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Is Kim Jong Un afraid of Jesus?

Open Doors USA has explored the reasons why North Korean leader Kim Jong Un remains “afraid” of Christianity. Their findings go to the heart of people’s beliefs about Jesus. Sunday, November 4 ...

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Media ignores Guatemala’s arrest of 100 people linked to terrorists

This week President Trump came under fire from the media for statements he made about Islamic terrorists being arrested by Central American countries. The news came as a group of migrants swelled ...

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Shocking Image of migrants burning American flag

It’s not an image the nightly American news is showing but may indicate the intentions of at least some of those traveling in the migrant caravan. As the migrant army swells to ...

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Ukrainian Orthodox church split with Russia could turn violent

KIEV, Ukraine  — The rough-looking young men brought clubs and brass knuckles to the Pechersk Monastery in Kiev , one of Orthodox Christianity’s most important pilgrimage sites, apparently seeking to disrupt worship. Police spread-eagled ...

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Meet the Christian group that wants to turn you against Israel

Evangelical Christians are some of Israel’s biggest supporters in the United States. However, there is a movement to turn them against Israel and it’s coming from other Christians. For the first time ...

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GOOD NEWS: World poverty rates are dropping

Poverty rates around the world are falling dramatically, especially in the last few years but there’s still much work to be done. While the United States experiences record growth, global economic prospects ...

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Brownback: everyone can support religious freedom around the world

Sam Brownback is a diplomat, chosen by the Trump administration to travel the world promoting religious freedom. But he sometimes describes himself as a salesman, and he thinks he’s got a great ...

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Pastor released from Turkey kneels to pray with President Trump in the Oval Office

Pastor Andrew Brunson returned to the United States Saturday after two years of imprisonment and detention in Turkey, meeting with President Trump and taking the opportunity to pray with him. “From a ...

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Trump, Pompeo & Brownback convince Turkey to release Pastor Brunson

ISTANBUL, TURKEY – An evangelical American pastor held in Turkey on terrorism charges will be sent back to the U.S. following a hearing Friday in which a judge lifted his house arrest, ...

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Marco Rubio takes on Chinese over religious persecution

Senator Marco Rubio (R., Fla.) and Congressman Christopher Smith (R., N.J.) condemned the “unconscionable” persecution of religious minorities in China during a press conference Wednesday. The remarks followed the release of the ...

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Melania Trump tours former slavery outpost in Ghana on solo tour of Africa

Melania Trump visited a former slave trading fort in Ghana on Wednesday, the second day of the US first lady’s maiden solo tour of Africa promoting her children’s welfare program. Trump said she ...

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Seedy nightclub owner finds Christ–now brings fresh water to millions

A former nightclub promoter turned Christian humanitarian whose charity has helped bring fresh, clean water to over 8 million people has released a new book that he hopes will encourage more individuals ...

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US finally cancels 68-year-old Iran friendship treaty

When Iran took American embassy staff hostage in 1979, President Carter kept it. When Iran bombed a base in Lebanon that killed hundreds of Marines, Reagan kept it. When Iran bombed an ...

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Dozens of kids at Bible camp among earthquake dead

The number of dead from the massive Indonesian earthquake and tsunami has now reached at least 1,234 and it’s expected to rise into the thousands as rescue crews explore new hard-hit areas. ...

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Historic new trade deal with Canada reached

President Trump and his team have negotiated a victory for American manufacturers and farmers in a new trade deal with Canada. The announcement comes after Canada ultimately gave in to demands by ...

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Video shows powerful tsunami as death toll rises

The video shows the multi-story wave that hit this city. For those in its path it was a nightmare borne from the sea. Residents too afraid to sleep indoors camped out in ...

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Christians in Kurdistan hope democracy will prevail

The Christian minority in Iraqi Kurdistan is hoping for its “real” representatives to be voted into the Kurdish regional parliament September 30, reports Kurdish news service Rudaw. The presidential and parliamentary elections ...

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What’s good for the goose? Zuckerberg hacked


After deleting and censoring the accounts of conservatives and Christians, Facebook is about to get a dose of its own medicine. A Taiwanese “white hat” (good guy) hacker claims he’s hacked the ...

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How the Gospel reached the brutal Amazon “Skull Splitters” tribe


The warriors from the Skull Splitter tribe walked 10 days on foot from a village deep in the Amazon jungle because they wanted to find someone who would tell them about the ...

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Here’s Trump’s speech creating the buzz at the UN

The President addressed the UN Tuesday and it is being called one of the most important of his administration. In our effort to bring you information unfiltered by the national media, here ...

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Sick kids suffer most in socialist Venezuela

Sick kids are the first victims of Venezuela’s socialist economy shattering the nation’s health care system and the situation in the nation’s hospitals is heartbreaking. Families of patients dig through neighborhood garbage ...

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Kenyan bus passengers killed over Islamic statement of faith


Some horrific news is emerging out of Kenya after two Christian bus passengers were murdered in cold blood by militants belonging to Islamic terror group Al-Shabaab. According to International Christian Concern, last weekend a ...

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Refugees admitted to US to drop to near 2002 levels

The United States will reduce the number of refugees admitted into the country to 30,000 for next year. “We proposed resettling up to 30,000 refugees under the new refugee ceiling as well ...

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Kim seeks second summit with President Trump

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is calling for another meeting with President Donald Trump. Kim made the request in a letter that the White House describes as “very warm and pleasant.” ...

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British MPs want Franklin Graham banned

Franklin Graham should be banned from Britain, according to the country’s leading Muslim organization and some British MPs. Graham, the founder of the Samaritan’s Purse relief organization and son of famed evangelist ...

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