now banning Christian funerals

china funerals

Even in death, Chinese Christians are being humiliated as Communist authorities ban Christian funerals. According to a report in the Chinese watchdog organization Bitter Winter, communist officials are arresting family members and ...

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New Communist rules in effect Feb. 1 further strangle Chinese religious minorities


Christians and other religious groups will face “harsh” new rules Feb. 1 in China.  The regulations were announced in late 2019 and religious freedom advocates say they’ll further endanger followers of many ...

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Students talk to President about religious discrimination


While it was virtually ignored in the news this week, students, teachers, coaches and religious freedom activists with diverse faith backgrounds visited the White House to talk about religious discrimination and intimidation. ...

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Violence against Christians increasing around the world, Open Doors reports

open doors

Worldwide violence against Christians is on the rise, according to the Open Doors World Watch List released this week. Among the most shocking violence-related data disclosed was a report citing that more ...

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Nigerian Christian bride and bridesmaids killed on way to wedding


One of the cruelest and most horrific incidents of Nigerian Christians being attacked and murdered by Muslim extremists is coming to light. The latest news reveals the brutal murder of a woman ...

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Thirteen Nigerians murdered in latest attack on Christians

Thirteen Nigerian Christians are dead after a group of Fulani Muslim terrorists targeted their Christian village. The attack took place last week and news of the atrocity is just now making it ...

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World Evangelical Alliance equates US with Iran, gets pushback from Christians

Is the US the same as the rogue regime of Iran which kills thousands of its citizens each year? That’s seems to be the message from the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA). The ...

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New ‘loyalty’ crackdown on Chinese Christians

china loyalty

The new year rang in yet more new worries for Chinese Christians after the Chinese regime announced it will soon require all religious personnel of any faith to support total submission to ...

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United States cites top religious freedom violators moving into 2020

The State Department issued its latest designations of the world’s most serious violators of religious freedom, moving Sudan down to its next-tier watch list. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced the decisions ...

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2019 a sad year for Nigerian Christians as killings continue

Though the year’s not over, Nigerian Christians continue to die for their faith. A new report puts the number at over 1,000 followers of Christ having been killed by Islamic militants during ...

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Church resources available to highlight world’s persecuted believers

church persecuted

A billion Christians will celebrate Christmas this year in the comfort of their homes or their local church. But for half a billion persecuted Christians around the globe, Christmas could be a ...

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Street preacher beaten, robbed by Muslim men but he refused to convert to Islam

street preacher

Authorities in Norway are investigating the brutal beating, robbery and attempted forced conversion to Islam of a preacher whom four muslim men kidnapped while he was preaching and praying for the sick. ...

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Leading pastors join Open Doors in prayer for persecuted church

Open Doors ministry has launched a major prayer campaign for the persecuted church featuring more than 20 of America’s most influential pastors, teachers and ministry leaders. Each leader appears on video offering ...

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Over 30 churches attacked, clergy and members killed in rising unrest in Ethiopia

During the past two years since a young prime minister has taken over as the new leader of Ethiopia, more than 30 churches have been attacked with more than half of the ...

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Muslim bus driver saves Christians from terrorist ambush

Eight Christians owe their lives to a muslim bus driver who sped away from Islamic extremist group who were demanding he stop so they could execute his passengers. The amazing example of ...

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Ammar chose Christ, then his Muslim wife turned him in to be tortured

Ammar had the perfect life. He had a beautiful wife, two loving children, a successful career as a teacher, and he lived in a prominent city in Iraq. I’ve changed Ammar’s name ...

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Wife of American pastor arrested in India says his only crime is living for Jesus

pastor india

An American pastor from Tennessee is stranded in India after being arrested as he attempted to travel home to the United States. Bryan Nerren, leader of the International House of Prayer Ministries in ...

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Communist officials remove Chinese worshippers then destroy church

While NBA players like LeBron James defend China’s crackdown on pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong, authorities in China have forcibly removed Christians then bulldozed their church. The atrocity also included the arrest of ...

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Muslim Algerian government shocked as Muslims organize to reopen closed Christian churches


Algerian Christians are dealing with the shock of their country’s largest churches being closed by the Muslim government that continues a brutal crackdown on a number of Christian communities. But one thing ...

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