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Kindergarten teacher Sayragul Sauytbay survived a Chinese concentration camp


It is difficult to comprehend the horrors taking place in China against its minority ethnic and religious populations. Now, a survivor of one of China‘s modern-day concentration camps has revealed the beatings, ...

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New Israeli coalition formed to end Netanyahu and 12 year run

Israel will have a new government after multiple parties formed a new coalition on Wednesday. The union means enough votes in the country’s Knesset to replace Benjamin Netanyahu as Prime Minister. A ...

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Bill Maher slams media over vilifying Israel in Hamas conflict

Real Time host Bill Maher criticized “liberal media” over coverage of the recent conflict between Israel and Hamas-controlled Gaza. The well-known Democrat stated that news reports were “oneo-sided” and the side reporters ...

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Another Christian commentator banned by Facebook


If you live outside of Australia, you might not be familiar with the Bill Muehlenberg, a well-knownn Christian cultural commentator. But he is undoubtedly one of the most prolific, learned, insightful, and ...

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Canadian pastors say continuing church closures are ‘soft totalitarianism”

As Canadian churches remain closed or under severe Covid restrictions many pastors see Christianity crumbling. While Covid regulations are the current reason, the country’s government has become increasingly hostile to faith in ...

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Kidney of Jewish man killed by Palestinian mob saves life of Arab woman

The old saying that we all bleed the same blood was never more true than this week in Israel. A Jewish man killed by a Palestinian mob has given life to an ...

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Palestinians want Jews banned from the Temple Mount

Jews will be banned from the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism, if Palestinian ceasefire demands are met. Jordanian and Egyptian foreign ministers Tuesday were given the demands by Palestinian Authority ...

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State Department memo directs embassies to display BLM flag

The U.S. State Department is being criticized after it issued a memo directing American embassies to fly the Black Lives Matter flag.U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken gave the directive to U.S. ...

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Videos show brutal attacks on American Jews by Palestinian supporters

Videos posted to social media show shocking and brutal attacks on Jews across the United States and around the world. Civil liberty advocates are saying Palestinian supporters are bringing the Hamas war ...

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Bangladesh lifts Israel passport ban

i24 News – Bangladesh, the world’s third-most populous Muslim nation, announced Saturday that its new passports will no longer bear the words that the travel document is applicable for all countries “Except Israel.” ...

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Everything you need to know about Israel and Hamas and how it started

Israel is a country that everyone seems to have an opinion about. What’s unfortunate is that most form their opinions based on a headline, social media post or Facebook news feed that ...

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Millions of Christians worldwide will share their faith on ‘GO Day’

More than 50 million Christians worldwide are expected to share their faith on the 10th anniversary of GO Day on May 29. May is GO Month, and Christians have been sharing their faith ...

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To stop rocket movement, Israel destroys 60 miles of Hamas tunnels

hamas tunnels

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) revealed it destroyed more than 60 miles of underground tunnels in the Gaza Strip.  The complex tunnel system, built by the Islamist military wing of Hamas, is ...

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Olympics grant China ‘genocide waiver’ as boycott effort grows

china olympics genocide boycott

Boycott pressure is mounting on the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics to be canceled or moved over China’s genocide against minority populations. Fueling it is the revelation that the International Olympics Committee (IOC) ...

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Associated Press denies knowing they shared office with Hamas for 15 years

Overnight, Israel destroyed a building housing operations for the terrorist group Hamas. It also housed the offices of western news agencies, including the Associated Press. Israel warned reporters to leave the building ...

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France bans gender-neutral language in schools, blames American wokeness

France has banned the use of gender-neutral language in schools nationwide. The move comes as a backlash grows around the globe against efforts on the left to redefine biology and remove any ...

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Israel destroys Gaza headquarters of Hamas

Israel has destroyed the Gaza headquarters of the terrorist group Hamas. The Israeli Air Force (IAF) struck a number of targets in the Gaza Strip on Thursday that are critical for Hamas’ ...

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Biden policies seen as encouraging attacks on Israel

The Biden administration has come under withering criticism in the United States and Israel for its poor handling of the attacks on Israel and the general situation in the Middle East. On ...

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Israel responds after Hamas fires rockets at Jerusalem

The Israeli army reports that the chief of staff has called in troop reinforcements in the country’s south, as tensions continue to rise, despite international calls for a ceasefire. Israeli Defense Minister ...

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Church in India responds with love, compassion to Covid crisis

india covid

Although India was able to minimize COVID deaths in 2020, a second wave hit the nation early this year, with over 300,000 cases and more than 3,000 daily deaths. India has totaled ...

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Jerusalem nears 1 million as high tech moves to town

Jerusalem tech

Jerusalem isn’t the sleepy city built around tourism it once was. A new report finds that it remains Israel’s most populous metropolis and now competes with glitzy Tel Aviv for the high ...

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Watch and Pray: South Sudan

In this installment of “Watch and Pray” we look at South Sudan. column. No one can know for sure the total number of letters written by the Apostle Paul, likely in the ...

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Israel will welcome tourists in late May

pilgrimage, cathedrals, churches

The Israeli tourism in Israel will be open for business by late May. “We are starting the first pilot on the 23rd of May,” Tourism Minister Orit Farkash-Hacohen said. “It will take ...

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Stampede leaves 45 dead at religious festival in Israel

Israel is reeling from the death of at least 45 people during a stampede Friday morning at a Jewish religious festival in the northern part of the country. More than 150 were ...

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China releases new app for users to report ‘mistaken opinion’ of others

It’s getting so bad in China, some people may think it’s Silicon Valley. That’s the joke on social media over reports of the Communist regime’s new app for reporting the “mistaken opinion” ...

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